

I'm wanting to setup a business process so that when a user is mentioned in the feed they receive an email notification. Also, there may be instances where more than 1 user is mentioned in a single comment and I'd want each person to get an email notification in that case.


I've tried creating this business process and am stuck as it sends the notification to the person who created the comment in the feed, not the user mentioned in the comment. Any tips on this are greatly appreciated!


Thank you,



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Best reply

Hi Eric,

try to use such signal on the object 'User mention' and send notification to Contact:

Hi Eric,

try to use such signal on the object 'User mention' and send notification to Contact:

Thank you! That did it. What's the best method to provide a link to the record via an email? I tried following the steps here - https://community.creatio.com/questions/link-based-feed-notification but it appears to break when there are replies to an existing comment.


Eric Curran,

We have such formula (it is for Classic UI, but you can change it for Freedom UI):

"<a href=\""+[#System setting.Website URL#]+"/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/"+[#Page name#]+"/edit/"+[#Object Id#]+"\">"+[#Record title#]+"</a>"

Eric Curran,

We have implemented this way for replies:

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Anyone ever encountered an 'Item with name "AnalyticsAccountUser" not found' error?

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I have grouped a number of cases (Stages in my case) in the workflow. The decision of which stage will be chosen, is decided in a business process inside the previous stage.   

The problem is that the first stage of the group always shows, even if it will never be processed during the workflow. How can I hide this stage on a specific condition and show the other stage in the group.

Current workflow:

the grouped stages


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Hello Community,

In this article it is described on how to deal with selection windows crt.OpenSelectionWindowRequest. https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/8.1/platform-customization/freedom-ui/selection-window/overview

but no information at all about predefined values.

Is there any possibilty that when clicking 'NEW' there are some predefined default values?


The Account type is set to 'Our Company'

Thank you,


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You don't need to use programming for this task.
You need to create an object replacement (in your example, an Account object replacement), in which you can set the default value for the corresponding columns, save the changes, and publish the object.


 After that, when you open the pages of creating records, you will see the fields immediately filled with the default values.

defValue in Runtime

These links can also be useful for you to find more options for achieving your goal:



Thank you.

Hello Serhii,

Thank you for the reply.

1) We can not utilize the generic default value, becasue depending on the conditions the Type, might have differnetvalues.

2) Our frontend logic is associated with OpenSelectionWindowRequest. In the documentation of OpenSelectionWindowRequest there is no documentation for default values.

Is there any workaround to achieve this?

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I created a new Functional role with oData operations permission and add it to User. 
Using Postman can GET data from "Contact" collection with this User credentials. It also can create new Contact using POST method.
PATCH returns:  403 - Forbidden: Access is denied
DELETE returns:  405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed

What permissions I have to grant to this Functionsl role and how?

This instruction
say for 405
"The response should contain the Allow header with the list of request methods the resource supports."
Postman returns:
 405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed

 The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) was used to attempt access.


Can you help?

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For the user to work through OData, you need to grant them access using the CanUseODataService code in the Operation permissions section. 

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Hi everyone,

The requirement is to show all the Opportunity irrespective of the Account selected .Now it is being filter by Account. I'm trying to find the module where the implementation is done. I have attached the screenshots below for the reference .

Could someone help me with this ?


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We have performed several tests and here is the result: 
if you go to "Not processed" folder and find any email that is not bound to any contact or account - you will be able to bind it to any opportunity in the application. 

But if you find any email that is already bound to a contact or account - then you will only be able to bind this email to the opportunity where this contact or account is a customer. 

This won't work if the account and contact are not bound to each other (for example, contact is not primary for an account or not connected to an account). 

We will create a separate idea for our R&D team so to develop this new functionality of binding email data. 

