

The problem is - i didn't see requests to _bundle.js files in "Network" tab in browser console.

System behavior is like there is no bundles.


My steps:

  • Configure bundler and create dictionary appropriate with documentation
  • Generate bundels and check them in "CREATIO_ROOT/Terrasoft.WebApp/conf/content/bundles" directory
  • Check bundles direcory system rights and access
  • Reset IIS and Redis
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Please check if you have debug mode enabled (system setting IsDebug). When it is turned on, the system will not use bundles even though they are enabled.

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Hi, all senior mentors, 


   While configure the "Task" in business process,  I can see dozens objects in "Connected to" setting , however, I can't find "Product" object inside the selection list? How can I add these objects not in the list to this task?
   Thanks in adv. 



File attachments
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In order to achieve your business idea you firstly need to create a connection between the Activity object and the object of your need (Product). You can find an example of how that can be achieved in this community post:



After that the needed object should appear in the "Connected to" list of objects.

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How can I get the information of this json to put in different fields so I can use them in business process. 


{"signer_data":{"name":"laura@artica.digital","authority":"Vinculada a Correo Electrónico por Liga","id":1655735,"email":"laura@artica.digital","fingerprint":"66bf3e0a67ba87d5aeae33e5e98db771968aae83","box_id":"wxjXMgLPz","box_data":"laura@artica.digital","signature_date":"2024-12-19T19:31:59Z"},"signer_email":"laura@artica.digital","signer_fingerprint":"66bf3e0a67ba87d5aeae33e5e98db771968aae83","signer":1655735,"user":233645,"notification_type":"original_signed","notification_id":"3639332","first_notification_date":"2024-12-19T19:32:03Z","document_title":"INFONAVIT. PM005690004564500002NUEVA ASIGNACION SIN BORRADO (1).pdf","firmamex_id":"af8b17ab-9dc0-4130-8f6e-65e24134e596","text":"Document af8b17ab-9dc0-4130-8f6e-65e24134e596.pdf just signed"}


i get this json for a webhook. 



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Currently, to parse values from webhook via business process you would need to use a custom script task element. Also, you can read more information on how to process webhooks here.


Basically in this community thread is already was provided an answer - https://community.creatio.com/questions/parsing-webhooks



Thank you, I manage to pass the json to the parameters using the next example https://community.creatio.com/questions/help-parse-json-i-get-webservice-variables-can-after-introduce-creatio-object


but i get an error in the process 


Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Terrasoft.Configuration.UsrForCustomObject.Meta]' because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly.
To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (e.g. not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List<T>) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON object.
Path 'meta.signer', line 1, position 18.
   at Terrasoft.Common.Json.Json.Deserialize[T](String value, Func`2 func)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.UsrProcess_e6a76c0MethodsWrapper.PerformJsonDeserialize()
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.UsrProcess_e6a76c0MethodsWrapper.ScriptTask1Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessScriptTask.InternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.CallInternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)



The method that I use is this one 


public void PerformJsonDeserialize()
	var passedValue = Get<string>("PassedJSONString");
	if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(passedValue))
		UsrForCustomObject testCustObj =Json.Deserialize<UsrForCustomObject>(passedValue);
		Set<string>("Parsedname", testCustObj.name);
		Set<string>("Parsedauthority", testCustObj.authority);
		Set<string>("Parsedsigner", testCustObj.meta[0].signer);
		Set<string>("Parsedreason", testCustObj.meta[0].reason);
		Set<string>("Parsednotification_type", testCustObj.notification_type);
return true; 



Can you help me know what is the problem? I think is related with this part UsrForCustomObject testCustObj =Json.Deserialize<UsrForCustomObject>(passedValue)  but I already try changing that to 
DeserializeDictionary(String) or Deserialize<T>(String, JsonSerializerSettings)

and i still have the error 


thank you 

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Hello, colleagues.


Im using swagger api on 


to configure global search services.


My actions:

  • Launch all required docker containers according with documentation
  • Registered a 'my_precious' site name with the parameters 

    {"databaseType": "mssql", "databaseConnectionString": "Server=DB_SERVER_IP; Database=DATABASE; User Id=USERNAME; Password=PASSWORD; Connection Timeout=10; TrustServerCertificate=true"}
  • Created an index with the parameters 

    {"templateName": "ngram_3.json"}


Configured the system settings according to the academy instructions:

  • Executed an SQL query to activate the global search feature
  • Filled three system settings with url's :81, :82, and :83/indexname


Port 1433 (SQL) on the CRM database server is open.


When checking the status of the global search using 


, I receive the following error: 

Failed to check state for the 'my_precious' site: Internal connection fatal error.

I have checked the logs of all Docker containers related to the global search and haven't found anything similar to this error.

What does this error indicate, and where can I find a more detailed description of it?


And no, global search isn't working.

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1. I suggest performing a check using the Swagger interface:

  1. Follow this link:


Where GS_server_address is the address of the server hosting the global search services. Locate the command /sites/my_site_name/search/state

Essentially, this is the same check but through a more user-friendly interface.

