
Hi have set up creatio with https using iis. I followed creatio academy's general deployment procedure and also the https documentation creatio provides. Sometimes the creatio site works just fine, i can browse to it and use it, but hours later it will suddenly stop working. When i go to the site I get this error. there are no errors in the console, event viewer or any logs that i cant just randomly cant be reached sometimes.

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Hello Creatio Community,

I have found a tool from marketplace named : Excel Report Builder 
Link :

Can anyone  inform me how much records in a report generation can be printed? Is there any limitation, 10K , 20k? 


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The maximum number of records that can be exported at once is 20,000. If you need to export more than 20,000 records, you must split and export the data separately. We also recommend performing these exports during the site's technical window, as exporting large volumes during business hours may slow down the site.

Best regards,

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Hi, adding Edit access to a specific column for All Employees role is not saving.
Use Case:  for the Invoice object, All Employees have Read access only (Operation Permission).  For one field ("Field X"), wish to give Edit access to All Employees.  In attempting to set the Column Permission using "Permit reading and editing" for Field X, the permission can be added and applied, but on save and returning to the Invoice security settings, this column permission no longer appears.
Say there are 50 fields on Invoice, the edit access is specific to one field (the rest are all read only).  We want to add this edit access as an exception (1 column setting)..rather than individually set column access for all 50 fields.
It seems the Operation Permission for the role is overriding any further column permission to add additional access rights for that Role for the specific field.
Any suggestions or insights welcome...thanks.

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Unfortunately, if the "Edit" operation permission is disabled for an object, it's not possible to configure "Edit" permissions for individual columns.


The only solution is to enable the "Edit" operation permission for the object, and then disable the "Edit" permission for each specific column that should not be accessible for editing.


Please provide a screenshot of the permission setting for the object.
It seems that the root cause is related to record permissions.

Hi Alona, screenshot below...thanks.




Unfortunately, if the "Edit" operation permission is disabled for an object, it's not possible to configure "Edit" permissions for individual columns.


The only solution is to enable the "Edit" operation permission for the object, and then disable the "Edit" permission for each specific column that should not be accessible for editing.

Wow, thanks. I was hoping that was not the case, but understand the logic. So column permissions are not additive, rather provide further restrictions.

Unfortunately this would mean a lot of work for an object with 20-50-100+ fields to add an entry in column permissions for each field.

Thank you for confirming.

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Hi Community,


I created a new user and added sections for this user in a separate workspace. I added lookups section; but the user is getting following error "Insufficient rights to go to this section. Contact your system administrator."  for lookups section, can you confirm how can the user access the lookups section?



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I don't know how but one of the fields that is automatically calculated with the data source set now doesn't work for me. It keeps resetting for me and doesn't work. In the image, you can see the deleted field details. who can i fix it ? thanks! 

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It seems that during the package installation or schema migration, the connection with the field's datasource was disrupted.

You need to ensure that the datasource exists and that the page with this field is located in a package where this datasource is accessible.

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Hi Team,


I tried transferring campaign flows (Type=Marketing campaign files) from dev environment to pre-prod in a package. I am able to see the updated objects; but I don't see the campaigns in the campaign section. Is there anything I am missing?



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Please note that when migrating packages between environments, the version of the sites must be the same, otherwise, you may not be able to migrate functionality or the packages may not be installed successfully.

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Hi Community,


I need to import two non-google fonts in Creatio to create emails: Avenir & Awesome. How can we do this in Creatio?



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To upload new fonts and use them in emails, you need to change the values of the system settings "CKEditor fonts list" ("CKEditor fonts list") and "CKEditor default font" ("CKEditor default font"). 

The "CKEditor fonts list" system setting is responsible for which font you will be able to see in the font drop-down list. It should be added to the beginning of the system setting list, with ";".

Accordingly, in order to use this font, they just need to be installed on the server as a regular font.

It is also necessary to know that if the recipient does not have this font, he will not see this font.


