Hi community,

Is there any Low-Code possibilty to navigate directlty to Form Page of the created record?

Chain of events

1 - Mini Page is opened and data is entered

2- Mini Page Save evend is performed

3- After the record is created we navigate directly to the created record Form Page


Basically we need the symetric operation of this articel but for FreedomUI



If there is no-code possibility, can you provide a code snippet how to achieve  it?


Like 0



For a no code approach - there really isn't an exact match, the closest possibility is the action "Continue in other page" which will open it in the default page for the entity type (assuming the mini page is set up as the "Add" page). However, that doesn't actually save the record first (just validates it).

For a code approach, you'd need to add a save request handler see here, then use: 

const saveResult = await next.handle(request);
if (saveRequest) {
	// navigate here
return saveRequest;

The navigate here part would use this and open the record in edit mode. 

Also, it likely would not be a good idea to do this in the base page for all mini pages, since dialogs can be used for different purposes, not like how it was for mini pages in classic (although I suppose you could check if the current mini page is in add mode).


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Hi community!


I'm importing a file with Leads and needing to assign them to a user. Is there a way for seeking a user by email, not by full name? Because we have a lot of contacts with the same name in the database.

Like 0




Yes, it is possible to perform the mapping this way. You need to map the Email field from excel file to the Owner.Email field, which means you need to "drill down" into the column of the object referenced by the Owner column.

Here’s a guide on how to achieve this:

I hope this helps!


Pavlo Sokil,

Thanks a lot!

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Hello Community,

The scenario is very simple. 

We are in the Account form page. The account form page has three lookup fields (Type, Category, Primary Contact) We want to filter the Primary Contact based on the (Type and Category). How can this be achieved in freedomUI. Any code example?



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Best reply

If the lookup is a dropdown lookup (not opening the selection window) this approach can be used to filter it via code: https://customerfx.com/article/dynamically-filtering-a-lookup-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

For filtering a lookup as a selection window, use the approach here (see response from Harvey): https://community.creatio.com/questions/crtloaddatarequest-does-not-seem-trigger

Note, since that post, the "crt.OpenLookupPageRequest" request has been replaced by the new request "crt.OpenSelectionWindowRequest", so use this new request name instead of what is listed in that post)


If the lookup is a dropdown lookup (not opening the selection window) this approach can be used to filter it via code: https://customerfx.com/article/dynamically-filtering-a-lookup-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

For filtering a lookup as a selection window, use the approach here (see response from Harvey): https://community.creatio.com/questions/crtloaddatarequest-does-not-seem-trigger

Note, since that post, the "crt.OpenLookupPageRequest" request has been replaced by the new request "crt.OpenSelectionWindowRequest", so use this new request name instead of what is listed in that post)


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I'm trying to get the "Resulting collection" out of a Read data step in a Business Process in order to iterate over it, but whatever I try the "Resulting collection" is null/empty when trying to access it later in BP. The "Collection of records" parameter for the step is populated with the expected number of records, but since it's an ICompositeObjectList, it can't be iterated over using an index (e.g. entityCollection[0]) which is really what I would like for this solution - using a foreach loop in code isn't ideal, as then we have to write everything in code rather than using the no code BP steps available to us.


I've tried many things including changing packages to not compile into a separate assembly and using the Resulting collection parameter in a subprocess BP by binding the output param to a BP param, and have even checked in the ReadDataUserTask code using Visual Studio to debug and check values, and it seems that the ResultEntityCollection ("Resulting collection") is being set correctly there, but it just doesn't seem to make it back to the Business Process. Does anyone know why this might be the case? And if there's any resolution? Currently working in 8.1.3

Like 1



To add some details to what I'm seeing, this is the Read data step:


This is a formula step to try to see what should be coming out of this step in the Resulting collection:


And this is my User Task step which takes an EntityCollection parameter:


Before the Formula step, the value of the "Entity collection" parameter is null, afterwards it appears in the BP trace logs as being "", so something does change - below is shown what the User Task step's Inspect looks like after it fails:


So the BP parameter value is "" for the EntityCollection, but it's null for passing into the User Task, and that's what we see in the User Task debugging in Visual Studio (which causes the error, as we get an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when trying to use it).


When checking what the OOTB ReadDataUserTask code is setting to the ResultEntityCollection parameter (which is the parameter for "Resulting collection") we can see that it is correctly being passed the EntityCollection:


It just doesn't seem to be able to be used afterwards in the BP.