  1. 2. Additionally, I noticed that the connection string uses PostgreSQL server flags (Server/Database). I suggest trying the following format, which is more typical for MSSQL:


"Data Source=server\\Instance;Initial Catalog=DB;User ID=*****;Password=*****" &nbsp;




"Data Source=ip;Initial Catalog=DB;User ID=*****;Password=*****"&nbsp;


  1. 3. I also recommend verifying that the database server and the database itself support external connections. You can refer to this guide:

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I am trying to make a detail available.  At Detail setup the checkbox 'Make the list editable' is disabled:


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Best reply



The checkbox becomes disabled when any modifications are applied to the detail schema in configurations, such as comments, custom methods, attributes, etc. This behavior is determined by the _canChangeType method in the DetailDesignerUtils module. The logic ensures that when the checkbox is disabled, the wizard does not save modifications applied to the base detail with a list schema, preventing any loss of changes.

This logic cannot be overridden, which is why the detail cannot be switched from an editable list detail to a standard detail if schema modifications are present.

To address this issue, you can choose one of the following approaches:


  1. Remove the custom code, including comments, and save the changes. This will make the checkbox available again in the detail wizard.
  2. Delete all methods and values associated with the edited detail's features from the detail schema. This will make the detail non-editable.


We would also like to highlight that this logic has been improved in the new FreedomUI designer. The updated designer addresses these nuances, allowing you to modify the attribute of the edited pattern with a single setting, without requiring additional code changes.



Could you please specify the issue you are facing?


Additionally, we were unable to view the picture you provided. Could you kindly resend it for us to review?


Thank you in advance, and we look forward to your reply!



The checkbox becomes disabled when any modifications are applied to the detail schema in configurations, such as comments, custom methods, attributes, etc. This behavior is determined by the _canChangeType method in the DetailDesignerUtils module. The logic ensures that when the checkbox is disabled, the wizard does not save modifications applied to the base detail with a list schema, preventing any loss of changes.

This logic cannot be overridden, which is why the detail cannot be switched from an editable list detail to a standard detail if schema modifications are present.

To address this issue, you can choose one of the following approaches:


  1. Remove the custom code, including comments, and save the changes. This will make the checkbox available again in the detail wizard.
  2. Delete all methods and values associated with the edited detail's features from the detail schema. This will make the detail non-editable.


We would also like to highlight that this logic has been improved in the new FreedomUI designer. The updated designer addresses these nuances, allowing you to modify the attribute of the edited pattern with a single setting, without requiring additional code changes.

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How to make a dashboard for number of new leads added? 

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You can create a metric in Freedom UI, and set up filtering on the Status-"New" column as well as Created on and specify the value you want. You can learn more about this using the articles below:

Best regards,

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Hi ,


I have installed 64 bit ms word plugin for creatio. In order to connect i am using the same password and user name which is reflected in the account but still it says log in incorrect.

Any inputs on this would be really helpful.



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Please note, that logging into Word Plugin with 2-factor authentication turned on is disabled for now, so please make sure it's turned off. Also make sure if the appropriate plugin version has been installed, verify if your System type is in compliance with plugin version 64 bit. 

Instruction for proper installation is available with this link: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customization-tools/print-ready-reports/install-creatio-plug-in-for-ms-word

Also use this insttuction to disactivate 2-FA, go to point 3 and instead of enabling it, please disactivate it: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/setup-and-administration/administration/user-and-access-management/authentication/set-up-two-factor-authentication

Thank you !


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I'm working on a use case where I created a section 'Concert'. When I open any concert record It has some records related to 'Performance Detail'


Now I have to perform validation on PF_Duration Column. The Query is following:
"Perform verification whenever user adds or modifies a performance as follows: if the total duration of the concert performances exceeds the system setting value (see above), saving a performance record should not be permitted. Instead, a user should receive a message informing that no more than “N” total performances duration is allowed. “N” is the system setting value." 
N = 150 minutes

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I'd like to ask for your advice please on how to use the Map widget for Creatio add-on. 

According to the add-on description it should appear in the chart dashboard type as 'Bubble map'. Please see the screenshot below. 


However, when I create a chart dashboard the 'Bubble map' is not there on the list. 

I have also checked the widget type and by default it's always like the one below, also on a new bundle. 


Could you please explain to me how can I built such bubble map dashboard?
I'd appreciate if you could share your expertise on this matter. 

Sales creatio, v. 8.1.4

Best Regards,
Jacek Harlejczyk

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Hi Jacek,


The "Bubble map" type is available for only the Map chart. We will add this note to the listing description.

Olena Sidko,


Hi Olena,


Thanks for getting back on this. 


The thing is that when I add a new dashboard, I cannot see this 'Map chart' dashboard type. Would you know what could be causing this? 


All the nest in 2025! :-)

Hello! Would anyone have any idea why the 'Map chart' dashboard type is not listed? Thanks!


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