We want to add filters in the same way that you can add them to lookups using code on the page, as there isn't a no-code way to configure additional filters for Timeline components. In our case, it's filtering out non-completed Activity records from the Timeline. We don't seem to be able to using similar methods to lookups though (i.e. adding custom code to the crt.LoadDataRequest handler. Has anyone found a way to add such a filter? It looks like all the Timeline code is in the 9351.xxxxxxx JS file.

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Hi community, 

Where can I find the source code responsible for this checkbox (Make the list editable). 

I want to make this detail editable only in one section. Here is my use case : I'm using this detail in two sections A and B. In section A, I want the detail to be editable like this : 


But in section B, I don't want this behavior (checkbox must be unchecked) like this : 

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You should create 2 separate details. And add them to the separate edit page for section A and for section B.

Thanks Antonii, isn't there any other way than creating two details ? 

Ismail el lahya,

This is the best way to perform this task

Antonii Viazovskyi,

Thank you!

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Hi All, 


How to acheive this - https://community.creatio.com/questions/change-order-lookup-values-list  in freedom UI page.


I have a lookup called ContractLineNumber which has values from 1 to 20 in its Name field.


Best Regards.

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We currently utilize Web Services (Rest and SOAP Services) to integrate with other systems within Creatio. Now, we are exploring the capabilities of connectors in Creatio. Here are our queries:

  1. When should we use connectors in Creatio?
  2. How can we implement connectors in Creatio?
  3. Do we have any real-time demo links that you could share with us?

Thank you.

Like 2





Connectors in Creatio are essential for integrating with external systems, applications, or services, enabling smooth data exchange and automation.


Here you can find information on how to perform configurations: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/category/web-services


Here you can find various connectors that you can test: https://marketplace.creatio.com/

Thanks for the details @Kalymbet Anastasia.

Could you please explain the distinction between web services and Creatio connectors? Additionally, in what scenarios would you recommend using connectors in Creatio?




A web service is software reachable via a unique URL that enables interaction between applications. Its purpose is to integrate Creatio with external applications and systems.

In Creatio, connectors are used to integrate with various external systems and services. They allow different systems to be unified and automate data exchange processes between them. Here are the main reasons why connectors are needed in Creatio:

  1. Integration with External Systems: Connectors enable integration with CRM, ERP, marketing systems, email services, payment gateways, and other external systems. This facilitates real-time or scheduled data exchange between systems.
  2. Business Process Automation: Connectors help automate routine tasks such as data synchronization, updating customer information, order processing, and more. This reduces the likelihood of errors and increases operational efficiency.
  3. Improving Customer Service: Integration with various systems ensures more complete and up-to-date customer information, which helps provide higher-quality and more personalized service.
  4. Data Collection and Analysis: Connectors allow for data collection from various sources and consolidation in one place. This simplifies data analysis and informs business decision-making.
  5. Extending Functionality: By using connectors, you can expand the capabilities of Creatio by adding new functions and integrations without significant changes to the core system.
  6. Supporting Business Processes: Connectors enable configuring business processes that involve interaction with other systems, ensuring a seamless and coordinated workflow.

Overall, connectors are essential for the integration, automation, and optimization of business processes in Creatio.

Thank you!


@Andrii Kurta,


Thank you for the detailed explanation. 
Could you please provide documentation and videos related to connectors?

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I'm trying to make an integration with a digital signature call "Firmamex" and I trying to use the code that they provide in their SDK in a business process but i have error messages that dont let me publish the script task. 


