How to access file system

Hello all,
I'm trying to add a custom component to Creatio, and I was following along with the guide then it mentions accessing the file system, which I don't really know how to do, and if possible at all while working with Creatio on the cloud ?
The doc:…

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As stated in the article


  • FSD of C# code is possible only by interacting with the on-site Creatio database.


You won't be able to access the cloud-hosted application's file system.

Assuming you're referring to creating a custom javascript UI component, correct?

You can create a local workspace for on on-site Creatio to create the custom component using Clio. Documentation and tutorials on how to do this is sparse. There are some very short videos on this topic here:

The documentation here also refers to steps you can use Clio for as well:


Oleg Drobina,

Thanks for the answer! that clears it up !

Ryan Farley,

Thank you for your reply!
Yes I mean custom javascript UI component. But if I'm understanding correctly, even Clio utility works only with on-site Creatio, right ?

Youness Youki,

No, Clio is not just for on-site - it allows you to work with a cloud hosted Creatio as well. A Clio workspace allows you to create a UI component & package on your local machine and push it to a cloud hosted system. The video I linked to shows the steps to do this (create a Clio workspace, connect it to a cloud Creatio system, create a UI component and then push the package from your local machine to the cloud system). 


I see! I'll try it then.
Thank you !

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