After fresh installation of product as dev environment right after i enable file design mode (fileDesignMode enabled="true" & add key="UseStaticFileContent" value="false") i am getting an error Uncaught Error: Script error for "SectionModuleV2".


I tried the following:
Genetate code for all schemas + full compilation, no result.

Checked may be i missed IIS rights, but no all in check.

Download all packeges to file system + compilation, no luck.


It seems that is a problem with a static content, as soon as i disabling file design mode, it works correctly. I always deployed my dev envs using Creatio guide. On a previous version of 8.2.0 it was fine, but with  8.2.1 i have this problem.

How can i make it work with file design mode on?

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Please try to do the following:

1) Unlock the package CrtNUI for hotfix.
2) Open SectionModuleV2 schema metadata
3) Delete the block with WebitelCtiProvider schema dependency (see screen below).
4) Lock the package CrtNUI back.
5) Compile system


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Is it possible to change the working hours of the calendar component in the Freedom UI? If so, is it customizable per user so each one can have different hours based on their needs (e.g. changing the time zone in the user profile).


On the other hand, in the default calendar page there is a custom action to show/hide the weekends


Is it possible to include that custom action in a new page manually?



Like 2





Unfortunately, there is no possibility of changing the working hours in the calendar using the basic tools.

I want to assure you that I have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application.

Regarding the show/hide weekends button, this logic was implemented via code in the Calendar_ListPage schema in the CrtProductivityApp package. So you can find the logic here and implement it in the same way on your page.


Best regards,



Hi Alejandro, 

Great idea ! 



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I am trying to upload files as you would do manually in the browser, but using an API. When dragging and dropping a file into the attachments tabs of any section, I see in the browser that Creatio performs a POST request to its FileApiService with a format like the following example:


The endpoint is and the file content is passed in the request body.


In order to simulate this behavior, I am sending 2 requests:


  1. A POST request to create the file id allocating space in the File table:

  2. A POST request to using the file information to upload the actual file.


However as you can see, the 2nd request fails in my app with the following error:

  "errorInfo": {
    "errorCode": "InvalidFileSizeException",
    "message": "No se puede analizar el tamaño del archivo.",
    "stackTrace": "   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploadInfo.get_TotalFileLength()\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploader.UploadFile(IFileUploadConfig fileUploadInfoConfig)\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploader.UploadFile(IFileUploadInfo fileUploadInfo, Boolean isSetCustomColumns)\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileApiService.UploadFile(Stream fileContent)"
  "success": false,
  "nextPrcElReady": false,
  "queryId": null,
  "responseStatus": {
    "ErrorCode": "InvalidFileSizeException",
    "Message": "No se puede analizar el tamaño del archivo.",
    "StackTrace": "   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploadInfo.get_TotalFileLength()\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploader.UploadFile(IFileUploadConfig fileUploadInfoConfig)\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileUpload.FileUploader.UploadFile(IFileUploadInfo fileUploadInfo, Boolean isSetCustomColumns)\r\n   at Terrasoft.Configuration.FileApiService.UploadFile(Stream fileContent)",
    "Errors": null,
    "Meta": null
  "rowsAffected": -1


I already ensured that the file size passed in both requests is exactly the same always (in this example is 584833 bytes) but I don't know what causes the error.


I already checked the following community posts but couldn't find any help:



Note: I tested these requests in many Creatio websites, all of them with version 8.2.0 



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Hello again,


I just found a different community post:


After following the steps explained by @Ryan Farley I was able to upload files properly. My problem was that I was missing the following request headers:


  • Content-Range = bytes 0-{size in bytes - 1}/{size in bytes}
  • Content-Type = "application/octet-stream"


Thank you very much!

Glad you found the older post and have it working now!

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Hi everyone,

I'm working with Creatio CRM and need to trigger an approval process via API. I have a custom object called EpbSolicitudes, and each request has a unique ID (e.g., 1e80cd00-2cf4-4ecc-a61c-511d7afa3568).

My goal is to invoke the approval action programmatically using an API call. Specifically, I want to:

  1. Approve a request via API (either updating the status or calling a process).
  2. Ensure that the approval follows the same workflow as if it were done manually.
  3. Optionally, trigger a BPMN process if needed.

I've explored the OData 4 API and DataService API, but I'm unsure of the best approach to handle approvals.

  • Should I update the "NextStep" field in EpbSolicitudes using OData?
  • Is there a built-in API method to invoke the approval process?
  • Can I start an approval process via ProcessEngineService API?

If anyone has experience with automating approvals in Creatio via API, I would appreciate any guidance or examples.

Thanks in advance! 🚀

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If your approval is created using a business process, you can trigger the business process using the ProcessEngineService.svc service…

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In the classic UI, the timeline showed portal messages.


However in the Freedom UI, portal messages are not available to select:


They are not available as an option in the timeline settings.


How do we enable these?

Like 1



I believe in Freedom UI cases, portal messages are just Feed messages (with the External property set). For the filter, you'd just set the option for Feed to see portal messages.


Hi Ryan, thanks for the reply. I thought the same but they are not showing on our system.  Will have to log it with Creatio Support.

Hi Kieron!

To display portal feed messages in the timeline, you need to first allow external users to publish Feed messages:


After, these portal feed messages will be automatically displayed in the timeline.

I hope this helps. Have a great day!

Alina Yakovlieva,

Hi, that setting will display the messages in the Feed panel, but they still do not appear in the timeline.

