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Hi all, 

we have Next steps elements in Freedom UI. But "+" creates Task by default. How can we add one more thing like create a case or send message? Is it possible in freedom UI?

Thanks in advance.

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Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to add the option of adding Emails, Calls, and Messages records via clicking on Next Step. Alternatively, you can try to perform such an action through customization in the Freedom UI designer. Add menu items to the + Next Step button and customize the opening of pages for different types of activities.

However, we have forwarded your idea to the responsible R&D team to add this functionality in future releases.

 Thank you for helping us to improve our product!

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Hi Community, 


is there a quick way to set the fields that are shown when opening the detail of a dashboard?



I know there is an alternative to go in with Supervisor and set it manually but I would like this to pass from dev to prod to pre-prod environment and be shown by default to users




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First off, if I recall correctly, in recent versions of creatio, the metric columns are saved per-object (meaning all metrics of the same object will have the same column layout). 

In your dev environment, configure the column layout and save for all users. Then, you'll want to bind data from SysProfileData with the key "AnalyticsColumns_ObjectNameHere" - so if your object is "UsrRepair", the key will be "AnalyticsColumns_UsrRepair". This article shows the columns to set for the data element in the package: https://customerfx.com/article/including-the-default-column-layout-for-a-detail-in-a-creatio-package/


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Hi Community,

I’m trying to set up global search using Docker, following the documentation. However, when I attempt to run the containers for the global search service components (see image below)


I encounter the following error:


Does anyone know what might be causing this error and how to resolve it?

Thank you!

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Exciting news! We’re partnering with Formstack, a leading low-code data capture and activation platform, to bring even more power to Creatio users. Formstack’s AI-powered forms and document generation is set to further transform how businesses automate their workflows and manage their data. 


Find out more about the partnership: https://www.creatio.com/company/news/23368 

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Hello Community,


I have created a custom page as shown below and added a button to the top bar.


When adding a new record, I want to hide the 'Add to Timesheet' button.


I want to learn, how to define the method and Method Calling in UsrTasks_FormPage in schema Designer.

UsrTasks_FormPage  Schema:


define("UsrTasks_FormPage", /**SCHEMA_DEPS*/[]/**SCHEMA_DEPS*/, function/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/()/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/ {
    var IsVisible = function() {
        //Logic is to Hide the Button on New Reacord Creation
    return {
     viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "AddToTimesheet",
                "values": {
                    "type": "crt.Button",
                    "caption": "#ResourceString(AddToTimesheet_caption)#",
                    "color": "primary",
                    "disabled": false,
                    "size": "large",
                    "iconPosition": "only-text",
                    "visible": { bindTo:  "IsVisible" },
                    "clicked": {
                        "request": "crt.CreateRecordRequest",
                        "params": {
                            "entityName": "UsrTimesheet",
                            "defaultValues": [
                                    "attributeName": "UsrProject",
                                    "value": "$PDS_UsrProject_yuj01i4"
                                    "attributeName": "UsrTask",
                                    "value": "$Id"
                    "clickMode": "default"
                "parentName": "ActionButtonsContainer",
                "propertyName": "items",
                "index": 0
        handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[]/**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/,
        converters: /**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/{}/**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/,
        validators: /**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/{}/**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/




Ajay K

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Best reply

If you're wanting to wire up code to run when the button in clicked, see this article: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-button-to-execute-custom-code-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

As for the visible property, using {bindTo: "something"} doesn't work for Freedom UI pages (that is for classic). Instead you'd add an attribute and bind it using "$AttributeName", then set that attribute elsewhere like in the model init request. 

Using attributes: https://customerfx.com/article/using-custom-attributes-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

Using the model init handler: https://customerfx.com/article/waiting-for-model-to-be-ready-and-loaded-in-the-crt-handleviewmodelinitrequest-on-creatio-freedom-ui-pages/

This article shows how to make something visible or not based on if the user is a member of a role: https://customerfx.com/article/showing-or-hiding-a-field-if-the-current…


You can choose the visibility to "visible": { bindTo:  "IsVisible" } and add the conditions if needed:

isVisible: function() {
             if ( ---- )  
                     return true;
             return false;
showButton: function() {
			this.set("isVisible", false);

Best regards, Anhelina!


Could you please clarify how to define the function in the schema?  

Is there any reference how to define the Functions in "ClientUnitSchemaDesigner". 

If you're wanting to wire up code to run when the button in clicked, see this article: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-button-to-execute-custom-code-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

As for the visible property, using {bindTo: "something"} doesn't work for Freedom UI pages (that is for classic). Instead you'd add an attribute and bind it using "$AttributeName", then set that attribute elsewhere like in the model init request. 

Using attributes: https://customerfx.com/article/using-custom-attributes-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

Using the model init handler: https://customerfx.com/article/waiting-for-model-to-be-ready-and-loaded-in-the-crt-handleviewmodelinitrequest-on-creatio-freedom-ui-pages/

This article shows how to make something visible or not based on if the user is a member of a role: https://customerfx.com/article/showing-or-hiding-a-field-if-the-current…



Ryan is right. Suggested method works for ClassicUI but doesn't work with Freedom UI. The way to use visible property has changed. You can check the instructions from the Academy "Hide the feature on a page behind access permissions"

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