This are the errors 



And this is the code 


public class Flow
       SignmageSDK.FirmamexServices signmageServices;
       String base64;
       String name;

       public Flow(SignmageSDK.FirmamexServices signmageServices, String base64, String name)
           this.signmageServices = signmageServices;
           this.base64 = base64;
           this.name = name;

       public String request()
           B64_doc b64_doc = new B64_doc { name = name, data = base64 };

           JObject flujoEjemplo = JObject.FromObject(new
               b64_doc = b64_doc,
               stickers = new object[] {
                   new {
                       authority = "SAT",
                       stickerType = "line",
                       dataType = "rfc",
                       data = "ARCX9012226P8",
                       imageType = "hash",
                       email = "jhon@gmail.com",
                       page = "0",
                       rect = new Rect { lx = 226.45f, ly = 355.25f, tx = 397.75f, ty = 413.85f }
               workflow = new object[] {
                   new {
                       data = "ARCX9012226P8"
               app2 = true

           String flujoParams = flujoEjemplo.ToString(Formatting.None);
           return signmageServices.request(flujoParams);


I hope you can help me  to understand why I have that erros, please. 

Like 0



Hello, Laura.
Thank you for you question.

Unfortunately, it's hard to understand the source of the problem without proper context. Could you please provide me with the schema of your business process? This would greatly assist me in understanding the situation better and allow me to offer you effective assistance.

Hello Yevhenii 


Yes. Here it is the schema of the business process 


namespace Terrasoft.Core.Process

    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using SignmageSDK;
    using SignmageSDKCore;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web;
    using Terrasoft.Common;
    using Terrasoft.Configuration;
    using Terrasoft.Core;
    using Terrasoft.Core.Configuration;
    using Terrasoft.Core.DB;
    using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
    using Terrasoft.Core.Process;
    using Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration;

    #region Class: UsrfirmamexMethodsWrapper

    /// <exclude/>
    public class UsrfirmamexMethodsWrapper : ProcessModel

        public UsrfirmamexMethodsWrapper(Process process)
            : base(process) {
            AddScriptTaskMethod("ScriptTask1Execute", ScriptTask1Execute);

        #region Methods: Private

        private bool ScriptTask1Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context) {
            public class Flow
                    SignmageSDK.FirmamexServices signmageServices;
                    String base64;
                    String name;
                    public Flow(SignmageSDK.FirmamexServices signmageServices, String base64, String name)
                        this.signmageServices = signmageServices;
                        this.base64 = base64;
                        this.name = name;
                    public String request()
                        B64_doc b64_doc = new B64_doc { name = name, data = base64 };
                        JObject flujoEjemplo = JObject.FromObject(new
                            b64_doc = b64_doc,
                            stickers = new object[] {
                                new {
                                    authority = "SAT",
                                    stickerType = "line",
                                    dataType = "rfc",
                                    data = "ARCX9012226P8",
                                    imageType = "hash",
                                    email = "jhon@gmail.com",
                                    page = "0",
                                    rect = new Rect { lx = 226.45f, ly = 355.25f, tx = 397.75f, ty = 413.85f }
                            workflow = new object[] {
                                new {
                                    data = "ARCX9012226P8"
                            app2 = true
                        String flujoParams = flujoEjemplo.ToString(Formatting.None);
                        return signmageServices.request(flujoParams);






thank you for your help.

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Hi all, 

Does anyone have any updates on when/if Creatio is planning to implement excel reporting functionality that is fit for the year of 2024 and should be mandatory in ANY enterprise CRM... 


The existing marketplace app is entirely insufficient and has not been updated in many years. 


The reporting via the list page has also gone with freedom UI. 


When people ask me about reporting, I am embarrassed to answer. 

Really hoping this is on the roadmap somewhere...



Like 5



I would love to see something official on this as well. IMO it's something that is very much needed. DevExpress and FastReports were a bit clunky and difficult, but definitely provided the capability to do real reporting. I am not sure why those were removed, but I'd love to see the return of something similar. We've pushed Word printables based on views and macros to the limits and Excel reports isn't the same, not to mention it's too limited and doesn't work with the OOTB Process File element in processes.