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Є налаштовані права доступу. коли "All employees" створює запис, то даються право на читання і редагування двом іншим групам. Але при створенні запису права доступу надаються наступні:

Двом групам, які налаштували

автору запису

і "All employees" - чомусь ця група має право на читання і редагування, хоча ніде таке налаштування не вказане.

В чому може бути причина самовільної видачі прав групі "All employees". В якому напрямку шукати?

Розділ кастомний.

версія 8.1.2

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Якщо налаштовувати права так:

То кейс не відтворюється в 8.1.2 в чистій збірці. Права видаються автору і двом ролям (1 та 3 лінія підтримки) для нових записів.


У Вашому випадку десь є або бізнес процес з перероздачею прав елементом бізнес процесу "Змінити права доступу" або стороння логіка. Бізнес процес може мати зняту ознаку логування, але почати треба з кейсу: створили запис, пішли в журнал бізнес процесів і подивились які бізнес процеси запустились в цей момент і чи немає там в тих бізнес процесах елементу "Змінити права доступу". Якщо процес не логується, то тоді складніше + це кейс пошуку логіки по всій системі.


Права доступу на записи об'єкту зберігаються в таблиці виду Sys...Right (наприклад для контакту SysContactRight, для контрагентів SysAccountRight і тд). Можна цим скористатись і скриптами (у випадку, якщо локальний сайт раниться на MS SQL - не забувайте додати hint nolock до запиту (мініфікуємо блокування в БД)):


select * from SysSchemaSource where Source like '%Sys...Right%'

select * from SysSchemaContent where Content like '%Sys...Right%'

select * from SysSchema where MetaData like '%Sys...Right%'


пошукати всі згадки про наш об'єкт з правами. Маловірогідно, що це поверне щось, але цим же підходом можна пошукати кастомний об'єкт розділу по його UId (взяти з таблиці SysSchema (колонка UId)).


І фінально перевірити чи не йде запит /0/rest/RightsService/ApplyChanges при збереженні нового запису в тілі якого прописано роль All employees (в network браузера). Можливо є якась кастомізація, яка робить напряму запит на RightsService і додає права.

Найшов старий БП котрий не логувався і давав права до запису, коли поле відповідальний - не заповнене.

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Hello Creatio Community,


    I want to display Contact List in a dropdown. The Contacts should be dynamically filtered based on the Account selected in another dropdown on the same page, As Shown in below Image.

    When the user selects a particular Account, the Contact dropdown should update to display only the Contacts associated with that Account. Both fields Account and Contact are linked to Custom object in Creatio.

1. How can I dynamically filter the Contacts dropdown based on the selected Account?
2. Are there specific methods or best practices in Creatio Freedom UI for implementing such a dependency?


Thanks & Regards,

Ajay Kuthe.

Like 1


Best reply


Unfortunately, the desired functionality cannot be implemented with user's methods. However, as a workaround, you can do the following:

1) Here is an example of the functionality you need. It describes how to filter dropdown values -
2) Another option: create a dropdown on the page where macro source is selected. Then create a filtering business rule that will filter values in the parameter based on the added dropdown value. 

We want to assure you that we have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application. 


Unfortunately, the desired functionality cannot be implemented with user's methods. However, as a workaround, you can do the following:

1) Here is an example of the functionality you need. It describes how to filter dropdown values -
2) Another option: create a dropdown on the page where macro source is selected. Then create a filtering business rule that will filter values in the parameter based on the added dropdown value. 

We want to assure you that we have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application. 

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What is the best filter to use to measure FCR for cases?

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The First Resolution time cannot be changed using the OOTB tools.

However, perhaps I have misunderstood your question.

Could you please specify what do you mean by using the filter to measure FCR for cases?


 Thank you! 

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When creating a filter using a date field of a related child object and using "maximum = Previous month", the results seem to be off by one day. For example, the current month is November and the filter pulls data with dates from Oct 2nd through Nov 1st.  

Has anyone noticed this behavior?   Is there a time zone related setting that would affect this or something?  

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Please provide screenshots of the filters you have set up and the records that were affected by these filters, so we can try to reproduce the issue on our side.

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Hello Creatio Community,


I'm working on integrating Creatio CRM with a third-party application, and I’d like users to access specific Creatio pages without needing to log in each time they navigate from the third-party app.

Here are some specifics of my setup:
When users are logged into the third-party app, they should be able to open Creatio pages directly without being redirected to the login page.


I’m using URLs with ?autoOpenIdLogin=true to facilitate automatic login.


My main questions are:
Are there recommended ways to keep the SSO session active between the two apps?
Has anyone implemented a solution using silent authentication checks or embedded iframes to keep the session refreshed?

Any insights or best practices would be appreciated!



Ajay K

Like 1




Could you please provide more technical details regarding your implementation? Are you using OpenID for authentication in Creatio? What specific issues have you encountered with your current setup when using ?autoOpenIdLogin=true in the link?

Have you considered an integration option through SSO with an automatic redirect setup? This would ensure that if the user is already authenticated on the IdP side, they will be automatically redirected back and logged into Creatio. 

With this setup, the user will be redirected to the IdP, logged in automatically if in current session he is logged in on Identity provider side, and then redirected back to the record page without login page.

(Steps for achieving this are outlined in the following article: SSO setup guide.

Please note that Step 5 – “Set SSO as the default option” is essential. The rest of the SSO setup instructions should be followed according to the latest version in the Creatio interface.)

If you’re using a cloud environment, please inform the support team of the need to enable auto-redirect.

We recommend testing this approach, and we hope it will be helpful!

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