We are currently in the process of setting up UTM Parametes and have successfully configured UTM parameters in the lead channel, lead source, and lead source URL lookup in Creatio. However, we are still facing issues with tracking leads effectively.


Could you kindly assist us by reviewing our current configuration to ensure that everything is set up correctly? We would greatly appreciate your support in making sure that lead tracking is working as expected.

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Can you send here some screenshots of your settings, so we are able to check whether everything is correct?

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What is the best way to stop a detail record from being created once the status of a field in the parent object is not a certain value. Example - Stop 'Order Line' from being created when the 'Order' status is not 'Draft'

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Approach 1 would be to implement this as an entity event listener. It could listen for any record save and validate, then throw an error if it's not valid (the thrown error would display for the user in the app). See https://customerfx.com/article/adding-code-to-listen-for-entity-events-in-creatio/

Approach 2 would be to implement this in the save request (assuming this is a freedom ui page). See https://customerfx.com/article/adding-code-to-the-save-event-of-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/ The request could check the values and if not passed return false (instead of return next.handle(request)) - this approach would still allow invalid records to be added via import or processes, the first approach would not allow that.


thanks Ryan

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Hello Community, 

We have a button in Freedom UI that calls a Business Process.

We want this button to be disabled at least for several seconds, till the process is completed. Clicking the button again, while the BP is still running might bring several issues to our logic.

(Printscreen: Button calling BP)

How can this be achieved?


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Interesting idea :)

We could do with this.  I think I may have implemented this in the past by disabling the button on calling the process, and using the Send Message element at the end of the business process to publish a message that the client module is subscribed to to re-enable the button.

Hello community,

Is there any other way besides the Backend-Frontend websocket (which I havent tried yet)?


Sasori Oshigaki,

As long as the process is not set to run in background, and you're starting the process via code, you can use the method outlined in the article below to know that the process has completed and re-enable the button without the need for messages: https://customerfx.com/article/starting-a-process-from-client-side-code-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page-and-getting-back-outgoing-process-parameters/


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We are currently moving from classicUI to freedomUI and I m not able to do a simple filter on a lookup.

I want to filter a contact lookup of the account page. I only want to display the account contacts.

So in the account page business rules i did :

But the lookup is not filter

What do i miss ?

Is it because there is no condition ?

Thank you in advance,



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Best reply

Yes, you have to populate the condition part. You can create an always true condition as a workaround (true == true).

Yes, you have to populate the condition part. You can create an always true condition as a workaround (true == true).

Fyi this is fixed in 8.2.2. Release notes mention: Streamlined business rule setup. "Dynamic filter" and "Set value" business rules no longer need conditions to work

i had to add a condition then the rules works. i added if id is filled in.

I managed to filter a contact lookup using a business rule based on the contact's account name. For another contact lookup, I need to filter the contact ID to match the page's account ID.
can this filter be implemented as a business rule ?
after several days of research, I still don't see how to perform this filter without code...
Can someone help me please ?

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In my Opportunity Product Interest, i would like to set the price if the product is selected.


But in the business rules, i can only set a constant value for the Price.


any idea how to access product data ?


my mini page is in the custom package :


So how can i access to the selected product values in the mini page ?

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Best reply

Currently cannot be done with business rules on the page (they can't use data from related objects). Only way to accomplish this is to handle the change of the product lookup, retrieve the values from the selected product and then set on the page. Otherwise, you could use a process, but that won't update the values until saved. 


Currently cannot be done with business rules on the page (they can't use data from related objects). Only way to accomplish this is to handle the change of the product lookup, retrieve the values from the selected product and then set on the page. Otherwise, you could use a process, but that won't update the values until saved. 


i m trying to build Freedom UI pages without coding...
so i used for the moment the help you provided me here:

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Hello !

We are currently migrating from Classic UI to Freedom UI.

Some Classic pages will be accessible from the Freedom interface, such as opportunities.


So the Opportunity Page is in classic mode even if the user shell is freedom.


If the user is logged in to Classic UI, adding a product opens a specific page:

When the user click on the add product button, this opens the opportunity specific product page :

but if the user is logged in under Freedom, this opens a modal:

So the behavior is not the same...


Here is my detail configuration:


why is Freedom opening a modal on the classic page ?

how can i correct this behavior ?

Thank you !!


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Best reply

Find the lookup named "Object-specific form page interface in the Freedom and Classic UI shell". In that lookup, add an entry for OpportunityProductInterest and for Freedom UI shell select Classic. Then log out and back in again. This will tell the system that if a user is using the Freedom UI shell, to use the classic page for Opportunity products.


Find the lookup named "Object-specific form page interface in the Freedom and Classic UI shell". In that lookup, add an entry for OpportunityProductInterest and for Freedom UI shell select Classic. Then log out and back in again. This will tell the system that if a user is using the Freedom UI shell, to use the classic page for Opportunity products.


Wonderful, thank you Ryan

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I have add a button on the contact page in order to create an opportunity :

When you click on "Créer une opportunité" it launch a process which open a preconfigured page, the user select the "Besoin client" and then click save. Next i'd like to open the new record.


So in my process :

the opportunity page opens but it closes automatically.


how to keep the page open?


Thank you !

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You can find the solution in the article:  https://community.terrasoft.ru/ideas/save-i-saveclose

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Hello community,


Could anybody clarify when I'm updating record using Odata EntityDataService.svc, will business logic be applied to the record after update if it is set up on update trigger?


For example, if one set up rights sharing with respect to owner of the record, will owner's update via Odata force the rights sharing?

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Best reply

Yes - if you have processes with start signals for the records you're updating, they will get triggered when the records are updated via OData. Performing adds/updates via OData are just as if they were done in app.

Yes - if you have processes with start signals for the records you're updating, they will get triggered when the records are updated via OData. Performing adds/updates via OData are just as if they were done in app.

Ryan Farley,

Thanks a lot!

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Hi all,

When adding an aggregated field to a filter, some of the field names are missing from the 'by column' expression.

Example: This should state 'File and link of invoice (by column Contact)'

I believe this started following a package being migrated to the production system. The same error was not occurring in the dev system.


Is there a way to set these fields manually or a way of forcing the system to regenerate them?

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I've found the reason for this. The table Data schema reference contains duplicate values, some of which don't have a value in the Column name (title) field. Deleting the duplicates fixes the issue.


Still not sure what the cause was.

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I am trying to add a filter on the lookup owner based on the account field, but the filter is not working. Does anyone have an idea why?


handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
            request: "crt.LoadDataRequest",
            handler: async (request, next) => {
                // filter the contact lookup for the account
                if(request.dataSourceName !== "LookupAttribute_85sj3qr_List_DS") {
                    return await next?.handle(request);
                // get the account                  
                const account = await request.$context.Parameter_q8l08xk;
                if (account) {
                    const filter = new sdk.FilterGroup();
                    await filter.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Account", account.value);
                    const newFilter = Object.assign({}, filter);
                    newFilter.items = filter.items;
                        type: "filter",
                        value: newFilter
                return await next?.handle(request);

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First, enable debug mode by executing the following in the browser console:

See https://customerfx.com/article/debugging-client-side-code-in-creatio-fo…

Once enabled, open the code for the page and set some breakpoints. Is a dataSourceName for "LookupAttribute_85sj3qr_List_DS" getting triggered? Maybe the name is wrong?

Is request.$context.Parameter_q8l08xk correctly retrieving the account?


Everything looks Correct , and the issue was that I forgot to add the SDK "@creatio-devkit/common" to the page .
Thank You 

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