Hi guys! We have issue with CaseRatingFeedbackPage - in page we have just 2 radio button, 1 text area and 1 submit button. But page performance is so slow.

its how page looks:


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and it loads a lot of js files:

and it loads a lot of js files:


Thank you for sharing the details. Based on the provided information, here are a few key theories about what could be causing the performance issues on the CaseRatingFeedbackPage:

  1. Number of Requests:
    A high number of requests being triggered when the page loads or during user interaction can significantly impact performance. This could be related to customizations or additional scripts implemented on the page, which might introduce extra requests.
  2. Network Speed or Connection Issues:
    The fact that a small file (e.g., 33 KB) takes 2 seconds to load strongly indicates potential problems with the internet connection or network conditions. This delay could result from low bandwidth, high latency, or temporary connectivity issues.

    Recommended Next Steps:
  3. Analyze Requests and Customizations: Use a network monitoring tool (e.g., Chrome DevTools) to identify unnecessary or excessive requests. Pay particular attention to requests introduced by custom scripts or third-party dependencies.
  4. Check Network Conditions: Test the page performance under different network conditions to confirm if the issue persists with stable and high-speed internet.

    Best regards,

Anton Starikov,

Hi Anton, thanks for response. There is no any network/speed issue. In the network I see a lot of JS loading which initiator is "error-list-dialog.js". 
here is the added code to this page:

Kamran Mammadov,

The fact that the files are taking so long to download indicates a network problem. Could you please check this also?
Is the result the same with other networks?

Anton Starikov,

Yes, it comes as issue from business, so it tested in different environments/networks

For what it's worth, the CaseRatingFeedbackPage always loads horribly slow for me as well, even without customization to it. Even for cases with Creatio in their success portal, often the page doesn't even completely load.



A couple pages still needs some code optimization for performance. In general, load time is also very very sensitive to wifi quality I noticed, a whole much more than any other of our web apps we use.  

Lots of improvements happened last year, hopefully this trend of performance improvements will continue :). 


Thanks to all!

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Can anyone tell me what are the events that we can use to trigger a handler code other than "clicked" on a button? for example hover-over, dropdown clicked, etc.?

Please specify the events that are already supported by creatio or if they require some customization to make them work.

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Hello Ahmad,

There is no such official documentation. Each business task needs to be reviewed separately to find the perfect solution. 

As I understood from the question described, you may use dataSources to cover your task. Please check the article to find out more.

Additionally, you may read here about the Creatio front-end architecture. 


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why i get this error. i use update
... 0/odata/Contact(guid'123') to change number value

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The error you encountered, according to the analysis, was caused by the fact that the OData protocol takes some time to initialize. During this time, requests via the protocol may return an error. However, within 5 minutes of the request, the system successfully initialized the protocol.

Best regards, 

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I am having trouble testing OAuth 2.0 token retrieval.


In the documentation for retrieving an access token, an Identity Service URL is required. Earlier it states that you do not need to deploy an identity service if you are using Creatio in the cloud, but I haven't had any luck finding what it should be in this case in documentation, our account, or in other community questions.


What is the Identity Service URL for Creatio accounts in the cloud?

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Posted a duplicate by refreshing the page - tried deleting this so hopefully it will be gone soon. Feel free to ignore.


To work with OAuth 2.0, follow these steps:

1. Open the System Designer via settings.  

2. Navigate to the Import and Integration block → OAuth 2.0 Integrated Applications.  

3. Create a new record.  

4. After that, copy the following credentials:  
  - Client ID  
  - Client Secret  

5. Use Postman or any other platform convenient for working with APIs.  

6. Send a POST request to get tokens:  

POST https://website-is.creatio.com/connect/token

7. In the response, you will receive:  

 "access_token": "<TOKEN>",
 "expires_in": 3600,
 "token_type": "Bearer",
 "scope": "<SCOPE>"

  You will only need the access_token.  

8. Use the token to make the following request, for example:  

GET https://website.creatio.com/0/odata/Contact
Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

You will successfully retrieve the data.  

For more detailed information about working with OAuth, I recommend referring to the documentation:  

Best regards, 

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I am having trouble testing token retrieval via OAuth 2.0.


In the documentation for retrieving an access token, an Identity Service URL is required. Earlier, it states that you do not need to deploy an identity service if you are using Creatio in the cloud, but I see no reference to what the URL should be in this case and have had no luck finding it.


What is the Identity Service URL for Creatio in the cloud?

