

Is it possible to send/convert a document to base64 and send it to an external API from Creatio?








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FileAPI returns the bytes array for the file content thus this bytes array can be used to convert the file content to base64 string like:

using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        byte[] byteArray = { 72, 101, 108, 108, 111 }; // "Hello" in ASCII
        string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray);
        Console.WriteLine("Base64 String: " + base64String);

This conversion should be implemented in the script-task element, and the result (base64String) should be set as a parameter value to be used elsewhere. 

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Hello community,


Is there any way how to check what happened with test emails? 


I'm wondering because I have a strange situation when for one template I successfully receive message while for another I don't. And my intention is to somehow check whether test email was actually sent or it wasn't due to, in particular, some internal errors in template (I imported the template as a html code, maybe there are some invalid tags that doesn't allow to create message properly)

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Unfortunately, there is currently no way to check if a test email has been sent. We have created a task to review this logic and improve it in the next releases.

Best regards,

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How to do Attachment* as mandatory?

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Thank you for your request. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make the Attachment required using custom methods as it is a detail.

However, as a workaround using l development, you can implement following validation script (sample for Activities) in object process for Validating message:

UserConnection userConnection = context.UserConnection;

   Select select = (Select)new Select(userConnection)
if (select.ExecuteScalar<int>() == 0)
            throw new Exception("Attachment is required");

return true;

Halyna Parkhomenko,


Hi Halyna ,

Can you tell me in detail where I can put this code and where it runs inside Open Process?


Hi Halyna 

When I apply the code inside Open Process it gives me this message Is there a solution?

Hi Halyna 

When I apply the code inside Open Process it gives me this message Is there a solution?


Muath Ali Hamdan Salem,




As for the 'Select' errors - the most probable reason is the usage of the Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace is not added to the class.


As for the last error in your screenshot - either it will be fixed by fixing previous errors or the issue is that you call construction that requires 1 type argument. Need to see the code in this line.

Hi,Oleg Drobina

Isn't there another way to make the attachment file mandatory through validation of the form page and not by placing a condition on the table in the database that I want in the form page?

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the object in Freedom UI. 

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Could you clarify your problem and provide more information about the actions you have taken?


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We are trying to copy all attachments posted in an object's feed to the attachment's section of the object in Freedom UI. 


Here's the scenario, we created a section to hold data about all our subcontractors. The users are leaving comments and docs in the Feed, but we want all those same docs to copy over to the record within the attachments section. 


I have used the file transfer function the business processes but the feed not your typical object.


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Good day,

Could you please specify whether the you are trying to copy over are stored as, for example, "Feed uploaded file"?
Feed uploaded file

Have you attempted using a process element "Process file" mentioned in this article? 


If so, please let us know, what exact error you are experiencing.

Thank you in advance!

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Hello, Community!


We are using Power BI Desktop to develop reports, which are then published to the Power BI Web version. However, we would like to set up a data gateway to connect to Creatio, which is hosted in a cloud environment.

We found this post https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-configure-gateway-power-bi-service-creatio mentioning this setup, but we were unable to configure it successfully.

Has anyone managed to set up a gateway to connect Power BI Web to Creatio Cloud? If so, could you share the necessary steps?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

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Hello Inês,

Could you please provide an exact description of the issues that occurred?

Oleksandr Bilousko,


I share the steps that are being carried out: 


  1. 1. On my OnPremisses machine, where I have the gateway, I installed the custom connector from Creatio. After installing is visible on gateway console (image 1)


Image 1

2-    On PowerBIService (PowerBi web) I have created a connection, using that gateway. Specified Connector Type Creatio and entered all the credentials. (image 2)

( After step 1, its visible on the connectors list of that gateway the connector type Creatio.)

Pré-visualização da imagem

When Testing the connection Im getting the following error  “The Name Creatio.Contents wasn´t recognized…” (image 3)

Pré-visualização da imagem



Several screenshots, sadly, are not available.
Could you send it again, please?

