I am working with Freedom UI in Creatio and I need to populate a virtual lookup with data. I have defined the ViewModel attributes and configured the view, but when I try to populate the lookup with data using a handler for crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest, the lookup does not display the data. I have used a custom array of data to populate the lookup, but it seems to be incorrect. Could you provide an example or guidance on how to correctly populate a virtual lookup with data in Creatio Freedom UI?

               "operation": "insert",
               "name": "VirtualSchemaLookup",
               "values": {
                   "layoutConfig": {
                       "column": 1,
                       "row": 1,
                       "colSpan": 1,
                       "rowSpan": 1
                   "type": "crt.ComboBox",
                   "label": "Virtual Schema Lookup",
                   "labelPosition": "auto",
                   "control": "$VirtualSchemaLookup",
                   "listActions": [],
                   "showValueAsLink": true,
                   "controlActions": [],
                   "visible": true,
                   "readonly": false,
                   "placeholder": "",
                   "tooltip": "",
                   "valueDetails": null
               "parentName": "GeneralInfoTabContainer",
               "propertyName": "items",
               "index": 0


       "VirtualSchemaLookup": {
                       "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
                       "isCollection": false,
                       "value": null
                   "VirtualSchemaLookupList": {
                       "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.COLLECTION,
                       "isCollection": true,
                       "value": []  

               request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
               handler: async (context, next) => {
                   try {
 var resultConfig = {
                           "1": {
                               value: "1",
                               displayValue: "Test Schema 1",
                               name: "TestSchema1"
                           "2": {
                               value: "2",
                               displayValue: "Test Schema 2",
                               name: "TestSchema2"
                           "3": {
                               value: "3",
                               displayValue: "Test Schema 3",
                               name: "TestSchema3"

                       if (context.$context.attributes && context.$context.attributes.VirtualSchemaLookupList ) {
                           context.$context.attributes.VirtualSchemaLookupList = resultConfig;
                       } else {
                       await next?.handle(context);
                   } catch (error) {
                       console.error("Ошибка при инициализации модели:", error);

Despite filling the VirtualSchemaLookupList attribute with data, the lookup does not display the data when the page is loaded

Could you provide an example or detailed guidance on how to correctly populate a virtual lookup with data in Creatio Freedom UI?
Thank you!

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Hello Dmitriy,

This article should help you to display the needed data:


Also please check how to set up a detail with fields, especially paragraph 6 "Make the detail fields virtual":


Additionally, the article below has examples of filtering in the lookup field:


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In Creatio 8.1.2 I think Creatio add a new user setting called: Number format.


All other user settings had a Default value to configure in System Settings, but I didn't found one to set a default value to this setting.


Is there one already or is it scheduled for a near future version?



Thanks in advance


best regards

Julio Falcón

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It is now possible to change the number format for the user on the user profile page, since version 8.1.2. There are no settings to set default for all users format, as they can do it them self in their user profile settings.

Best regards,

Ivan Savenko,

Please could you add this requirement to the to-do list?


All other user profile configurations have a system setting to define a default, why should this new one be different?

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I am trying running into a problem in my instance where I'm encountering a problem when I publish and compile where I receive a message saying that "One or more errors occurred. Sequence contains more than one matching element"


I am unclear as to what this message could be referring to. There error is unclear and I'm unsure as to how to proceed without more information. Has anybody encountered this problem before?

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If it's a compilation error, maybe there is more details in the Compilation errors? In the lookups section, add the "Compilation errors" object to view the contents.


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Is it possible to add click event on Loadmorebutton "Show more" in Detail?




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Best reply



Please note that currently there is no possibility to set this up using the basic user tools, but we have registered this idea for our R&D team and they will review the possibility of implementation of such functionality in future releases.



Please note that currently there is no possibility to set this up using the basic user tools, but we have registered this idea for our R&D team and they will review the possibility of implementation of such functionality in future releases.

Mira Dmitruk,

Thanks Mira

What exactly do you want to do when the button is clicked?

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For Financial Services Creatio product lineup, thre is BaseFieldsDetail schema of the BaseFinance package to set up details with fields. This package is available only in Financial Services Creatio product lineup.


I need to enable the Product Parameters Terms using the Field Details in Freedom UI. What is the best way?


