

I'm following this tutorial Lesson 1 - Installing clio (youtube.com) on VS Code, but when I get to the clio apps step I get this error:


[ERR] - Environment with key 'dev' not found. Check youre config file or command arguments.

Any ideas what I'm missing?


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Basically, clio creates it's own config file where it writes the configured environments to (on windows typically stored at C:\Users[username]\AppData\local\creatio\clio\appsettings.json). I believe by default it has an environment named "dev", but you can remove that. Can you give more info on the command you're running when you get the error? 

Ah, missed you said you're running clio apps. Try opening the config file I mentioned and change "ActiveEnvironmentKey" from "dev" to blank ""

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan. That worked.

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Good day.


Creatio has S3 integration, so there must be a S3 client inside. 

Where i can find it? Or any other possibilities to put file inside the current file storage.


In documentation i find example of storage implementation, witch i dont need because it is already contains S3 file storage integration.



And a file data saved directly in database. This case is irrelevant too because im interested to put data in current storage (SysSetting ActiveFileContentStorage), not in database.



Appreciate any help. Thanks.

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Hello Creatio Community,

I am looking to set up a chart widget that can be dynamically filtered based on values from other fields on the same dashboard. Specifically, I want the chart, which is connected to the Case object, to update its data when a user selects a value from a dropdown field (for example, an Account field related to the Case). This would allow users to filter the chart data according to the field they select, providing a more tailored and interactive experience.

Any guidance on how to achieve this dynamic filtering within the dashboard would be greatly appreciated!

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Instead of adding a lookup, use a quickfilter component. I believe as long as you're on 8.1.4 or higher you can have that filter a chart elements directly.

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diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
       "operation": "merge",
       "name": "DataGrid",
       "values": {
               "activeRowAction": {bindTo: "onActiveRowAction"},
               "activeRowActions": [
                               "className": "Terrasoft.Button",
                               "markerValue": "myButtonAction",
                               "tag": "myAction",
                               "caption": "View image",
                               "enabled": false,
                               "visible":{bindTo: "IsButtonVisible"},
               // "visible": {"bindTo": "isButtonVisible"},
        methods: {
            isButtonVisible: function()
           const activerow= this.get("ActiveRow");
              var msg= this.getActiveRow().get("UsrMessage") ;
               if(msg==="hello"){return false;}
           return true;

I tried adding button, and when giving visible:true, it is working fine, now i want to hide that button from some records of detail based on some condition so i bind it with the function, but it is not working, the function is not getting called/executed, when i am doing it at grid level then it is working fine, but not working on button, is there something am i missing or doing wrong, i even tried it using attribute and setting it's value in the function

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I've never been successful with binding values in ActiveRowActions to attributes to change them after render. They don't seem to have the same bindings as other view model elements do. The only way I've been able to get this to work is to modify the dom elements on row select to manipulate, which is a bit hacky. Alternatively, just add logic to the button click to validate if the action can be performed or not, which isn't ideal either.


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Hi Community Members,


I have two tables: contact & account details (banking products) one to many mapping linked via customer id (sample data attached). I need to find all the contacts that don't have a particular account type say IRA SAVINGS in the given example. When I am applying filters (screenshot attached) - it gives me cust_id 2 as well since it has checking account as well although I want it to give me only cust_id 1. How can I apply this filter? Thanks

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Try changing

  1. "count > 0" to "count = 0" 
  2. then change "AccountType != IRA SAVINGS" to "AccountType = IRA SAVINGS"


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Hello community,


is it possible to show on widget indicator the sign + when the number is positive?

I tried to setting the format formula "+0;-#" but it doesn't work.

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Yes please , or have it change to green/red if positive/negative --> in nocode :P



Unfortunately there's no possibility to set this up in the system at the moment. However, we have registered this idea for our R&D team so they could review the possibility of adding such functionality in future releases.