Oleksandr Bilousko,



Image 2: 


Image 3


Do you use add-on to Power BI? 
We couldn't connect Power BI cloud - https://community.creatio.com/questions/connect-powerbi-creatio-odata


Did you manage "Gateway and cloud connections"?
It's a link between your dataset and the data source in the gateway.

What do you have here?
For example,





I'll share the answers: 

Did you manage "Gateway and cloud connections"? Yes,, we did. 

We have the name of the connector we have created and mapped to the GatewayY (GatewayY to my onpremisse server). 


This configuration is business as usual for us, since we use the same GatewayY for other conectors types. The only thing new here is the type of connection Creatio.


Like showned previously, when we create a Conection, we specificy the Gateway (GatewayY),  we select type of conection (Creatio) and also  we specify credentials.

Ending this operation its made a "Test of conection"  and the result is a error that says "GatewayY: The name 'Creatio.Contents' wasn't recognized.  Make sure it's spelled correctly."





Let's try "Skip test connection" and specify Privacy level to 'None"
On my local machine, after applying these settings the connection passed well

Oleksandr Bilousko,



Thanks for the reply/sugestion. 


"On my local machine, after applying these settings the connection passed well" : ts true, selecting "skip test conection" allows you to create the connecton but at the end the problem remains.", the conection fails / does not work. 


Did you achieved to refresh any dashboard with that connection? 


Thank you. 


"Did you achieved to refresh any dashboard with that connection? "
Yes, I did. But my example was taken from Creatio trial.



Maybe you should try to set up it in a trial too. Just to exclude that your production has any specific configuration that we didn't take into account.

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Hi Community,


Our customer has requested a bar code scanner inside Creatio, so they can scan products and check its information.

We have multiple ways of doing this:


  1. WebApp (Custom Component) that opens the smartphone camera;
  2. WebApp (Custom Component) that establishes a connection to a scanner device (for example a Zebra Scanner);
  3. Bar code scanner in the mobile app, which we will be able to configure as described here https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/resources/release-notes/8-2-1-energy-release-notes#title-2782-13.


For our use case, we will be using the first option, since option three is not available at the moment.


After some digging, we discovered that there are multiple libraries that could help us implement this use case. However, we decided to post this question to know if someone has already implemented something similar, or at least tried to. So, we can share the know-how behind it.


Thank you.

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Have not tried, also looking forward to some knowhow. Not just to scan, but also to generate for event registrations for example. 

I have integrated a barcode scanner with Creatio. We've used a simple bluetooth barcode scanner connected to the device (in our case it was a tablet with full Creatio open in the browser). Most barcode scanners work just like a connected keyboard. When a barcode is scanned it sends the "text" value of the barcode to as input, just as if it were typed in. In my solution, we had a page that opened and we set focus to a text/input field on the page and dislayed some message about "waiting for barcode" for the user. Then, once scanned, the text value of the barcode scanned triggered a change event for the text/input field and we then did the action needed for the barcode (which in our case the barcode was a vehicle VIN, so we then used an API to get the vehicle details for the scanned VIN). All really simple to be honest. Using this approach, thinking of the barcode scanner as text entered by an input device, just like a keyboard, it all turned out to be really easy to work with.
Hope this helps.


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Hi everyone,

I am looking to replace the AttachmentList component on the Leads form page with a DataGrid component that uses the FileLead (Lead attachment) entity. The goal is to disable the downloading of attachments.

However, I’ve encountered an issue where the Name column in the DataGrid appears as a hyperlink, which attempts to navigate to a non-existent form page for the FileLead entity (refer attachment below with the navigation URL at the bottom left). Since FileLead is an attachment entity, it ideally should not have navigation associated with it, even when displayed in a list.


Interestingly, other sections like Contacts and Attachments are functioning as expected—the Name column in those sections is not hyperlinked to any entity page.

This behavior appears to be a product bug. Could anyone else confirm if they are experiencing the same issue?