Anyone have any knowledge on why the Resulting collection parameter from a Read data step in a BP would be null despite it seeming to come back populated from the C# code?

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Hello all,

I am currently trying to update the standard Invoice object record's field; "payment amount" with a calculated sum collected from a custom object called: "Payments" from it's "Amount" field.

-Payments Record Added has the filter conditions of, "Amount is filled in"
- Payments Record Deleted has no filters
- Payments Record Modified has the, "Changes expected in any selected fields = 'Amount'"




And this is the current Invoice Record:


The Payment Amount field AND the test payment amount field I created show no input despite refreshes and alterations. I would appreciate any suggestions on my wrongdoings, as this is a more fundamental business process I have used before.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Like 0



Additionally, I found that the "read data" element is not actually picking up the invoice. Below is the trace data of the process log:

    "Element parameters": [
            "Parameter": "Data source of filters",
            "Value": {
                "Before execution": "{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.FilterGroup\",\"serializedFilterEditData\":\"{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.FilterGroup\\\",\\\"items\\\":{\\\"e9bc0ff2-a863-446d-8673-b7c8a71ae2c3\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.CompareFilter\\\",\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ColumnExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"isAggregative\\\":false,\\\"key\\\":\\\"e9bc0ff2-a863-446d-8673-b7c8a71ae2c3\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":0,\\\"leftExpressionCaption\\\":\\\"Id\\\",\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.Parameter\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{293bb23f-d16f-4c7a-ad45-9499a22ce47c}].[Parameter:{86b49173-d922-4022-b289-93b2acf6e683}]\\\",\\\"displayValue\\\":\\\"Payments Record Added.Unique identifier of record\\\"}}}},\\\"704c93a5-e747-4fcf-86b6-b14f1398ffe0\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.CompareFilter\\\",\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ColumnExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"isAggregative\\\":false,\\\"key\\\":\\\"704c93a5-e747-4fcf-86b6-b14f1398ffe0\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":0,\\\"leftExpressionCaption\\\":\\\"Id\\\",\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.Parameter\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{32a3cb4b-4109-4978-84ae-e4f236ffddc6}].[Parameter:{a8f68505-7f8e-4e33-ac3d-3c9116eb1915}]\\\",\\\"displayValue\\\":\\\"Payments Record Deleted.Unique identifier of record\\\"}}}},\\\"d3db370d-afe3-49c5-a121-571f02715f64\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.CompareFilter\\\",\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ColumnExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"isAggregative\\\":false,\\\"key\\\":\\\"d3db370d-afe3-49c5-a121-571f02715f64\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":0,\\\"leftExpressionCaption\\\":\\\"Id\\\",\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.Parameter\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{335bd2a9-757f-4750-adb1-a6d1a23e05f1}].[Parameter:{c6326280-12ce-424f-830a-9659100f8272}]\\\",\\\"displayValue\\\":\\\"Payments Record Modified.Unique identifier of record\\\"}}}}},\\\"logicalOperation\\\":0,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"filterType\\\":6,\\\"rootSchemaName\\\":\\\"IWPayments\\\",\\\"key\\\":\\\"\\\"}\",\"dataSourceFilters\":\"{\\\"items\\\":{\\\"e9bc0ff2-a863-446d-8673-b7c8a71ae2c3\\\":{\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{293bb23f-d16f-4c7a-ad45-9499a22ce47c}].[Parameter:{86b49173-d922-4022-b289-93b2acf6e683}]\\\"}}}},\\\"704c93a5-e747-4fcf-86b6-b14f1398ffe0\\\":{\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{32a3cb4b-4109-4978-84ae-e4f236ffddc6}].[Parameter:{a8f68505-7f8e-4e33-ac3d-3c9116eb1915}]\\\"}}}},\\\"d3db370d-afe3-49c5-a121-571f02715f64\\\":{\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{335bd2a9-757f-4750-adb1-a6d1a23e05f1}].[Parameter:{c6326280-12ce-424f-830a-9659100f8272}]\\\"}}}}},\\\"logicalOperation\\\":0,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"filterType\\\":6,\\\"rootSchemaName\\\":\\\"IWPayments\\\"}\"}",
