Hello, I have a [Object A] form page where I have an Expanded List (detail) inside it [Object B] created. In [Object B] I need to have multiple records, so now I need to make a relationship between [Object A] and [Object B], but the app doesn't show me a relationship between IDs or anything like that.

I've already tried manually creating a Lookup inside [Object B] pointing to [Object A], but I was wondering if there's a better way to do it?

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You need to create one-to-many relations between these objects. To do this, you need to create a lookup column in each object that will refer to another object. After that, you will be able to use filters and relationships to display and customize the necessary lists.
You can't do it using no-code elements because this connection is set up at the object level.

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Does anyone know what table they are in, I need to reset them once a year.


We, when a record is generated with Autonumber, we add to the Autonumber field, the year. So we need each year to have a new numbering, starting with 1.


Thanks in advance


Julio Falcón

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Hi Julio

The AutoNumber value is stored in a Sequence in the database (Postgres Sequence for cloud instances).
For example, you can get the last value of a sequence using this query:
SELECT last_value FROM "Contact_RId_seq".

To reset a sequence, you can use the following query:

Hope this helps!

Mohamed Ouederni,



1.- But, can I access this data from a process? 

2.- Have access to this object from a process, 

3.- How to determine which sequence correspond with a specific section?

I have not visible this table from a Creatio Cloud instance, I've enabled an autonumber field in contacts, for example, and not available the table mentioned by @Mohamed, see it


Hi Julio


1- You can run a custom SQL query from a Task Script.
2- No, you don't have access to the sequences.
3- The sequence name is identical to the column UId. You find it in the source code tab of the Object in Advanced settings.



Hello Julio,

Once you add the autonumber column, you'll need to get the UId for the column. You can open the object then select "Open metadata" under the Actions menu, the find the column and get the Guid for the UId. 

That is the name of the sequence in the database. If needed, you can use that to get the next sequence value using this where the guid is the UId for the column (for Postgresql):

SELECT nextval('ed398640-de69-842b-c50c-6c673da5aa98')

Then to reset it to 1 again you can use this (if needed, replace the 1 with whatever number you want the sequence to start at): 

SELECT setval('ed398640-de69-842b-c50c-6c673da5aa98', 1, false);

To do this via a process, you'll need to do a direct database connection and you'll use a script task, see https://customerfx.com/article/executing-direct-sql-statements-in-a-process-or-configuration-web-service-in-creatio-formerly-bpmonline/

Lastly, if you want to get what the last value/number used from the sequence was, you can use:

SELECT last_value FROM "ed398640-de69-842b-c50c-6c673da5aa98"


This is No Code ? In Classic UI was sImple, why in Freedom I need NASA certification to do this?


Yes, for now to reset the value it requires the database update (either by Clio, SQL Executor, or asking support to update the value). I do hope we'll get a UI to manage that at some point. The prefix is also set at the object level now, instead of a system setting - so that now requires an object publish to change rather than updating a setting.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for your support Ryan



Yes, unfortunately at this moment there is no possibility to reset sequence using No Code. But you can always contact support, and we will be happy to do it for you. We have created a request to the responsible development team to add this functionality in future releases.  

Antonii Viazovskyi,

Thanks Antonii

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Somebody knows how to enable use Ststic Filders in Freedopm UI Sections to new sections?


I have enabled the IsAllowUseStaticFolders Feature, also added my object to "Schemas for enable static folder in folder tree"  lookup and still have not enabled in my section to add static folders. What's wrong/missing?


Thanks in advance,


Best regards

Julio Falcón

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Here are a few things that might be missing:


  • - Don’t forget to add mass actions (“Add records to static folder”/”Remove records from static folder”) to the required grid;
  • - Switch the "Folder storage location" in the designer to FolderTree:
  • folder tree


Hanna Skalko,

Thanks Hanna, but in my instance the "Folder Storage Location" is read only, so I can't change it.


SO I cannot also add mass action to add/remove from the static Folder


Also in the Section the "Add static folder" is not enabled




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I am currently working on a functionality within our Creatio system where I need to open a mini page that is part of the Classic UI by clicking a button in a Freedom UI section. Despite my efforts, I have encountered some challenges in achieving this integration.


Could you please provide guidance or any relevant documentation on how to successfully link and open a Classic UI mini page from a button click within a Freedom UI section? 


Any tips or best practices you could share would be greatly appreciated.


Thank You.