Best regards,

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I want to make a validator that endDate cannot be erlier than leave startDate, in endDate field in viewModelConfigDiff,



My Code:


"PDS_UsrLeaveEndDate_quo1xia": {
	"modelConfig": {
		"path": "PDS.UsrLeaveEndDate"
	"validators": {
		"MySuperValidator2": {
			"type": "usr.FutureDateValidator2",
			"params": {
				"message": "#ResourceString(EndDateWarning)#",
				"startDate": "PDS_UsrLeaveStartDate_apq3vdm"


   "usr.FutureDateValidator2": {
                validator: function (config) {
                    return function (control) {
                        let value = control.value;
                       let startDate =  config.startDate;
                        let valueIsCorrect = value > startDate;
                        var result;
                        if (valueIsCorrect) {
                            result = null;
                        } else {
                            result = {
                                "usr.FutureDateValidator2": { 
                                    message: config.message
                        return result;
                params: [
                        name: "message"
                        name: "startDate"
                async: false


But, value of startDate from the params is a String, how to get the actual value?


Thank you

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Hi all,


I would like to know if and how it is possible to add a font for configuring email account signature.


Best regards




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To upload new fonts and use them in emails, you need to change the values of the system settings "CKEditor fonts list" ("CKEditor fonts list") and "CKEditor default font" ("CKEditor default font"). 

The "CKEditor fonts list" system setting is responsible for which font you will be able to see in the font drop-down list. It should be added to the beginning of the system setting list, with ";". 

Accordingly, in order to use this font, they just need to be installed on the server as a regular font. 

It is also necessary to know that if the recipient does not have this font, he will not see this font.

More information can be found in this instruction.

Best regards,

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Hi, everybody!


I work on Classic UI. I have a task: to realize opening mini-page instead of full page in Account Lookup by clicking Add Button. 


I managed to do it in runtime mode.


To do this, it was necessary to make a change to the basic client module  LookupPageViewModelGenerator.js, the needOpenMiniPage method.

But I couldn't override this basic module in the configuration and connect it to my page.


Code of my new LookupPageViewModelGenerator:

define("LVLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2", ["LookupPageViewModelGenerator"], function(LookupPageViewModelGenerator) {
Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.LVLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2", {
extend: "Terrasoft.LookupPageViewModelGenerator",
		needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName) {
		this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd=true; // додано
		const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation");
		const entityStructure = moduleUtils.getEntityStructureByName(entitySchemaName);
		const editPages = entityStructure.pages;
		const hasAddMiniPage = editPages[0].hasAddMiniPage;
		return notUseSilentCreation && this.lookupInfo.isQuickAdd && !Ext.isEmpty(hasAddMiniPage);
    return Terrasoft.configuration.LVLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2;


Code of my page where lookup is contained:

define("ELFinApplicationAccountPage", ["LVLookupPageViewModelGeneratorV2"],  function() {
return  {
entitySchemaName: "FinApplication",
attributes: {},
messages: {},
methods: {},
diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
          operation: "insert",
          name: "LVPartnerWhoRecommended",
          parentName: "AdditionalProfileInfoContainer",
          propertyName: "items",
          values: {
            layout: {
              column: 0,
              row: 6,
              colSpan: 24


I wrote this code while I was reading this article: https://community.creatio.com/questions/add-mini-card-contact-lookup-new-optionbutton. But maybe I made a mistake or didn`t take smth into account.

What do I have to do to make this work?


Thank you!

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Hello Everyone, 


I created a Dynamic DCM that includes some sub-processes to validate lists on my form page. If validated correctly the stage should continue forward. the first stage works just fine it proceeds. When I validate the following one though the stage does not change. I have re-checked my BP multiple times to ensure it has taken the appropriate path and also the result conditions set in order for the case to move forward dynamically and they both check out. Any idea what the issue could be?

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Here are a few additional steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Ensure that the validation logic in your sub-processes is correctly implemented and that it returns the expected results.
  • Double-check the transition conditions between stages to ensure they are correctly configured and that they match the output of your validation logic.
  • Look at the case logs to see if there are any errors or warnings that might give you more insight into why the stage is not progressing.
  • Try testing the process with different sets of data to see if the issue is data-specific.
  • Ensure that the user executing the process has the necessary permissions to move the case forward.
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