                "After execution": "{\"className\":\"Terrasoft.FilterGroup\",\"serializedFilterEditData\":\"{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.FilterGroup\\\",\\\"items\\\":{\\\"e9bc0ff2-a863-446d-8673-b7c8a71ae2c3\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.CompareFilter\\\",\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ColumnExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"isAggregative\\\":false,\\\"key\\\":\\\"e9bc0ff2-a863-446d-8673-b7c8a71ae2c3\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":0,\\\"leftExpressionCaption\\\":\\\"Id\\\",\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.Parameter\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{293bb23f-d16f-4c7a-ad45-9499a22ce47c}].[Parameter:{86b49173-d922-4022-b289-93b2acf6e683}]\\\",\\\"displayValue\\\":\\\"Payments Record Added.Unique identifier of record\\\"}}}},\\\"704c93a5-e747-4fcf-86b6-b14f1398ffe0\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.CompareFilter\\\",\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ColumnExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"isAggregative\\\":false,\\\"key\\\":\\\"704c93a5-e747-4fcf-86b6-b14f1398ffe0\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":0,\\\"leftExpressionCaption\\\":\\\"Id\\\",\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.Parameter\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{32a3cb4b-4109-4978-84ae-e4f236ffddc6}].[Parameter:{a8f68505-7f8e-4e33-ac3d-3c9116eb1915}]\\\",\\\"displayValue\\\":\\\"Payments Record Deleted.Unique identifier of record\\\"}}}},\\\"d3db370d-afe3-49c5-a121-571f02715f64\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.CompareFilter\\\",\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ColumnExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"isAggregative\\\":false,\\\"key\\\":\\\"d3db370d-afe3-49c5-a121-571f02715f64\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":0,\\\"leftExpressionCaption\\\":\\\"Id\\\",\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression\\\",\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"className\\\":\\\"Terrasoft.Parameter\\\",\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{335bd2a9-757f-4750-adb1-a6d1a23e05f1}].[Parameter:{c6326280-12ce-424f-830a-9659100f8272}]\\\",\\\"displayValue\\\":\\\"Payments Record Modified.Unique identifier of record\\\"}}}}},\\\"logicalOperation\\\":0,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"filterType\\\":6,\\\"rootSchemaName\\\":\\\"IWPayments\\\",\\\"key\\\":\\\"\\\"}\",\"dataSourceFilters\":\"{\\\"items\\\":{\\\"e9bc0ff2-a863-446d-8673-b7c8a71ae2c3\\\":{\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{293bb23f-d16f-4c7a-ad45-9499a22ce47c}].[Parameter:{86b49173-d922-4022-b289-93b2acf6e683}]\\\"}}}},\\\"704c93a5-e747-4fcf-86b6-b14f1398ffe0\\\":{\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{32a3cb4b-4109-4978-84ae-e4f236ffddc6}].[Parameter:{a8f68505-7f8e-4e33-ac3d-3c9116eb1915}]\\\"}}}},\\\"d3db370d-afe3-49c5-a121-571f02715f64\\\":{\\\"filterType\\\":1,\\\"comparisonType\\\":3,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\\\":false,\\\"leftExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":0,\\\"columnPath\\\":\\\"Id\\\"},\\\"rightExpression\\\":{\\\"expressionType\\\":2,\\\"parameter\\\":{\\\"dataValueType\\\":26,\\\"value\\\":{\\\"value\\\":\\\"[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{335bd2a9-757f-4750-adb1-a6d1a23e05f1}].[Parameter:{c6326280-12ce-424f-830a-9659100f8272}]\\\"}}}}},\\\"logicalOperation\\\":0,\\\"isEnabled\\\":true,\\\"filterType\\\":6,\\\"rootSchemaName\\\":\\\"IWPayments\\\"}\"}"
            "Parameter": "Read first",
            "Value": {
                "Before execution": true,
                "After execution": true
            "Parameter": "Columns order",
            "Value": {
                "Before execution": "",
                "After execution": ""
            "Parameter": "First item of resulting collection",
            "Value": {
                "Before execution": {},
                "After execution": {}
            "Parameter": "Read uncommitted data",
            "Value": {
                "Before execution": true,
                "After execution": true
            "Parameter": "Consider time in the filter",
            "Value": {
                "Before execution": true,
                "After execution": true
    "Process parameters": [
            "Parameter": "IWPayments Amount",
            "Value": {
                "Before execution": 0,
                "After execution": 0

In the first read where you use the Id values from the start signals, change the AND to OR (if you click the AND it will toggle it to OR).


Ryan Farley,

Thank you Ryan. I must have overlooked that detail while reviewing other work! I am now having a new issue where the calculation element shows an incorrect sum.