This is the view of the field detail in Classic I'm trying to replicate



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Please resend the screenshot, as it is not available on our end.

Second attempt

Mira Dmitruk,


Screenshot shared again

Good day, 

We would like to clarify whether you would like to 
1. introduce the adaption of this detail in Freedom UI version of the same page
2. or whether you wish to develop this detail for another section?

The closest element to a detail from Classic UI in Freedom UI is an expanded list that would refer to the elements of the relevant object 

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I'm using a Request for Approval element.

log in to the various users and want to approve and I don't see that the approval table counts the approvals on their screen. its always 0 before approval. this is normal ? 

the only one who sees the counter count perfect is the "admin" user. why ?



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Make sure that there are no errors in the console or network during the panel opening.

The cause might be a modified configuration, and an entity could have been added to it.

Run the script:

select smv.* from SysSchema ss
right join 
SysModuleVisa smv on smv.VisaSchemaUId=ss.[UId]
where ss.id is null

If the script returns a record, you can delete it, as it does not exist in the configuration.

Please note that you should first run this on a copy and make a backup before executing it.

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Hi team!


The progressbar is currently changing how many stages show, based on the screen size. 


If you check the images below, wider screens are showing all stages and at certain point is reducing to current and next stage. 




Is it possible to tweak at which width length is doing this change? or remove this behavior at all forcing the breadcrum to show all items?



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Thank you for your question.

Currently, this behavior is not adjustable, but we will keep you informed of any updates on this feature. We've registered your request with our R&D team to explore the possibility of customizing the progress bar’s stage visibility based on screen width in future releases.

Best regards,

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Hello I was attempting to display other attributes of Product in Lead section (except of Duration) , like minimum amount, maximum amount and so on.
Could you please asssist me with this issue 

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To realize this business problem, you can check out our documentation on part creation.

You can find more details in this article:





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I am trying to set up an A/B split test in a campaign, however when I install the add on from the market place in the link below, I am not seeing this added into the campaign set up. Are there any tips/tricks on getting this to work? After installing the app I updated the DB structure, generated the source code for all schemas and compiled my environment and still not showing.



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Hi Teresa! 

This app is compatible only with Marketing Creatio up to 7.17.2 version. For the new versions, I recommend using Creatio basic Random split element.

Additionally, we have unpublished "Split tests in marketing campaigns for Creatio" due to the low version compatibility.

Should any questions arise, please let us know.

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Is there any way to open a web page in preferably a new tab of the browser.  I've tried doing this in a client module with `window.open( ... )`, however a tab/ page is opened for every user logged in and not just the current user's browser.


If not can I make a feature request, a process element that enables a new tab to be opened and directed to a page.

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Hello Gareth,
Thank you for your question.

Could you please describe your problem in more detail? Unfortunately, it is hard to understand what your issue or intention is.



I am building an integration to access NatWest APIs.  To do this the user has to give consent for access on the NatWest website.  This is done by redirecting from Creatio to a page on the NatWest website where the user logs in and selects which accounts they want to give consent to, at which point NatWest send the browser back to a redirect URL.  So I need to redirect the browser to a NatWest URL from within Creatio to get consent.


I also have a second problem.  I need to give the NatWest API a redirect URL to send the browser back to Creatio after the user has given consent.  I thought I could do this using the Creatio webservice to run a process.  However NatWest append the consent code parameter to the redirect URL with a '#' fragment, e.g.,




Creatio is expecting the a query string to be appended using a '?' character as is standard and does not process the parameters.


Is there a way to process a redirect URL in Creatio that will process the parameters in a '#' fragment?

Gareth Osler,

If i understood you correctly:
I think that an answer to the first part of your question can be window.open. The second problem you are describing is a bit confusing but you can a web service that will create a business process and pass there a result of your call to NatWest. 

Yevhenii Grytsiuk,


Thank you for your reply.


The problem with `window.open()` is that it opens the window for all users logged in to the Creatio instance and not just the current user.  I have worked around it by displaying the URL in a dialog for the user to copy and paste into a browser tab.  But a way to open a web page in another tab in the current user's browser would be good.


I have a solution to the second issue, creating a new Freedom UI page to act as the redirect URL.  It's a workaround but it works.

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