diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
"operation": "merge",
"name": "DataGrid",
"values": {
"activeRowAction": {bindTo: "onActiveRowAction"},
"activeRowActions": [
"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
"markerValue": "myButtonAction",
"tag": "myAction",
"caption": "View image",
"enabled": false,
"visible":{bindTo: "IsButtonVisible"},
// "visible": {"bindTo": "isButtonVisible"},
methods: {
isButtonVisible: function()
const activerow= this.get("ActiveRow");
var msg= this.getActiveRow().get("UsrMessage") ;
if(msg==="hello"){return false;}
return true;
I tried adding button, and when giving visible:true, it is working fine, now i want to hide that button from some records of detail based on some condition so i bind it with the function, but it is not working, the function is not getting called/executed, when i am doing it at grid level then it is working fine, but not working on button, is there something am i missing or doing wrong, i even tried it using attribute and setting it's value in the function