For instance, when setting the Calculate Element to, "OR" I will have one record with an amount of $4500. When modified, it will then show a sum of $94,500.

But if I set it to, "AND", then the Calculate Element will show $0 for both the input and output.

Any idea on what could be causing this?


I am going to answer my own question here for my reply, as I discovered that my filters were not working correctly and the calculated sum was adding ALL records of the Payments object:


I found that for the "Calculate Element" filters, not only did I not need the 


"id ≠ Payments.Record Deleted.Unique identifier of record" 


But that the filter of:


"Invoice = Read Invoice from IWPayments.First item of resulting collection.Invoice"


Should be:


"Invoice.Id = Read Invoice from IWPayments.First item of resulting collection.Invoice"


I thought I had set it to that already, but I must have overlooked it while troubleshooting other solutions. 

Thank you to anyone who took a look at this!

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Hi Community,


We have this requirement, where we need to receive a complex json object and then store it in our database as a string, without using DataContracts.


To achieve this we though about using the "object" type and then serialize it into a string using JsonConvert.SerializeObject method. 


	  [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "/store", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
      public Response AddStore(object store) {
         Response response = new Response();
         response.MessageId = "1";
         response.Description = "Store Inserted!";
        string storeString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(store, Formatting.Indented);
        var ins = new Insert(UserConnection)
        .Set("ImdMessage", Column.Parameter(storeString))
        .Set("ImdStateId", Column.Parameter(new Guid("2d1dee23-058b-45fe-95a0-2e1612fc4261")));
        return response;   


However, the string is always empty. 


Since the json is to complex, the serializer cannot process the entire json data. 


We also tried to use WebOperationContext, but that doesn't work.


Can someone help us solve this issue? Did anyone have something similar?


Thank you.

Like 0





First of all you need to make sure that you can convert the object into a string in general. Like create a Visual Studio project, add the logic to convert the object into a string using JsonSerializer like


string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(myObject); Console.WriteLine(jsonString);


And see the result. After the number of tests find the way when the data you pass is converted into the string and then start developing an additional logic of storing this data in the Creatio database using the insert query you used.


Alternatively find the way to make the object to have a constant set of keys so to be sure it will be converted to the string as needed.

Oleg Drobina,


After some changes I got it to work, by reading the raw body before the automatic parsing. However, this is working only on our Linux environment. As for for windows environment (Creatio Cloud), we are receiving some parse errors. 


      [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "/article", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
      public Response AddArticle(string articleJson) {
        string result = "";
        Stream inputStream = HttpContext.Current.Request.Body;
        inputStream.Position = 0;
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(inputStream, Encoding.UTF8))
            result = reader.ReadToEnd();
        var parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result);
        string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented);
        Response response = new Response();
        response.MessageId = "1";
        response.Description = "Article Inserted!";
        var ins = new Insert(UserConnection)
        .Set("ImdMessage", Column.Parameter(jsonString))
        .Set("ImdStateId", Column.Parameter(new Guid("2d1dee23-058b-45fe-95a0-2e1612fc4261")));
        return response;  


What could be the cause for such weird behaviour?


Thank you.


Pedro Pinheiro,


Well, it shouldn't happen. Maybe there is still some difference in the content we pass in the local machine and in the Windows machine?

Oleg Drobina,


The requests are the same for both local and cloud environments, except the address and credentials.


However, when I execute the request on the cloud environment I get this error:


 <p class="heading1">Request Error</p>
       <p>The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'This method or property is
           not supported after HttpRequest.GetBufferlessInputStream has been invoked.'. See server logs for more
           details. The exception stack trace is: </p>
       <p> at System.Web.HttpRequest.get_InputStream()
           at Terrasoft.Configuration.ImdArticleAPI.ArticleAPI.AddArticle(Object article)
           at SyncInvokeAddArticle(Object , Object[] , Object[] )
           at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]&amp;
           at Terrasoft.Web.Common.ServiceModel.ThreadContextInitializer.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs,
           Object[]&amp; outputs)
           at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc&amp; rpc)
           at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc&amp; rpc)
           at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage11(MessageRpc&amp; rpc)
           at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)</p>


Have you encountered something similiar? What could be the cause for such error?


Thank you.


Pedro Pinheiro,


Creatio doesn’t know how to serialize/deserialize object. If you change object to string in Response AddStore(object store) you will be able to parse it with JsonParser of your choice.

Kirill Krylov CPA,


The problem is, if I change it to string I can only send strings to this endpoint (The Json must be converted to a string). Because, if I try to send a Json Object I get "400 Bad Request".




