How to translate the titles of metrics on pages (classic) Question 2
New code editor in 8.1.3 - default tabs to actual tabs and not 2 spaces Question 11
Reference Campaign in Add Data campaign element Question 0
Bring back academy doc updates on academy homepage Idea 19
Removal of RestSharp in 8.1.1 Question 4
Feedback for the maintainers of academy documentation Idea 9
Issues with adding to rowToolbarItems for a list/grid in Freedom UI Question 0
Possible to suppress this message upon canceling a Freedom UI mini page? Question 1
Installing beta apps in 8.0.10 Question 0
Release notes for 8.0.10? Question 3
Provide the ability to set Web Service Base Address as Parameter or System Setting Idea 5
How to disable creating new case on receiving an email on a Closed case Question 1
Update the JS classes reference in Academy for v8+ / Freedom UI Idea 16
How to add CSS class to crt.Menu Question 0
Requested Improvements for developer experience with Freedom UI pages Idea 43
ES Version Warnings in Freedom UI Page Code Question 3
How to create replacing schema for Freedom UI BasePageTemplate Question 7
Copying data for file attachments results in zero byte file Question 0
Heads up for community admins, email notifications are not working Question 1
Any way to force a hierarchical detail (such as Project structure) to be expanded always? Question 0