Best regards,


Yuliya Gritsenko,

Thanks Yuliya; how do I install these fonts on the Creatio environment?

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For some time now, I have noticed that the process of importing users from ldap does not start correctly even though it is set to synchronize every 2h. 

interestingly enough the process starts without problems if I run it manually 

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Please provide us with a detailed information on what is not working correctly (business process not starting on time, is being delayed or not finished)?

Business process not starting on time, it only works if I start it manually


Please re-save the LDAP settings under the active user and make sure that the Creatio scheduler works.

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I have an object called ItalVinculacion, and inside it I have to read the content of ItalProduct, which is also an object, and obtain the values ​​of ItalEjeAplicacion and Type, which are objects within the product.

This is my code:

var autoId = Get<Guid>("IdAuto"); // ID del auto en ItalAutosNormalizados
var IdProduct = Get<Guid>("IdProduct"); // ID del producto de la nueva vinculación
var IdAxis = Get<Guid>("IdAxis"); 
var IdSubFamily = Get<Guid>("IdSubFamily"); 
if (IdProduct == Guid.Empty) {
    return false;
// Buscar vinculaciones existentes con el mismo auto
var vinculacionEsq = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "ItalVinculacion");
// Acceder a las columnas del objeto relacionado ItalProduct usando alias
var ejeAplicacionColumn = vinculacionEsq.AddColumn("ItalProduct.ItalEjeAplicacion");
ejeAplicacionColumn.Name = "ItalEjeAplicacion";
var typeColumn = vinculacionEsq.AddColumn("ItalProduct.Type");
typeColumn.Name = "Type";
vinculacionEsq.Filters.Add(vinculacionEsq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "ItalFleetID", autoId));
var existingVinculaciones = vinculacionEsq.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);
int maxPriority = 0;
bool isDuplicateFound = false;
foreach (var vinculation in existingVinculaciones) {
    var existingEjeAplicacion = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("ItalEjeAplicacion");
    var existingType = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("Type");
    // Comparar GUIDs correctamente
    if (existingEjeAplicacion.Equals(IdAxis) && existingType.Equals(IdSubFamily)) {
        isDuplicateFound = true;
        var existingPriority = vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<int>("ItalPriority");
        if (existingPriority == 0) {
            vinculation.SetColumnValue("ItalPriority", 1);
            Set("ItalPriority", 2);
        } else {
            Set("ItalPriority", existingPriority + 1);
            vinculation.SetColumnValue("ItalPriority", existingPriority + 1);
        break; // Salir del bucle si se encuentra un duplicado
    maxPriority = Math.Max(maxPriority, vinculation.GetTypedColumnValue<int>("ItalPriority"));
// Si no se encontró un duplicado, establece la prioridad de la nueva vinculación
if (!isDuplicateFound) {
    Set("ItalPriority", maxPriority + 1);
return true;


And this is the error:

Terrasoft.Common.ItemNotFoundException: Value "ItalProduct.ItalEjeAplicacion" was not found.


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Try using ItalEjeAplicacionId instead of ItalEjeAplicacion. This is the only assumption for now.

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks Oleg, I'll try it.

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I dont know what to fill in the tenant id field in creatio office 365 setup, pls kindly help

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The Tenant ID value should be taken from the "Directory (tenant) ID" in Azure.



The Tenant ID parameter needs to be filled in only if the user uses the Office 365 (Graph API) service type. When switching to the Graph API, the user will gain the ability to automatically create Teams meetings.


This is not a mandatory field if you are using Exchange and Office 365 (EWS) and not using Office 365 (Graph API). 

You can leave it blank.





The Tenant ID value should be taken from the "Directory (tenant) ID" in Azure.



The Tenant ID parameter needs to be filled in only if the user uses the Office 365 (Graph API) service type. When switching to the Graph API, the user will gain the ability to automatically create Teams meetings.


This is not a mandatory field if you are using Exchange and Office 365 (EWS) and not using Office 365 (Graph API). 

You can leave it blank.



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