We are glad to share with you the Alfa release of T.I.D.E. Version 1.1.2 provides the ability to pull and push changes between the Creatio environment and the Git repository.
To try it you need to take the following steps:
Install Clio to the server with Creatio (version is required)
dotnet tool install clio -g
Install Clio api to your environment
clio gate -e <ENV_NAME>
Install the latest version of T.I.D.E. to the environment
clio tide -e <ENV_NAME>
Register the repository with your clio workspace in T.I.D.E. section (existing workspace is required, check that your developer settings like schema prefix and Maintainer is correlated with workspace)
Congratulation. your T.I.D.E. is ready to use :)
P.S: In future updates - work with branches, avoid using Creatio user credentials, ability to create workspace and manage package from T.I.D.E