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Hi Satyam, 
You can try using crt.7XRequest with action 'EditRecord'/ 'AddRecord'. Please see this article on community : https://community.creatio.com/questions/base-function-lookup-value-clic…

Yurii Sokil,

The Terrasoft modules are also still available. You can use the same code as in classic UI, something like this will work in a Freedom UI request: 

	parameters: {
		entitySchemaName: "Activity"
	valuePairs: [
		{ name: "Type", value: "fbe0acdc-cfc0-df11-b00f-001d60e938c6" },
		{ name: "Contact", value: contactId },
		{ name: "Account", value: accountId }
	miniPageSchemaName: "ActivityMiniPage",
	operation: Terrasoft.ConfigurationEnums.CardOperation.ADD,
	showDelay: 0,
	miniPageSourceSandboxId: null


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Hello community,

I'm trying to add on freedom edit page the Recordinactive field, but the designer doesn't list  the field.

In classic UI I can add the Recordinactive field


How can I solve this problem?

thank you

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The reason lies in the type (UsageType) of the RecordInactive= "Advanced" column, which is why the system does not display it in the designer. Unfortunately, there is no way to change this column type.

However, there is a workaround that will allow you to use the feature, namely the "DisableBlockingSystemColumns" feature that needs to be created and enabled for users that you need to have the rights to use such system fields.
1. Go to the link: https://SITENAME.creatio.com/0/Features
2. Add a new parameter:
3. Create a new parameter called "DisableBlockingSystemColumns", then add the role that well have the access to it, enable the checkbox and save the changes:
4. Relogin to the site.

However, this will allow users who have this option enabled to see other restricted and system columns in the system. We recommend using this approach in the "extreme" case, if the work of this functionality is critically important.

In addition, we have already created a task for our development team to fix this issue. Unfortunately, we have no exact ETA at the moment, since the task is at the initial stage, but it may be included into one of the next releases.

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Can I set column values when using crt.CopyRecordRequest ? 
I have a use case where I need to create a copy of the record but change several column values in the new record. 
Is there a way to do it? 

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Best reply

If this is being done via a model copy (See https://customerfx.com/article/copying-a-record-from-client-side-code-using-the-model-class-in-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/) then yes, you can update values, then finally insert the new record that was created from the copy. The article linked shows how to do this.

If this is from the Copy menu on a list, then you'd have to change that to use your own request, then copy, set the values, insert, in your own custom code.


If this is being done via a model copy (See https://customerfx.com/article/copying-a-record-from-client-side-code-using-the-model-class-in-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/) then yes, you can update values, then finally insert the new record that was created from the copy. The article linked shows how to do this.

If this is from the Copy menu on a list, then you'd have to change that to use your own request, then copy, set the values, insert, in your own custom code.


Hi Ryan, 

I was just calling the request from the button. Another thing is that if you call it from any page other than [object]_ListPage it’ll open the classic ui page, rather than the freedom UI page. 
I’ll definitely give the approach you described a try, I’m sure it’ll work. 
Thanks a lot!

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I want to add a field validation in freedom ui, like, it's a date field then i want to impose a condition if date selected by the user is backdate then don't allow the record to be saved.(Freedom UI)

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So for example if you have a date field as dateofPM and you want to prevent the user to choose a date, which is before the date of the CreatedOn of the record 
Below is a Example of the code:

Hope this helps.


thanks but i want it in freedom ui, so where to write this js code

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, I tried this, but it didn't work, I will share my code here of this approach meanwhile I tried applying validation popup using handler, if you can suggest me any handler/function which will prevent saving the record if the control passes to this handler? this is my handler code:



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Is there a way to prevent column layout modification for non-admin users ?


I tried to search for client code or operation permissions, but without any luck.

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Best reply

You can add the following to the List (crt.DataGrid) values:

"features": {
    "columns": {
        "adding": false

If this is a section list, it would look like this:

    "operation": "merge",
    "name": "DataTable",
    "values": {
        "features": {
            "columns": {
                "adding": false

If this is something for only admins, you'd need to add an attribute to the page and then use that for the value: 

"adding": "$MyAttributeName"


You can add the following to the List (crt.DataGrid) values:

"features": {
    "columns": {
        "adding": false

If this is a section list, it would look like this:

    "operation": "merge",
    "name": "DataTable",
    "values": {
        "features": {
            "columns": {
                "adding": false

If this is something for only admins, you'd need to add an attribute to the page and then use that for the value: 

"adding": "$MyAttributeName"


Ryan Farley,

So no global parameter. It's a shame. By the way, thanks for all your articles, it's a goldmine.

Jerome BERGES,

Thanks! Yes, sadly, no way to do this for all lists without adding this to every single one.

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We want to add filters in the same way that you can add them to lookups using code on the page, as there isn't a no-code way to configure additional filters for Timeline components. In our case, it's filtering out non-completed Activity records from the Timeline. We don't seem to be able to using similar methods to lookups though (i.e. adding custom code to the crt.LoadDataRequest handler. Has anyone found a way to add such a filter? It looks like all the Timeline code is in the 9351.xxxxxxx JS file.

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