Hello everyone,


I managed to get it working by receiving the body as a Stream instead of a String.


With this solution, I don't get the "400 Bad request" and I can process any Json object.


I don't know if this is the best solution, but it's working for now.

      [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "/article", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
      public Response AddArticle(Stream requestBody) {
        string result = "";
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(requestBody, Encoding.UTF8))
            result = reader.ReadToEnd();
        var parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result);
        string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented);
        Response response = new Response();
        response.MessageId = "1";
        response.Description = "Article Inserted!";
        var ins = new Insert(UserConnection)
        .Set("ImdMessage", Column.Parameter(jsonString))
        .Set("ImdStateId", Column.Parameter(new Guid("2d1dee23-058b-45fe-95a0-2e1612fc4261")));
        return response;  


Feel free to give any feedback on this solution.


Thank you.


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Hi There, 

I'm trying to create a sales forecast. To create it I want to use figures from 2024. However the time periods for the columns need to be 2025. Is there a way I can see actual historic data? I.e January 2024 vs January 2025? 

The only way I found I can do this is by manually entering the 2024 data. However, given that I'm doing this for a number of different businesses it's very tedious. So for example in the period column for March 2025, I would like to see actual salees figures from March 2024, the forecasted amount (based on March 2024) followed by the Actual sales figures. 


I'm using Invoice owner acount to specify the different business units (rows) and Invoice created on filed to specify the time period. 

Thank you 

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Unfortunately, the planning functionality is currently unable to process values from a previous period.

The described case is best solved with the help of the MP solution: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/calculated-metrics-creatio. There it will be possible to output three indicators: Current Fact, Previous Fact, Percentage of the ratio of the current to the previous one.

Best regards,

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Hi Community,


Our customer has requested a bar code scanner inside Creatio, so they can scan products and check its information.

We have multiple ways of doing this:


  1. WebApp (Custom Component) that opens the smartphone camera;
  2. WebApp (Custom Component) that establishes a connection to a scanner device (for example a Zebra Scanner);
  3. Bar code scanner in the mobile app, which we will be able to configure as described here https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/resources/release-notes/8-2-1-energy-release-notes#title-2782-13.


For our use case, we will be using the first option, since option three is not available at the moment.


After some digging, we discovered that there are multiple libraries that could help us implement this use case. However, we decided to post this question to know if someone has already implemented something similar, or at least tried to. So, we can share the know-how behind it.


Thank you.

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Have not tried, also looking forward to some knowhow. Not just to scan, but also to generate for event registrations for example. 

I have integrated a barcode scanner with Creatio. We've used a simple bluetooth barcode scanner connected to the device (in our case it was a tablet with full Creatio open in the browser). Most barcode scanners work just like a connected keyboard. When a barcode is scanned it sends the "text" value of the barcode to as input, just as if it were typed in. In my solution, we had a page that opened and we set focus to a text/input field on the page and dislayed some message about "waiting for barcode" for the user. Then, once scanned, the text value of the barcode scanned triggered a change event for the text/input field and we then did the action needed for the barcode (which in our case the barcode was a vehicle VIN, so we then used an API to get the vehicle details for the scanned VIN). All really simple to be honest. Using this approach, thinking of the barcode scanner as text entered by an input device, just like a keyboard, it all turned out to be really easy to work with.
Hope this helps.


Hey Community, 
Found this on the Creatio page 

Has anyone attempted to identify the exact code or reference methods that enable this feature? We're looking to leverage this capability for a client and are trying to figure it out.

Ryan Farley,

Hello, Looks like the barcode scan functionality has been released for Mobile version 8.2.4. Here is what Creatio sent us. Did anyone from community get a chance to try this?

BarcodeScanService is a service used to initiate the barcode scanner and retrieve the scan result using scan() method. Supported barcode types:

  • Aztec: ISO/IEC 24778 — 2D matrix barcode, compact, high data capacity, no quiet zone needed.
  • Code 39: ISO/IEC 16388 — Variable-length, alphanumeric, widely used in logistics and inventory.
  • Code 93: ISO/IEC 15417 — Higher density and reliability version of Code 39, supports more characters.
  • EAN: ISO/IEC 15420 — 1D barcode for retail products, encodes 12-13 digits, globally standardized.
  • Code 128: ISO/IEC 15417 — High-density 1D barcode, supports ASCII 128, used in shipping and logistics.
  • Data Matrix: ISO/IEC 16022 — 2D barcode, supports large data storage, error correction included.
  • QR: ISO/IEC 18004 — 2D matrix code, fast scanning, supports URLs, text, and more, error correction built-in.
  • ITF (Interleaved 2 of 5): ISO/IEC 16390 — Numeric-only, compact, used for cartons and packaging.
  • UPCE: ISO/IEC 15420 — Compressed version of UPC, for small products, 6-digit format.
  • PDF417: ISO/IEC 15438 — 2D stacked linear barcode, supports large data, used in documents and IDs.


