Hello, colleagues. After generating a report, it is necessary to attach it as a file to the record, in the Files and links detail. The application from "customerfx" is not suitable. Here, it is necessary to automatically select the report form by pressing one button, etc. 

I ask for your help. Perhaps there is somewhere to look at the code. Or you can point to an article in the Academy, or something else.
As a last resort, I will analyze the principle of operation of the application from Ryan (customerfx").
Thank you all.

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Best reply

Not sure if I completely understand, however, if you're wanting to generate a printable and attach to a record, you can do this with a process using the Process File element. This allows you to generate a printable and you can easily attach to a record's files. Then, just wire up the button to run the process. 


Not sure if I completely understand, however, if you're wanting to generate a printable and attach to a record, you can do this with a process using the Process File element. This allows you to generate a printable and you can easily attach to a record's files. Then, just wire up the button to run the process. 


Ryan Farley,

Thanks, Ryan. That's what I did. I wrote a business process for generating different reports depending on the value of the reference field and adding them to the attached files. In the module, I added a button to call this business process with the transfer of the necessary parameters to it.

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Hi all,


I have some business processes, that serve the purpose of sending pre-configured emails manually to my contacts. However, the users are allowed to choose not to send the email - this way, the business process is not completed, it stays running.


My issue is that I have a GDPR deletion business process, that should delete every email connected to an affected contact. However, if the contact had at least one email that was not sent (but was left a draft), the deletion business process will be stuck, because the email to be deleted is still used in a running business process.


I am looking for any suggestions on how I could get around this problem.




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You could use this approach in the processes to "expire" the email after a pre-defined period of time.



Hi Ryan,


Thank you, this was very helpful!



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Hello all,


We have a Growth platform plan, therefore I cannot enter the "Setup appearance" setting, where I would be able to add new Desktops and even modify the access rights of existing Desktops.


I can accept that I am only allowed to use the existing desktops (which I can customize fortunately), but modifying the access rights is an important feature that should be available with Growth plan as well.


Is there maybe a way to do it, that I am not aware of?

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Please be informed that the Growth license plan has certain limitations, one of which includes restricted access to specific Creatio functionalities, such as the “Setup appearance” settings. To gain access to this feature, you would need to upgrade to at least an Enterprise license type.

For more detailed information regarding the features and limitations of each license type, please reach out to your manager.

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Hi Team,


We have installed the Field Management (Open Street Map) in our instance map configurations is working as we expected in web app but same thing we configured in the Mobile app, fields are displaying but the map UI is not showing in mobile.

And we have tried to install the Field Sales connector, DB error occurred while installing please help us to achieve the Mobile map configuration.


Error log on Filed Sales:


2024-09-23 14:09:41,557 Error occurred while installing data "SysModuleInWorkplace" in package "FieldForce". UId 5f69e597-9acb-4852-9f3d-e4d278c7b02b: The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FKd5jrT2KFY0lXcOnqZCi4dxhomfE". The conflict occurred in database "Creatio8DB_GL_250424", table "dbo.SysModule", column 'Id'.

The statement has been terminated.




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You look like to be dealing with two different problems. It can be a platform-specific usability or setup problem with the mobile app map user interface. Examine any settings unique to mobile devices and see if the mobile map feature is properly supported. Regarding the Field Sales connector DB error, there can be an oversight or a problem with database compatibility. In addition to making that the connector is compatible with the version of your system, check the logs for detailed problem messages.

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Hi Team,
I am trying to work with Queues could anyone tell how we can get Queue section or the agent desktop section

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You should have this section displayed in your Service product. Since the Queues section is only available in Service. However, if you do not see it in Workplace Service, you can add it via the Workplace setup section.

Best regards,


Hi Malika,

Thanks for your response , I don't see the workplace service in my instance . Could you please tell how to add the Workplace service
Note : Instance is on premise

Best Regards,|


Talla bhadra krishna rao,

What is your installation package and site version?

Hi Malika,

Name of the Installation package:

Site Version:



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I'm trying to add an auto-numbering field in the Leads section following the instructions here: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/how-add-auto-numbering-edit-page-field


I've made the 2 new system settings required:

I've also made a replacing Lead object in the package I'm working on and added a new event trigger before the record is added:

The process triggered by this signal on the object is set up with the expected elements:

With conditional logic:

One thing I think is missing is how to tie the new system settings into this process.  Is there a schema or input I need to update for this?

Also, do the process element parameters need to be populated on the user task?

Thank you for your help finding what needs to be fixed to get this working!

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Best reply

Is your column on the Lead object really called "CreatioNumber"? (the code for the column)

You've verified that your User Task is really named "LeadNumberCreation"? (click the three-dot button on the top right and switch to advanced mode)

As for the system settings, the user task locates and uses those. 

As a side note, the new method is much easier (it works for classic as well as Freedom since it's simply added as a default value for the column). See https://customerfx.com/article/working-with-autonumber-fields-in-creatio/


Is your column on the Lead object really called "CreatioNumber"? (the code for the column)

You've verified that your User Task is really named "LeadNumberCreation"? (click the three-dot button on the top right and switch to advanced mode)

As for the system settings, the user task locates and uses those. 

As a side note, the new method is much easier (it works for classic as well as Freedom since it's simply added as a default value for the column). See https://customerfx.com/article/working-with-autonumber-fields-in-creatio/


I obfuscated the real code numbers for these screenshots but the ones I'm using do match the field column code and the user task code so that shouldn't be the problem.

