Hello Community,

I’d like to implement a drawable component on a record page in the mobile application. I’m familiar with using external JavaScript libraries that provide drawing functionality, but I’m unsure how to integrate this into the mobile app. Could someone guide me on how to make this work properly?

Thank you!

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To add an external JavaScript library to the Creatio mobile app, follow these steps:

1.Upload the Library to Creatio:

Navigate to the Configuration section in Creatio.
Create a new Resource and upload the JavaScript file.

2.Include the Library in the Mobile Application:

Go to the Mobile Application Wizard.
Open the Mobile Application Manifest.
Add a reference to the uploaded JavaScript file in the manifest.

3.Use the Library in Your Mobile Application:

In your mobile application code, you can now reference and use the functions provided by the external JavaScript library.

Also you can use this addon to add JS scripts globally: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/experceo-global-jscss-editor-creatio
Go to System Settings -> ExpGlobalJSValue to update the global JavaScript script.

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Dear Creatio Community,

I am writing to seek assistance with mobile app development within the Freedom UI environment. I am encountering significant challenges extending the mobile app's functionality, particularly due to the current lack of comprehensive documentation and practical examples.

Specifically, I am facing the following issues:

1. Auto-Numbering Issue on Record Page:

  • I have observed that the auto-numbering functionality within the Creatio mobile app behaves inconsistently.
  • When an auto-numbering field is displayed on a record page, the automatic number generation fails.
  • However, if the auto-numbering field is removed from the record page layout, it functions correctly within the list page.
  • I require guidance on how to resolve this conflict and ensure auto-numbering works consistently across both list and record pages within the Freedom UI mobile app. Ideally, a code example demonstrating the correct implementation would be invaluable.

2. Implementing a Resizable Image Component:

  • I need to add a custom image component to the mobile app that allows users to upload images from their native phone's API, similar to an attachment.
  • This component should be resizable to accommodate various image dimensions and screen sizes.
  • I am struggling to find any documentation or examples on how to implement such a component within the Freedom UI mobile framework.
  • I would be very grateful for a working example of how to implement a resizable image component, that interacts with the native phones OS to retrive images.

The current documentation lacks detailed explanations and practical examples for mobile app development in Freedom UI. This makes it challenging to extend the mobile app's functionality effectively.

Any assistance, code examples, or pointers to relevant resources would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Pranshu,

1. Autonumbering is supported, and there were no registered issues with it before. Please create a case for Creatio Support to review the specific issue that you've faced.

2. Unfortunately, there is currently no mobile component that can display images in a given size, as on the web. At the moment, only attachments are suitable for downloading/uploading images. 

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Hello Community,

Do you know if it is possible to add a new view in a mobile application that would display a map with multiple markers (where the address would be retrieved from accounts)?
And is there a way to display a custom tooltip on the map containing some information?


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Hello Monika,


We don't have any examples available for this. The only example available with maps in the mobile app is the account addresses detail and maps on it (see this community thread).

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to add a button to the record page of the Contacts section on Freedom UI in the Mobile app.

This is what I tried adding to the viewConfigDiff on the client module MobileFUIContactRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace:

{\"operation\": \"insert\", \"name\": \"MyButton\", \"parentName\": \"profileColumnSet\", \"propertyName\":\"items\", \"index\": 3, \"values\":{\"type\": \"crt.Button\", \"clicked\": {\"request\": \"crt.TestRequest\"}, \"icon\": \"webforms-button-icon\", \"caption\": \"Test\", \"color\": \"primary\", \"size\": \"medium\", \"iconPosition\": \"left-icon\"}},

I followed the below community article:


However, the button isn't getting added to the page. Am I missing something? How can I identify different elements I can possible use for the parentName and the associated propertyName in the mobile application? 

Alternatively, is there a way to override an existing button on the mobile app in freedom UI?




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Hi Team,
I am currently working on creatio mobile app and trying to get the list of roles that are being tagged to the current user in addBusinessRule.But I am not able to get it using Terrasoft.store.BaseStore.
I tried using Try catch block , the error message is empty. Can you please help me regarding this?


Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Activity", {
    name: "FieldForceActivityTypeRule",
    ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Custom,
    triggeredByColumns: ["Type"],
    events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Load],
    executeFn: function(record, rule, column, customData, callbackConfig, event) {
     var currentUser = Terrasoft.CurrentUserInfo.userId; 
      alert("currentUser: "+ currentUser);
    var modelName = "SysUserInRole";
    var store = Ext.create("Terrasoft.store.BaseStore", {
      model: modelName
    var columns = ["SysRole", "SysUser"];
    var queryConfig = Ext.create("Terrasoft.QueryConfig", {
      modelName: modelName,
      columns: columns
    var filtersConfig = {
      property: "SysUser",
      value: currentUser
    store.loadPage(1, {
      isCancelable: true,
      filters: Ext.create("Terrasoft.Filter", filtersConfig),
      queryConfig: queryConfig,
      callback: function(loadedRecords, operation, success) {
        if (success) {
          alert("success :"+ loadedRecords.length);
          for (var i = 0, ln = loadedRecords.length; i < ln; i++) {
            var record = loadedRecords[i];
            alert("i "+ record);
      scope: this
        Ext.callback(callbackConfig.success, callbackConfig.scope, [true]);




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First, you need to check if SysUserInRole and SysUser are syncing with the mobile app (correspondent records are present in the mobile application's manifest). Then check if you get any result at the callback function when you debug the code.

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We need to configure the Event field in the Lead object to be automatically prefilled for users in the mobile application. Since different managers are assigned to different events, the value should be dynamically calculated based on the specific user and prepopulated in the field.


Please note that this functionality should only apply to the mobile app and not the web version.


What would be the best approach to achieve this?


Thank you!

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You can try setting up a business rule in the mobile application to achieve the required functionality. Business rules allow you to dynamically populate the value for the Event field in the Lead object based on the specific user.

For guidance on how to create and implement business rules in the mobile app, refer to the following articles:

Mobile app business rules.
Custom business rules of the mobile application.

Alternatively, you can design a business process to achieve the same goal. A business process can calculate the appropriate value for the Event field and populate it when a record is created or updated in the mobile app.

More information regarding business processes is available here:

BPM tools.

Best regards,

Antonii Viazovskyi,

thank you for your answer.

Seems, it works only for Classic UI, but doesn't work for Freedom UI. We have tried to switch this checkbox on and off and found that.

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Hi, i need to customize border, margin, and etc for customizing UI for my Application on Creatio Mobile, any info about how to customize border from text box, column, or detail on mobile creatio? 

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Hello Aleksander,

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to customize the style for now.

Our R&D team is working on adding the different themes to the UI. Please follow the release updates.

Best regards,


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Is it possible to use Classic UI in web application, but Freedom UI in mobile app? 
The project is done in Classic, so there is no Freedom UI yet.

Kind regards,

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Best reply

Yes - in the mobile wizard, you'll just need to check the "Freedom UI" option for each section exposed in the mobile application.


Yes - in the mobile wizard, you'll just need to check the "Freedom UI" option for each section exposed in the mobile application.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you!

Do you know in which version this checkbox was introduced? I don’t see it in 8.0.8. Does this mean we need to plan an upgrade?

Kind regards,

Vladimir Sokolov,

I think the first mention for Freedom UI in mobile was 8.0.6 - I don't recall how much was available in that release, so not sure if the option was available for all sections at that time  https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/resources/release-notes/806-atlas-release-notes#title-2502-13


Vladimir Sokolov,

Also, that option for Freedom UI in mobile is controlled by a feature. I have a couple of systems where that feature never got enabled by upgrades and the option doesn't show. If it's not showing in your system, that could be the case also and you can check with support for which feature is needed for that (I can't remember the feature name that controls that)

Ryan Farley,


Thank you so much, Ryan.
You’re, as always, amazing. The feature UseMobileFlutterFirst setting helped enable Freedom UI.

Kind regards,


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Anyone I want to ask how to create business rules in product in order mobile apps?


The case is when creating new orders in mobile apps then add product in order I want to make products that appear only products in the hardware category.


Can anyone help me to solve this case guys?

Thank you

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Hi anyone, this case solved with this code

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("OrderProduct", {
   ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Filtration,
   events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Load],
   triggeredByColumns: ["Product"],
   filters: Ext.create("Terrasoft.Filter", {
       modelName: "Product",
       property: "Category",
       value: "Hardware"

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Hello guys,


How to make the preview page of all sections in mobile apps readonly?


For example, when we open the opportunity section then we open one of the opportunity data, all fields that appear should be readonly. For now we can change the data without having to click the edit button, we should have to click the edit button first to edit the data.


Please help to solve the problem, thank you.

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Hi Agus Sulistiawan

If you want to make the mobile field read only, you can go for business rule on the client module it might be work.
For example:
If Name column filled in then Make it has read only.

Prem Kumar,

Hi Prem Kumar,


Yes, to make the field read-only, you can set business rules in the related client module.

But this is a different case, I want to make all fields in the preview page of mobile apps read-only. 


The question is, how to make all fields on the preview page of mobile apps read-only.

For anyone who wants to implement the case above, you can follow the guidelines at this link:




I have completed the case by following the guide

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