Best regards,

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This does not seem to be a basic problem. 
Please contact our support team to help resolve the issue - support@creatio.com

Best regards,

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I have a minipage that has lookup (contact) and whenever I try to add a new non-existing it suggests it as "New ContactName" which is nice, but when I click that, it opens the contact minipage and closes the original minipage and doesn't re-open the original minipage after I closed the contact minipage upon saving.

Do you have any idea of a better approach than making a custom modal?

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Best reply


I ended up making a Modal [BaseModalBoxPage] to create my own minipage.

I found this code segment in LookupQuickAddMixin and I want to know where can I change the value of UseSilentCreation?

		 * Checks that entity has mini page add mode allowed.
		 * @private
		 * @param {String} entitySchemaName Name of the entity.
		 * @param {Array} [additionalDefaultValues] Additional default values.
		 * @return {Boolean} True, if feature UseSilentCreation is turned off, and entity has add mini page.
		_needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName, additionalDefaultValues) {
			const entityStructure = this.getEntityStructure(entitySchemaName);
			if (!entityStructure) {
				return false;
			const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation");
			const editPages = entityStructure.pages;
			const typeLookupItem = additionalDefaultValues?.find((item) =&gt; item.attributeName === "TypeLookup");
			let page;
			if (typeLookupItem) {
				page = editPages.find((page) =&gt; page.UId === typeLookupItem.value);
			page = page || Terrasoft.first(editPages);
			const hasAddMiniPage = page?.hasAddMiniPage;
			return notUseSilentCreation &amp;&amp; Boolean(hasAddMiniPage);
		 * Open page or mini page for new entity record.
		 * @protected
		 * @param {Object} newEntityConfig Entity config.
		 * @param {Object} newEntityConfig.entitySchema Entity schema.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.entitySchemaName Entity schema name.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.columnName Column name.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.displayColumnValue Display column value.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.valuePairsFromFilters Default values that were sent from filters.
		 * @param {Array} newEntityConfig.additionalDefaultValues Additional default values.
		 * @param {Object} viewModel View model context.
		openPageForNewEntity: function(newEntityConfig, viewModel) {
			var cardConfig = this._getNewEntityPageConfig(newEntityConfig);
			this._subscribeNewEntityCardModuleResponse(newEntityConfig.attributeName ?? newEntityConfig.columnName, cardConfig, viewModel);
			if (this._needOpenMiniPage(cardConfig.entitySchemaName, newEntityConfig.additionalDefaultValues)) {
				this.openAddMiniPage.call(this, cardConfig);
			} else {
			this.set &amp;&amp; !newEntityConfig.attributeName &amp;&amp; this.set(newEntityConfig.columnName, null);



It seems that this was already customized since OOB does not allow adding new records to the lookup inside the mini page.


As for the UseSilentCreation - it's a system feature with the UseSilentCreation code according to the code in the very same LookupQuickAddMixin

Go to 


/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#Section/AppFeature_ListPage - for old UI

/0/Shell/#Section/AppFeature_ListPage - Freedom UI


find the UseSilentCreation feature (if the record is not present there - create it and enable it for all employees role) and relogin to the app.


I ended up making a Modal [BaseModalBoxPage] to create my own minipage.

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Is it possible to bind knowledge base articles to packages, or in some other way move them between environments in an effective way? The client wants to be able to set up articles in their Pre environment and transfer them into Prod when ready, but the documentation doesn't provide information on the possibility of this.


It also might not be ideal to bind this data in a non-dev environment, since you will then have packages that must be created from non-dev environments to accomplish this, so perhaps there is another recommended way of moving such data between environments?


We are currently on 8.1.3, planning on upgrading to 8.2.1 soon, and are using exclusively Freedom UI sections.

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Hi Harvey

I recommend using an integration tool like Make.com to automate transferring KB articles from Pre to Prod. Configure Make.com to fetch articles from Pre instance then insert them into Prod. This avoids dependency on packages and works seamlessly across versions.

Thank you

Mohamed Ouederni,

Interesting, do you use this in other use cases ?


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