That's great to know there is a more simple way to create an autonumber field right on the object now though!  I tried it and it worked so that solution will work fine.

Thank you so much for your help!

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Hello community!


I'm trying to filter contacts by unique keys from another system.

Currently, we are using 'eq' and 'or', but that has a limitation (the error states that only 100 nodes are supported in a filter).

After reading the oData 4.01 documentation that is linked in the creatio documentation here https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/architecture/development-in-creatio/integrations#title-2088-10, I found the "in" operator, which might bypass this issue completely, so we wouldn't need to page through records.


However, I couldn't get it to run...my filter looks like this:

$filter=["QsTbisKey"] in ["47928","50447"]

But it returns an error:

    "error": {
        "code": "",
        "message": "An error has occurred.",
        "innererror": {
            "message": "The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/json; odata.metadata=none'.",
            "type": "",
            "stacktrace": "",
            "internalexception": {
                "message": "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.",
                "type": "",
                "stacktrace": ""


I tried using all combinations of other brackets and single quotes but was unsuccessful.


Does anyone know how to do this?


Thanks and BR,



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Best reply


The 'in' operator is not supported in OData 4 in Creatio.
At the moment, it is possible to use the operators that are available in the examples in the official Postman collection of the Creatio API.
We have registered a task to improve this functionality ('in' operator for Creatio OData 4 requests) in future releases of Creatio.

Correct filter for In operator OData 4.01 is usually like:

filter=Id in ('6f2efedd-9b25-43b4-9cb9-0ebe60a02a8a','72509ae9-7065-465c-b7c5-3d193b8fe768')

However, it produces the same result with Creatio OData. It's possible Creatio only implements OData 4.0 and not 4.01 (which introduced the In operator).
Might need a different approach like a configuration service that takes the like of values as a param and returns the results? Or if it would work to create a common parent record of the values that could be used to retrieve the results?

Ryan Farley writes:

Correct filter for In operator OData 4.01 is usually like:

filter=Id in ('6f2efedd-9b25-43b4-9cb9-0ebe60a02a8a','72509ae9-7065-465c-b7c5-3d193b8fe768')

However, it produces the same result with Creatio OData. It's possible Creatio only implements OData 4.0 and not 4.01 (which introduced the In operator).
Might need a different approach like a configuration service that takes the like of values as a param and returns the results? Or if it would work to create a common parent record of the values that could be used to retrieve the results?


Hi Ryan,

I did try that syntax already, but it didn't work.

Maybe someone from Creatio can shed some light on the implemented OData version?





The 'in' operator is not supported in OData 4 in Creatio.
At the moment, it is possible to use the operators that are available in the examples in the official Postman collection of the Creatio API.
We have registered a task to improve this functionality ('in' operator for Creatio OData 4 requests) in future releases of Creatio.

Serhii Parfentiev,

Thanks for the information!

Since the documentation I linked explicitly points to the OData 4.01 version, it should be updated and the exact version should be mentioned to know what is supported and what is not.




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Hello, I recently started working with Creatio Mobile. I have downloaded the files and was able to create the Creatio APK through the SDKConsole utility. I have a question: how can I add a page within the application? I see that most of the app is based on WebView. My goal is to import a library from Pub.dev (in my case, call_log) and implement it to display the data on a page within this app.

If anyone could help me, I would be very grateful. Thank you.

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In the mobile application there is an abillity to open custom JS pages using the handler logic, an example of such handler:

const openCustomPageRequest: OpenCustomWebViewPageRequest = {
   type: 'crt.OpenCustomWebViewPageRequest',
   $context: request.$context,
   controllerName: 'Terrasoft.controller.MobileSyncLogPage',
   viewXClass: 'Terrasoft.view.MobileSyncLogPage',
   parameters: {
       "customParam": 1

controllerName - class name of JS controller 
viewXClass - class name of JS view 
parameters - additional parameters of custom page. To get the parameter call this method inside the controller this.getPageHistoryItem().getRawConfig().customParam

This handler should be added via the remote module (see this article) and using the @creatio/mobile-common library enabling the feature EnableMobileSDK in the Features page.

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when I use Creatio in Polish language version, I often encounter system messages which are not properly translated. For example:

  • Field: "Nazwa kontrahenta". Error: Enter a value
  • Insufficient permissions to edit record in object "Zamówienie"


Is there any way to translate such system messages? Some of them seem to be defined in dll files, so it may be problematic.

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We want to inform you that system pop-ups are part of the core logic, and it is not possible to change the language of system messages manually. The schema responsible for this is deeply hard-coded into the application core, making it impossible to modify or replace.

Additionally, we have notified our Localization team, and they have confirmed that they are aware of the issue. They are actively working on a complete translation into Polish, which is planned for future releases.

Best regards,

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When I log in to Creatio, then close the browser, reopen it, and try to access Creatio again, it turns out that I need to log in again. From what I understand, this is due to the fact that cookies are set to expire at the end of the session, so they are removed when the browser is closed. As a result, the system setting "UserSessionTimeout" is not being respected here. Is there any option to change this behavior?

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When you close the browser, in this case, the value of UserSessionTimeout is generally not used. The browser, by default, should not delete cookies; this only happens if the user sets it up that way.

I also logged into the environment on a new browser with default settings, closed it, reopened it, and I was still logged into the environment, which is expected because the cookies still exist.

I would recommend checking the browser settings and how it handles cookies.

It seems that it's now easy to block third-party cookies, but our system stores third-party cookies, and, for example, in Chrome, this is called 'site data on the device,' where you can choose to clear everything when you close all windows.

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