Hi community,

This is an out of the box problem, because i tried it in a fresh Environment as well.

Here is the issue.

We have the Leads section in the Classic UI, meanwhile the Account section is in the FreedomUI

1-We click to the Account link from the Lead Section:

2- We expect that the Form Page will open since we are not adding a new Account. Instead of the Form Page the MiniPage of the Account opens

3- Status of the Pages established for the account

How can we fix this issue?


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Hi Community,

Any update regarding this?



Please make sure that the "Default page" setting is set to the "Form page" in the Accounts object located in a package that is at the end of the packages hierarchy (it might be in the Custom package). 

This issue might appear if in one of such objects the "Default page" setting is set to "Mini page", which overrides the base settings.

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It is posible to save a file in creatio from a base64 string? I have a web service that allows me to request a document by an id to an external service and it responds with the document in a base64 string, so I would like to know if it is possible to convert that string into the file and save it in some record on the platform.


Thank you 

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Something like this should work:

var base64FileString = Get<string>("Base64File");
var accountId = Get<Guid>("AccountId");
var attachFileType = new Guid("529bc2f8-0ee0-df11-971b-001d60e938c6");
var fileName = "SomeFile.docx" // set proper file type in file name
var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("AccountFile");
var fileEntity = entity.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
fileEntity.SetColumnValue("AccountId", accountId);
fileEntity.SetColumnValue("TypeId", attachFileType);
fileEntity.SetBytesValue("Data", Convert.FromBase64String(base64FileString));


Ryan Farley,

Thank you very much 

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Hello everyone,

I hope you're all well. I need your help.

I'm having a problem using CREATIO to create products that all end in :
insert or update on table ‘ProductPrice’ violates foreign key constraint ‘FK6ZjAW6Pzi2p2Jqy6BQy6n2r0xlY’
Even so, if I refresh the page, the product is created.

Once I get to the order and want to add one of these products, I get another integrity constraint.
Do you have an explanation, or do I have to go through support?
Thank you very much for your help.

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Best reply


The issue could be caused by a missing Default value within the Base Price List System Setting. Please check this. 

If this does not help, please contact support@creatio.com

Best regards,



The issue could be caused by a missing Default value within the Base Price List System Setting. Please check this. 

If this does not help, please contact support@creatio.com

Best regards,


Thanks a lot. 

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Hi colleagues,


Somebody know how can I made the default column "Name" of a detail (in Freedom) not clickable? 


Thanks in advance



Julio Falcón

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Best reply

I'm not aware of anything you can add in the column properties to make it not clickable, but it's possible that there's something available (hard to know and it's not mentioned in the List properties). 

Would it work to just expand the Lookup column to map the display value column directly to the list? Also, if you never want it a clickable link you can remove the default page for the object (if that is something that would work for your scenario - obviously won't work for OOTB entities)

I'm not aware of anything you can add in the column properties to make it not clickable, but it's possible that there's something available (hard to know and it's not mentioned in the List properties). 

Would it work to just expand the Lookup column to map the display value column directly to the list? Also, if you never want it a clickable link you can remove the default page for the object (if that is something that would work for your scenario - obviously won't work for OOTB entities)

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, I created another field and when create a new record using a process copy the Name column value to this column and in the detail show this another... is not the very best, but works :-)




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I'm doing an Web services to send a document to sign, the api request the Url of the document so I'm using the following link https:[creatio instance]/0/rest/FileService/GetFile/70ec5d9f-a55e-4f5c-8f59-30d2c5149c4a/ef68e95e-ef77-eddf-dfa8-685557ee4875


70ec5d9f-a55e-4f5c-8f59-30d2c5149c4a correspons to the  UId from the SysSchema table where the attachments are stored and the ef68e95e-ef77-eddf-dfa8-685557ee4875 is the Id of the attachment. This URL allows me to dowloand the document to my computer, so I know that is the right link but when I used it in the web service it says that there is no document. 


The json of the request is the following 

    "url_doc": {
        "url": "https://151929-crm-bundle.creatio.com/0/rest/FileService/GetFile/70ec5d9f-a55e-4f5c-8f59-30d2c5149c4a/ef68e95e-ef77-eddf-dfa8-685557ee4875",
        "name": "Contrato.pdf"
    "stickers": [
            "authority": "Vinculada a Correo Electronico por Liga",
            "stickerType": "line",
            "dataType": "email",
            "data": "laura@artica.digital",
            "imageType": "stroke",
            "page": 0,
            "rect": {


When I sent the request the response is 


    "error": "No document"


I had try this request with a Dropbox URL and works fine but I need to send the documents that are generated by the Word Reports. That why I'm trying to get the document from Creatio using the URL the API also gives me the option of sending the document using base64 but I dont know how to convert the file easly. 


Can you help me please to know what is happenig? 

Thank you

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The reason why this isn't working is because FileService/GetFile requires authentication to read. This is not an anonymous endpoint. The receiver of this, where ever you're sending this URL of the document to, is actually getting a 401 Unauthorized. 

You'd have to either go the route of sending the base64 of the file, or expose an anonymous service in Creatio to provide the file to the other service.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you, can you explain me please how can I convert the file to base64 please, I had see some examples but I not sure if I can do it using a script task in a business process or a source code 

Laura Jurado,

The code would look something like this (not tested, but this should get you started). For this, I have two process params, one a uniqueidentifier AccountFileId (an Id of an account file) and second an unlimited text AccountFileBase64. The script task would look something like this:

var fileId = Get<Guid>("AccountFileId");
var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("AccountFile").CreateEntity(UserConnection);
if (entity.FetchFromDB(fileId))
    var base64FileData = Convert.ToBase64String(entity.GetBytesValue("Data"));
    Set("AccountFileBase64", base64FileData);


Ryan Farley,

Thank you very much. It helped me a lot 

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is it possible to include Feed into global search results?