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Hello, Creatio Community,

I'm seeking a more efficient method for customizing Creatio's appearance. Is there a way to apply a global custom style to all sections of Creatio, eliminating the need for manual CSS adjustments on individual pages?

something like this css but for all pages 

body .crt-data-table-container   .crt-data-table   .crt-data-table-header-cell-container   .crt-header-cell   .crt-header-cell-caption-container   .crt-header-cell-caption {
     color: #000000 !important;

body crt-link .crt-link {
   color: #000000;
   border-bottom: none !important;

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Best reply

To have the CSS apply in the entire app you can create a replacing view for MainHeaderSchema and add the CSS there. 

Alternatively, you can use this marketplace addon which gives you the ability to add the CSS to a table and it will get applied in the entire app. 


To have the CSS apply in the entire app you can create a replacing view for MainHeaderSchema and add the CSS there. 

Alternatively, you can use this marketplace addon which gives you the ability to add the CSS to a table and it will get applied in the entire app. 


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I need to add a PushButton for all records, but I didnt find solution only in Classic UI

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For Freedom UI lists, the only option is to add to the row action menu, not possible to add a button in each row. See https://customerfx.com/article/adding-row-action-menu-items-to-a-creatio-freedom-ui-list/


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I'm trying to save a pdf file that i get from a service web, the file comes in a base64 string so i use a script to convert it to a pdf and save it in Creatio, I have this code that works fine for the Accounts section but when i want to save the file in  a Custom section, the process send me an error sometimes because it doesnt find the Id other because it says that the duplicate key value violates unique constraint.


This is the code that works in the Accounts Section.


var base64FileString = Get<string>("Base64File");
var accountId = Get<Guid>("AccountId");
var attachFileType = new Guid("529bc2f8-0ee0-df11-971b-001d60e938c6");
var fileName = Get<string>("NameFile"); // set proper file type
var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("AccountFile");
var fileEntity = entity.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
fileEntity.SetColumnValue("AccountId", accountId);
fileEntity.SetColumnValue("TypeId", attachFileType);
fileEntity.SetBytesValue("Data", Convert.FromBase64String(base64FileString));
return true; 


And this is the code that I want to use in the custom section


var base64FileString = Get<string>("Base64File");
var resguardoId = Get<Guid>("ResguardoId");
var attachFileType = new Guid("529bc2f8-0ee0-df11-971b-001d60e938c6");
var fileName = Get<string>("NameFile"); // set proper file type
var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("SysFile");
var fileEntity = entity.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
fileEntity.SetColumnValue("ResguardoId", resguardoId);
fileEntity.SetColumnValue("TypeId", attachFileType);
fileEntity.SetBytesValue("Data", Convert.FromBase64String(base64FileString));
return true; 



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The SysFile entity doesn't, and won't, have a "ResguardoId" column. It has generic columns so it can work with any entity. Instead of setting ResguardoId, set the following: 

  • RecordId - the Id of the record (the value for ResguardoId)
  • RecordSchemaName - the name of the entity for the RecordId (whatever the entity name is for ResguardoId)


Ryan Farley,


Thank you 


I'm made the change, the process starts without any error but the file is not save it in the record.


var base64FileString = Get&lt;string&gt;("Base64File");
var recordId = Get&lt;Guid&gt;("RecordId");
var attachFileType = new Guid("529bc2f8-0ee0-df11-971b-001d60e938c6");
var fileName ="New.pdf"; // set proper file type
var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("SysFile");
var fileEntity =  entity.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
fileEntity.SetColumnValue("RecordId", recordId);
fileEntity.SetColumnValue("TypeId", attachFileType);
fileEntity.SetBytesValue("Data", Convert.FromBase64String(base64FileString));
return true; 

Laura Jurado,

You also need to populate the RecordSchemaName property - refer back to my previous comment.


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Hi. Is it possible to make the lookup fields of a record clickable in an editable detail?

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In order to make the lookup fields of a record clickable, you need to set the Lookup view type to "Selection window." When the Lookup view type is set to "List," the records are not clickable.


Best regards,

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