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it is in the system settings. Generally it is https://[instanceName]-is.creatio.com/connect/token


For example, if my instance is autos.creatio.com, the url would be https://autos-is.creatio.com/connect/token

it is in the system settings. Generally it is https://[instanceName]-is.creatio.com/connect/token


For example, if my instance is autos.creatio.com, the url would be https://autos-is.creatio.com/connect/token

Thank you! That's exactly what we needed.

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Hello Community,


We are trying to use Dynamic Case Management for displaying our stage process. However, since the business process involves a lot of stages (12 in total), the visual representation isn’t ideal. 


We attempted to organize the stages into columns and separate them into two headers ("Which column determines which case to use with a record?"), but this has resulted in unintended behavior, such as requiring manual confirmation for stage type changes (Header changes) upon modifying the column value and some bugs.


Has anyone encountered a similar situation, or have any workarounds for this case?

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You can try to create several cases (if you can split all your 12 stages of the process into several phases). 

Vladimir Sokolov,

We have tried to create several cases, it requires populating a start condition. The thing is that when the start condition changes based on the column value, it triggers unwanted behavior. The user need to manually confirm stage changes when the column value (start condition) is modified. 





What we expect is for the behavior to be consistent with how Dynamic Case Management (DCM) works in the "Normal" setup, where the UI immediately displays the stage changes when the column value is changed, even before the "Save" button is clicked.



About several cases: At this moment we have only manual replacement and our developer's researching the possibility to automatically switching cases in future releases.


For the main question about the size and visibility of different cases, you can use the "Group with another stage" functionality.


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Hello Creatio Community,


    I want to display Contact List in a dropdown. The Contacts should be dynamically filtered based on the Account selected in another dropdown on the same page, As Shown in below Image.

    When the user selects a particular Account, the Contact dropdown should update to display only the Contacts associated with that Account. Both fields Account and Contact are linked to Custom object in Creatio.

1. How can I dynamically filter the Contacts dropdown based on the selected Account?
2. Are there specific methods or best practices in Creatio Freedom UI for implementing such a dependency?


Thanks & Regards,

Ajay Kuthe.

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Unfortunately, the desired functionality cannot be implemented with user's methods. However, as a workaround, you can do the following:

1) Here is an example of the functionality you need. It describes how to filter dropdown values - https://customerfx.com/article/dynamically-filtering-a-lookup-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/
2) Another option: create a dropdown on the page where macro source is selected. Then create a filtering business rule that will filter values in the parameter based on the added dropdown value. 

We want to assure you that we have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application. 


Unfortunately, the desired functionality cannot be implemented with user's methods. However, as a workaround, you can do the following:

1) Here is an example of the functionality you need. It describes how to filter dropdown values - https://customerfx.com/article/dynamically-filtering-a-lookup-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/
2) Another option: create a dropdown on the page where macro source is selected. Then create a filtering business rule that will filter values in the parameter based on the added dropdown value. 

We want to assure you that we have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application. 

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I was wondering what approach you guys usually take to make testing more automated and faster inside creatio

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We recommend using development (dev) sites to test any development, including business processes. This approach enables you to identify and resolve potential errors in the developed functionality without impacting the production site, ensuring its stability and uninterrupted operation.

Best regards,

Sure, but assuming you reach a point where there many inter-related things and/or you're asked to add an small thing which could lead you to try every possible route in order to see if anything breaks, it takes time. So I as wondering if there is some kind of approach people take.


I was thinking of the possibility of using other business processes to simulate the actions of an user for unit testing. I haven't thought of it deeply, but an inmediate doubt that came to my mind was how could I recopile for example the results of a related process that was triggered by the testing process, or in general the results of a group of tests in a custom section


I don't know if another person has already done it

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how can I bind data by filter (like it was some years ago)?

I need to bind big part of data (combined filter between two dates and not containg specific text) and it is very difficult to click them manually. 


Kind regards,


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At this point, you are able to bind all data to data binding or add them manually. We do not have such functionality where data is binding due to a specific time filter. I will inform our RnD team to research the possibility of adding such functionality in the future.

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Hello community,


I want to remove the "No-Code Playbook" picture that appears by default on login page. Does anyone know how to do this?


Thanks in advance!

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You need to disable ShowWidgetOnLoginPage system setting in order to hide widget on the login page.

Best regards,


You need to disable ShowWidgetOnLoginPage system setting in order to hide widget on the login page.

Best regards,

Thanks, Pavlo. It worked!

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