Return data

type - Indicates the result type: barcode, error, or cancelled.

rawContent - The scanned barcode content; null if the scan is canceled or an error occurs.

errorMessage - Describes the error if an error occurs; null otherwise.

format - Specifies the barcode format (one of the supported types or unknown); null in case of an error.



    type: 'crt.TestBarcodeScanRequest',


export class TestBarcodeScanRequest extends BaseRequest { }


    requestType: 'crt.TestBarcodeScanRequest',

    type: 'usr.TestBarcodeScanRequest',

    scopes: ['MobileContact_ListPage']


export class TestCaseScanBarcodeRequestHandler extends BaseRequestHandler<TestBarcodeScanRequest> {

    public async handle(request: BaseRequest): Promise<unknown> {

        const res: BarcodeScanResult = await new BarcodeScanService().scan();

        Logger.console('___ Result type: ' + res.type);

        Logger.console('___ Content: ' + res.rawContent);

        Logger.console('___ Error: ' + res.errorMessage);

        Logger.console('___ Scanned code format: ' + res.format);

        return res;



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Is it possible to bind knowledge base articles to packages, or in some other way move them between environments in an effective way? The client wants to be able to set up articles in their Pre environment and transfer them into Prod when ready, but the documentation doesn't provide information on the possibility of this.


It also might not be ideal to bind this data in a non-dev environment, since you will then have packages that must be created from non-dev environments to accomplish this, so perhaps there is another recommended way of moving such data between environments?


We are currently on 8.1.3, planning on upgrading to 8.2.1 soon, and are using exclusively Freedom UI sections.

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Hi Harvey

I recommend using an integration tool like Make.com to automate transferring KB articles from Pre to Prod. Configure Make.com to fetch articles from Pre instance then insert them into Prod. This avoids dependency on packages and works seamlessly across versions.

Thank you

Mohamed Ouederni,

Interesting, do you use this in other use cases ?


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Hi guys! We have issue with CaseRatingFeedbackPage - in page we have just 2 radio button, 1 text area and 1 submit button. But page performance is so slow.

its how page looks:


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Best reply

and it loads a lot of js files:

and it loads a lot of js files:


Thank you for sharing the details. Based on the provided information, here are a few key theories about what could be causing the performance issues on the CaseRatingFeedbackPage:

  1. Number of Requests:
    A high number of requests being triggered when the page loads or during user interaction can significantly impact performance. This could be related to customizations or additional scripts implemented on the page, which might introduce extra requests.
  2. Network Speed or Connection Issues:
    The fact that a small file (e.g., 33 KB) takes 2 seconds to load strongly indicates potential problems with the internet connection or network conditions. This delay could result from low bandwidth, high latency, or temporary connectivity issues.

    Recommended Next Steps:
  3. Analyze Requests and Customizations: Use a network monitoring tool (e.g., Chrome DevTools) to identify unnecessary or excessive requests. Pay particular attention to requests introduced by custom scripts or third-party dependencies.
  4. Check Network Conditions: Test the page performance under different network conditions to confirm if the issue persists with stable and high-speed internet.

    Best regards,

Anton Starikov,

Hi Anton, thanks for response. There is no any network/speed issue. In the network I see a lot of JS loading which initiator is "error-list-dialog.js". 
here is the added code to this page:

Kamran Mammadov,

The fact that the files are taking so long to download indicates a network problem. Could you please check this also?
Is the result the same with other networks?

Anton Starikov,

Yes, it comes as issue from business, so it tested in different environments/networks

For what it's worth, the CaseRatingFeedbackPage always loads horribly slow for me as well, even without customization to it. Even for cases with Creatio in their success portal, often the page doesn't even completely load.



A couple pages still needs some code optimization for performance. In general, load time is also very very sensitive to wifi quality I noticed, a whole much more than any other of our web apps we use.  

Lots of improvements happened last year, hopefully this trend of performance improvements will continue :). 


Thanks to all!

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