I'm encountering a recurring issue with logging into Creatio, which happens almost every day. After entering my login credentials, the system often gets stuck on the loading screen with the Creatio logo. This issue usually occurs during the first login of the day, but it has also happened during subsequent login attempts.

I've identified that the loading process halts at the following script:


The time it takes to resolve this issue varies—sometimes it takes 2-10 minutes, but there have been instances where the screen remains stuck even after an hour. Importantly, there are no errors in the console during this time.This problem is significantly disrupting my ability to work with the system.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

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Please contact the Support team for analyzing this issue. The email address: support@creatio.com.

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Hi can anyone help to build a tile view in freedom ui , I wanted to recreate the grid view that was present in classic ui .

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Unfortunately, a tile view currently cannot be recreated in Freedom UI, and there is no option to display the images on the list page. We have registered a request with the responsible development team, and this team is working on adding this functionality in future releases.

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Hello Creatio Community,

I'm encountering several script errors while using Creatio, as shown in the attached screenshot. The errors appear to be related to the following components:

  1. GHierarchyViewGeneratorV2:
    • Script error on line 9.
    • Error related to GHierarchyViewGeneratorV2.
  2. GHierarchicalGridUtilitiesV2:
    • Uncaught error for GHierarchicalGridUtilitiesV2.
  3. ViewModuleWrapper:
    • Uncaught error for ViewModuleWrapper.

These errors seem to be occurring consistently, preventing me from loading specific modules. I've tried refreshing the page and clearing the cache, but the issue persists.

Has anyone else encountered these errors, and if so, what steps did you take to resolve them? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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Script Errors mean there are some issues with the code in a specific schema. In order to fix it we recommend asking the developers of the set schema so that they can check if there are any errors in the code.

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Is it possible to set a title for a column in a DataGrid dynamically via client code?


I tried the following steps:

  1. Add an attribute to viewModelConfigDiff called "InspectorsSundayCaption".


            viewModelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
                "operation": "merge",
                "path": [
                "values": {



  2. Bind the attribute to the caption property of column

                            "id": "aaa335c2-8291-0f65-e930-e39ca7e333a7",
                            "code": "DataGrid_244wb6vDS_UsrwpPoliceCarsSunday",
                            "path": "UsrwpPoliceCarsSunday",
                            "dataValueType": 4


  3. Set the attribute in the HandleViewModelInitRequest handler with the specific value.


                request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
                  handler: async (request, next) => {


                           request.$context.InspectorsSundayCaption = "Sunday inspectors " + sundayDateStr;

                           await next?.handle(request);



This way work to me in normal column caption, But it doesn't work in a DataGrid column


Is there any limitation/step I'm missing?


Thanks in advance for your assistance!


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Does anyone have an idea?

Hello Rachel Markovski,

I have contacted our R&D team in order to help find a solution for your problem. The answer is unfortunate - currently there is no mechanism to dynamically change column caption in the datagrid component. 

Hope this helps.

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I need to create a custom handler for a button. It is necessary that after the button is clicked, two actions are performed sequentially: first, the record should be saved, and then a process should be triggered. My code isn't working. Could you please help?


        handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
     request: "crt.CustomHandler",
     handler: async (request, next) => {
   const result = await next?.handle(request);
   const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
   // Спочатку зберігаємо дані
   await handlerChain.process({
       type: 'crt.SaveRecordRequest',
       $context: request.$context,
       dataSourceName: "PDS"
   // Потім викликаємо процес
   await handlerChain.process({
       type: 'crt.RunBusinessProcessRequest',
       $context: request.$context,
       processName: "srProcess_5c65949",
       processRunType: "ForTheSelectedPage",
       showNotification: true,
       recordIdProcessParameterName: "ID"
   return result;
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Best reply

Ігор Роїк,


Have you tried importing a "creatio-devkit/common dependecies" as well as passing sdk as a parameter to your schema function? 1

 message: Uncaught Error: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: sdk is not defined
ReferenceError: sdk is not defined

Ігор Роїк,


Have you tried importing a "creatio-devkit/common dependecies" as well as passing sdk as a parameter to your schema function? 1

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Hey. I've been working with Creatio for some time already. And I've been facing an issue. The issue is not picking up on changes that were added to the files already added to the package when uploading a new version of a package on any environment. I am talking about .cs files, in other words, the source code type of Creatio files. So, when I finish fixing some bugs with the package locally, I go to the dev env. to upload the package there. I do the uploading via `ApplicationHub` page via `install from file`. So, the issue happens only when the previous package version is installed and I want to update with the newer version. If I remove the previous version and upload a new one, all new changes are picked up.

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In this case, it could be two possible options as to why it happens:


1. It can happen if the schema has a more fresh ModifiedOn date in configuration, for example, if it was recently modified directly on the environment; if so, the schema won't be updated.

2.  Sometimes, the schema updates only after full compilation. so the steps will be install package -> full compilation -> check the schema.


If the issue would still reproduce, contact us at support@creatio.com.

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Hello all,


I've been facing this error as it's shown in the screenshot and Subject, it occurs when i try to save the record after filling the required fields.


does anyone familiar with this error ? it's pretty urgent so I'll appreciate it if anyone provided the solution. 


Thanks in advance.



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The issue is that if you remove the requirement for the "ReactionTimeUnit" and "SolutionTimeUnit" fields and leave them empty, you won’t be able to save the record. 

An error will occur:  
"Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: Index value is out of range"


These fields are mandatory because the entire out-of-the-box product logic of the Service relies on them being filled in.  

As a workaround, you can set default values for these fields, and everything will work fine.

Alternatively, you can build your application completely independent of the out-of-the-box functionality.




Much appreciated!

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How to change the status of the Progress bar Page based on the activity status

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I want to explore more on view model properties but could not found  good article which describes the get and set properties of view model properties

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For detailed documentation on view model properties, please refer to the following link:

Data handling basics

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Hi all,
Does anybody know how to store data in a rich text field without the HTML tag? There's an example in the knowledge base section; it has 2 columns ("Notes" with the "Rich text" data type to display and save article data with the html tag and "NotHtmlNote" with the "unlimited length data" data type that stores the article value without the html tag), but I don't know how it works.

Thank you.

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Best reply

The way that the OOTB KB area does it is it binds an attribute to the crt.RichTextEditor control's "plainText" property. This returns the text version of the contents. If you view KnowledgeBase_EditPage you'll see the plainText property there

The attribute there is added to the model in the viewModelConfigDiff, which is how it's bound to automatically save to that path.

Also, a side note, there's a process added from the CoPilot stuff which exists in recent versions that can be used as a subprocess for stripping out HTML tags from text, called "Trim html in text". You can use a process and pass in the InputText parameter and you'll get back the text without the HTML tags in the OutputText param. This would be easy to use as a process to save the unformatted text as well.


The way that the OOTB KB area does it is it binds an attribute to the crt.RichTextEditor control's "plainText" property. This returns the text version of the contents. If you view KnowledgeBase_EditPage you'll see the plainText property there

The attribute there is added to the model in the viewModelConfigDiff, which is how it's bound to automatically save to that path.

Also, a side note, there's a process added from the CoPilot stuff which exists in recent versions that can be used as a subprocess for stripping out HTML tags from text, called "Trim html in text". You can use a process and pass in the InputText parameter and you'll get back the text without the HTML tags in the OutputText param. This would be easy to use as a process to save the unformatted text as well.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you. It's very clear and helpful.

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