And/Or filter records by Feed in Section?


Thank you.


Like 1





Regarding your first question, please note that at the moment, the feed is not indexed in the global search (the columns 'Message' of the 'CaseMessageHistory' object and the 'Message' of the 'SocialMessage' object). It is not possible to enable the feed in the global search in the current system configuration.

We have received similar inquiries in the past, and a development team has already registered a task to add this functionality. I have attached your request to the task to increase its priority. We will plan how to address this task and strive to develop a suitable mechanism, which will be presented in future Creatio releases.

Regarding your second question, unfortunately, it is impossible since we don't have direct connections between the record and Feed.

Best regards,


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Getting dateformat error during deserialization when calling a custom web service with the following JSON request:

  "ResultDate": "\"2000-01-01T00:00:00.000\""
The error message states:

The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter http://tempuri.org/:entity... "DateTime content '"2000-01-01T00:00:00.000"' does not start with '/Date(' and end with ')/' as required for JSON.' Please see InnerException for more details. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace is: ...

Is there any way to pass a date in the "\"2000-01-01T00:00:00.000\"" format instead of using /Date(1511448000000)/

Like 0




According to the given information, this article may be helpful:


Also, you can write a DateTime to Unix timestamp converter and then extract the value:

public static DateTime UnixTimeStampToDateTime( double unixTimeStamp )
    DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
    dateTime = dateTime.AddSeconds( unixTimeStamp ).ToLocalTime();
    return dateTime;

Best regards,


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Hi all,

I need to process files attached to a record, and i am using the process file element to get access to those files. I need to get the files itself in a process parameter, so i can manipulate them in a c# script task.  But i see no way how i can get the file or files collection retrieved by the process element in a process parameter.  What am i missing?





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You can generate the printable doc via code as well, then use the file  bytes. See https://customerfx.com/article/running-a-word-printable-in-a-process-script-task-and-add-as-attachment-on-a-record-in-bpmonline/

The report.Data in that code sample will give you the bytes of the file itself.


Thanks for the reply, but it's not what I'm looking for.  The documentation of the process file element says:

What to do with file? – select one of the following options:

  1. Use in process” if you need to use the file records in the process itself without saving the files to any Creatio object or if you need to pass the files to a different business process as a parameter.

My question is: how can i pass that file(collection) to a different business process (or a script taks). ..



Essentially, the process file element works with collections of records. For example, when reading object attachments from a specific record, there can be more than one attachment.

Therefore, if we need to work with this data further in a script or another process, we should handle collections of files.

For instance, if we have read some attachments and selected the 'use in process' option, we can pass the file from the collection to a subprocess with a File parameter.

 In the subprocess, this file can then be accessed through the parameter.





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Hello everyone. Can someone tell me how to filter the list of emails address via Account? That is displayed when registering email sending activity via the Section Actions toolbar. Found a similar article https://community.creatio.com/questions/filter-contact-list-section-act….  Thanks!

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Hello Serhii,
Thank you for your question.

I have tried to use a similar approach to the one mentioned in the forum discussion. Here is an example of how to filter recipients to contain 'mycompany' in the email address in the action dashboard of the contacts section.

define("EmailMessagePublisherPage", ["LookupUtilities"],
       function(LookupUtilities) {
           return {
               entitySchemaName: "Activity",
               mixins: {},
               attributes: {},
               methods: {
                updateLookupFilter: function(lookup) {
                  lookup.config.updateViewModel = function() {
                    this.pushSelectFilters = function(select) {
                      const filters = select.filters;
                      const lookupInfo = this.getLookupInfo();
                      if (!lookupInfo.columnValue) {
                        const searchColumn = this.get("searchColumn");
                        if (searchColumn) {
                          const columnPath = searchColumn.value;
                          const stringComparisonType = this.getStringColumnComparisonType();   
                          const filter = select.createColumnFilterWithParameter(stringComparisonType, columnPath,
                          filters.add("searchDataFilter", filter);
                      } else {
                        lookupInfo.columnValue = null;
                openRecepientLookupEmail: function() {
                  var lookup = this.getLookupConfig("Recepient");
                  lookup.config.actionsButtonVisible = false;
                  var searchValue = this.get("RecepientLookupSearchValue");
                  if (searchValue) {
                    lookup.config.searchValue = searchValue;
                  LookupUtilities.Open(this.sandbox, lookup.config, lookup.callback, this, null, false, false);
               diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

Hope this helps!

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I would like to ask how to enable additional options such as editing or deleting notes in this section.

Currently, I can delete and edit them, but only from the message card; however, I am unable to edit directly on the object. It is important to me that the person who adds a note can independently edit it directly on the opportunity,

Best Regards 



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You should be able to delete records from the feed either on the feed page itself or from the communication panel, but only your own records. You cannot edit or delete other people's notes.

Dymytriy Vykhodets,

I understand, in that case how can you turn on the ability to edit own records 

Michał Zieliński,




This option should be enabled by default. We would need to get access to your environment in order to investigate this issue. Please write to support@creatio.com and we will assist you with the request.

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