Hi Community,

Is there any way to bind Inactive Lookup Values?


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We have tested this behavior and it looks like there shouldn't be a problem.
We used the following scenario:
1) Created a custom package in which we created a replacement for the ActivityCategory object with the “Allow records deactivation” option enabled.


2) Created two test records through the lookups, for one of which we set the “Inactive” = true


3) Create a data binding in the package from step 1 for the ActivityCategory object, add the “Inactive” column to the data binding, and add two records.


4) As a result, in the exported package we see the created data binding with two records, for one of the records the Inactive attribute is set to true.


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Hi everyone,


I'm implementing the change log configuration as described here:




I wonder, how do I go about actually binding that configuration to the package i'm working on? So I can transfer the configuration from my dev environment to test/prod.


Appreciate your help!

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Unfortunately, in the current Creatio configuration, it is not possible to bind "Change Log" data to a package.


Change log information is stored for each entity separately in a "Sys<YourEntity>Log" view. For example, if logging is enabled for the "Account" schema, the activity is recorded in the "SysAccountLog" view. 


However, it is not possible to bind view data to a package.


Have a nice day!



Unfortunately, in the current Creatio configuration, it is not possible to bind "Change Log" data to a package.


Change log information is stored for each entity separately in a "Sys<YourEntity>Log" view. For example, if logging is enabled for the "Account" schema, the activity is recorded in the "SysAccountLog" view. 


However, it is not possible to bind view data to a package.


Have a nice day!

Thanks for answering. I was under the impression this would be the case...

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Hi everyone,

Is it possible to change the thumbnail image on the attachment grid to a custom image?



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Hello Ramya,

Unfortunately, it's impossible to change the image mentioned above.

We've registered the suggestion to the responsible R&D team.

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Hey Community, i'm trying to write a piece of code which will show a popup to the user on login. Thinking of overriding the shell page for the same,but unable to find the sourcecode.Has any one tried it before.I'm specifically trying to show the pop up on this page.

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Hey community, 
I found the client module it is called BaseShell

Hey community, 
I found the client module it is called BaseShell

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We've been building out API data flows into Creatio including automated order/invoice creation from cart data and webinar registrations from our website. We are now creating a support request form on a website that should create a case linked to a matching contact in the CRM. 


Retrieving the contact ID isn't a problem, but we're stuck trying to figure out how to create the new Case. We can query the /Case endpoint and see existing case data. How do we POST a new case?


And will we be able to take  file uploads from the webform and submit them into the /CaseFile object? Or will it have to a linked reference like a URL?

Thanks in advance!

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You would just POST to https://mycreatiourl/0/odata/Case with a payload that is structured using Case columns, something that looks like what you get when you GET an existing case. You only need to include the columns you're setting in the new case, not all columns that you see in that payload.


As for adding a CaseFile, I use the FileApiService endpoints for that, which is what the Creatio client uses as well. If you look at the network request in the dev tools when you add an attachment to a case, you'll see it uses FileApiService - you can use this externally as well to mimic the same request as it does internally.

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Hi, everyone!


I have a task for updating EventTarget status and some other fields triggered by event in external system via integration. And I'm looking for the simplest way how to do that. Is is possible to update data with help of posting json request to GeneratedObjectWebFormService.svc/SaveWebFormObjectData? Or is there any other not very complicated way how one can do that?


Thank you!

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Easiest way is to use Creatio's webhooks. Look up webhooks in the Academy. They only do inserts, not updates, but you can create an object that is where the webhook for your case gets added, then have that trigger a process that locates and updates the needed record (and then deletes the webhook created record)

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Hello Community,

We have created a button in Leads_FormPage that opens AddTaskMiniPage

Code in Leads_FormPage that opens the AddTaskMiniPage

        request: "usr.OpenTaskModalPageRequest",
        handler: async (request, next) => {
            const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
            await handlerChain.process({
                type: 'crt.OpenPageRequest',
                schemaName: 'AddTaskMiniPage',
                $context: request.$context,
                scopes: [...request.scopes]
            return next?.handle(request);
    }		,


Our end goal: We want that upon the Activity is created (Save button clicked in AddTaskMiniPage) the value of 'Start' field in AddTaskMiniPage, is copied to another Date field in the Leads_FormPage.

How can this be acheived?



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Hello Sasori,

You can try using BP for this case. For example, when you save a record in a mini page, you also run a business process that will update a value in your lead record. You pass date value to the BP and set (update) relevant field in the lead record. 

An easy way to accomplish this is to just use a process with a signal of Activity added with Type=Task, Category=To do, Lead is filled in. Then update the lead with the date. If you have live data updates enabled for the Lead object you'll even see the screen refresh with the value. 


Ryan Farley,

Thank you for your input! However, the challenge with this approach is that there might be multiple activities associated with a single Lead that have this specific configuration (Type = Task, Category = To Do, Lead is filled in).

Would it be possible to handle this scenario directly via the Frontend instead?

Looking forward to your thoughts!

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Hi everyone,


We have a custom section, and we’d like to enhance it by adding a timeline that includes a custom object.


Is it possible to include a custom object in the timeline? For example, alongside Tasks, Emails, etc., we’d like to display data from our custom object as well.


Additionally, is there a way to customize how one of the existing objects is displayed in the timeline or modify which fields are shown? For instance, in the case of the Opportunity tile, can we change the fields that are displayed?


Any guidance or documentation on these topics would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!

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Both tasks are possible to implement. However, it will include slight low-code development in your system.

Here are the few articles that can be helpful in fulfilling your tasks:

Customize the Timeline component

Customize timeline

Create the Timeline tab tiles bound to custom section

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Hi All, 


I've got an incoming webhook where the application on the other side is unable to conform to the request body that Creatio would like. 

Is there any straight forward way to parse a webhook in a different way?  My other solution is some middleware code which ideally I don't want to do. 

Anyone encountered this before? 

Thanks in advance. 

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Hi Harry,


We've created our custom process, that reads our webooks filtered by API Key:


And then custom processing written by code


Kind regards,


We do this via Script task. It is the only way I have seen for it to work.

Thank you both. Vladimir - will try that approach!

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When trying to get webhook url I am getting the following message: "Failed to Get API Key. Service Connection error".


I have followed the steps of the following documentation:



Is there something else I could be missing?

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You'll need to contact support. I've had several systems that were missing the needed system settings to create the webhook links. They'll need to verify/add them.



Please contact us on support@creatio.com. We will help you to verify/add all necesary settings. 

Thank you!

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