Yes please, one of the most lacking feature for an enterprise grade CRM

We also extremely need this feature. Maybe not Excel, but a new generation of lists and pivots as in classic UI

Hi all,


My friends of Banza are almost ready to launch Banza Report Generator for Creatio, it allows you to configure report export based on any data from the system, and such export can be performed both by users and automatically according to a configured schedule.


Use cases:

  • * Generating reports and print-ready documents based on section records.
  • * Make printing, reporting, importing, and exporting your data easily.
  • * Creating templates for your documents with the ability to select the data you want to integrate into the document from your database.


Key Features:

* Creating reports based on data from any system object (table or view) in xlsx, csv, docx, and txt formats.

* Using any Excel file (with formatting, pivot tables, and graphs) as a template for generating a report.

* Advanced custom filter settings: custom filter dependency setting, limiting the list of valid custom filter values, setting the mandatory filter and determining the mandatory nature of one filter from a group, defining values for automatic substitution.

* The advanced setting of report columns: the ability to impose a condition for displaying a value in a column, sorting the uploaded values by specified fields, taking into account their priorities, replacing exported values with specified alternative values, and combining values into one column.

* Generate reports according to a set schedule (you can set the day of the week and time or in cron format) and save them to a specified folder.

* Email notification to the user about the completion of the report generation process.

* Storing the history of report generation.

* Setting access rights to reports.

* Quick report generation from any section of the system.



I think we should build it. Many companies have excel add ins for this. There is plenty of documentation on how do build Excel addons. Who is in?

Thank you for the comments all. Hopefully senior Creatio staff do visit this community and actually see and hear what their customers want. 

I still find it frustrating that development resource is clearly being spent on modules such as AI App generation and ‘copilot’, rather than key missing pieces. 

Coincidently, i’ve not heard anything on copilot moving into production since the demo, but maybe others have(?)…

With all the investment in Creatio, it seems like the promised monthly updates have got even more infrequent over the last 12 months…

Great to hear that Banza have a tool planned though and the features sound decent. 

fingers crossed for more features in Q3!




How are you? Hope you are doing well. Did you check this connector: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/looker-studio-connector-creatio

It is very helpful for reports. Basically from Looker Studio you get all the data from Creatio and you could use all Looker Studio capabilities: https://cloud.google.com/looker-studio?hl=en


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We are encountering issues where the windows for system users, lookups, system settings, and process logs are not opening. Can you please provide assistance with resolving this?


File attachments
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Please send us a screenshot of your console at the time the issue is reproduced.

Hi Malika,
Please find the attached .rar file for console screenshots

Bala Koteswarareddy,



Unfortunately, the file cannot be attached here. Could you please provide a screenshot of the console at the time the issue is reproduced?

Thank you for your response. The issue was resolved after redeploying the telephone connectors(VELVETEL connector for Creatio)

You need to refresh your pages, from some time ago, Creatio have this behavior

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Is it possible to edit the Components? I need to present contact name fields in this order:

  1. First Name
  2. Middle Name
  3. Last Name


Actually the order is other


Thanks in advance


Best regards


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Best reply


Unfortunately, for now, it is not possible to edit and add additional fields in the short contact and account profile using the basic application tools. However, we have registered this idea for the responsible R&D team to consider and implement in future releases of the application. 

Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 


Unfortunately, for now, it is not possible to edit and add additional fields in the short contact and account profile using the basic application tools. However, we have registered this idea for the responsible R&D team to consider and implement in future releases of the application. 

Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Yes please ! :)



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Hi community,

I need help with implementing a toggle button in my Freedom UI section.Thanks in advance.

Mahalaxmi Ganesan


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Hi, all mentors, 


    how to delete a campaign includes the audience contacts? I accidently create a wrong campaign with audience. Is It possilbe to delete it?




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I am afraid the deletion of already sent emails is not possible. 

Only "draft" and "planned" ones may be deleted.
Deletion of sent is against our company policies, as they are connected to Active contacts in the licensed amounts.

Thank you for understanding.

Best regards,

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