I am currently developing an application where I need to add a "Sync Data" button to both the Accounts and Contacts sections. This button will trigger a Business Process that needs to work dynamically based on the context from which it is called.

The key requirement is to use a single, common Business Process for both Accounts and Contacts. In this process, I need to determine whether the button was clicked from the context of Accounts or Contacts, so the appropriate actions can be taken accordingly.

I understand that creating separate Business Processes for Accounts and Contacts could achieve this, but my goal is to have a unified process or function that can be reused across multiple entities.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to implement this in Creatio.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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Create a boolean parameter "IsContact"(it's just an example, you could create any parameter ) and pass true if the button is clicked on contact page and false if it's clicked in any other place 

Create a boolean parameter "IsContact"(it's just an example, you could create any parameter ) and pass true if the button is clicked on contact page and false if it's clicked in any other place 

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I have a freedom UI FormPage, which may be opened from Business process (Open edit page element). I want to override Cancel button handler in such way that to cancel current business process. I need to know process id (SysProcessLog table) or process element id (SysProcessElementLog table). How could I obtain them in Freedom UI? For example in Classic UI edit page there was dedicated attribute called ProcessData. I looked through request.$context and didn't find anything similar.


Creatio version is 8.1.2

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To find information, you can read the data from SysProcessData, more information which contains the interrelationship between the process instance and the subprocess, the relationship to the process scheme, the relationship to the process scheme element if the instance is a subprocess, and the current status of the process instance. Also, the internal state of the process is a snapshot of the values of the parameters at times when the process elements are executed.


Also, this article could be useful:



Kyrylo Atamanenko,

Thanks for an answer. But to read all those information I need to know Id of an element being executed. For example in Classic UI it is obtained like 


const processElementUId = this.get("ProcessData").procElUId;

And the question is there analogue in Freeom UI page?

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I have a web service that generates a file. I need to attach that file to a record. I see there is an option to the Process File Component passing a File as parameter, but the Parameter is Expecting a IFileLocator. How can I use a script to create a IFileLocator from a full file path on Creatio Studio version 8.1? 




File attachments
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You should use a script task to work with files from the web service.


More details about the API file:



You should use a script task to work with files from the web service.


More details about the API file:


Thanks Cherednichenko. Using the information provided I wrote the C# below to attach a generated file to a record.

public void AttachFile(string schemaName, Guid recordId, string fullFilePath) {

            /* Create a unique ID for the new file. */

            Guid fileId = Guid.NewGuid(); 

            /* Create a file locator for the new file. */

            var fileLocator= new EntityFileLocator("SysFile", fileId); 

            /* Get an IFile object for the new file. */ 

            IFile file = UserConnection.CreateFile(fileLocator); 

            /* There is no file metadata or file content in the available file storages. Specify the file name in the file metadata. */

            file.Name = (new System.IO.FileInfo(fullFilePath)).Name; 

            /* Set an attributes for the new file: */

            file.SetAttribute("RecordSchemaName", schemaName); 

            file.SetAttribute("RecordId", recordId);             

            /* Save the file metadata Do this BEFORE saving the content. */


            using (var sourceStream = new FileStream( fullFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: true)) {

                file.Write(sourceStream, FileWriteOptions.SinglePart);            



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I have a problem when trying to modify a lookup value in a Business Process. I have a Source field in Opportunity and when I first select the lookup it displays all of the values. After I click on anything else this happens:

The problem is that there are values in the lookup. I don't know what is happening.


Thank you!

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It`s seems to be an issue that our support should take a look. Please send us an email at support@creatio.com


Best regards,


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Can you help me on this use case in which the activities are created based on the user input?

for example, if I input in the field:

Activity quantity: 3 

then 3 activites are created with 3 different Subjects: activity 1, activity 2, activity 3.



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Your business task could be achieved by the business process. For example:


1. Create Parameters: Start by adding parameters to the process to input values such as "start date," "end date," and "user." 

2. Configure the Business Process:

Add a pre-configured page where you can input the required values.

Use formulas to set the start and end dates using the parameters you defined earlier.

Add an "Add data" element to create a new activity. Configure the columns for start and end date, type, and user.


3. Add a conditional flow with a condition to check if the date doesn't match the end date from the pre-configured page.

If the condition is true, proceed to the next formula element to increment

Nguyen Trang,


We are sending you the Conditional flow instruction, for your review. If you have any specific questions about this, please describe them in more detail.


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Hi all,


How to copy a new business process from the development server to the production server?


Thank you.

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Hi David,

Processes are transferred to the same other custom changes. Please see this article about transferring changes from site to site:


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I am trying to process a collection of objects. But I am unsure how to pass the collection from a read data element in a business process to a user task. I am also unsure what parameter type I should use on the user task. Can someone tell me the name of a process/user task in creatio I can look at for an example? Or tell me how I can do this?

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Hello, Josh.

I think you can find an example here 


Check the example with CompositeObjectList

Hello, Josh.

Check this article 



Example you need is CompositeObjectList

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I am getting meaningless Compilation errors , any ideawhat it is about ? 

namespace Terrasoft.Core.Process
	using System;
	using System.Collections.Generic;
	using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
	using System.Drawing;
	using System.Globalization;
	using System.Text;
	using Terrasoft.Common;
	using Terrasoft.Configuration;
	using Terrasoft.Core;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Configuration;
	using Terrasoft.Core.DB;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Process;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration;
	using Terrasoft.UI.WebControls.Utilities;
	#region Class: UsrProcess_7b09d28TravelAgencyDev1MethodsWrapper
	/// <exclude/>
	public class UsrProcess_7b09d28TravelAgencyDev1MethodsWrapper : ProcessModel
		public UsrProcess_7b09d28TravelAgencyDev1MethodsWrapper(Process process)
			: base(process) {
			AddScriptTaskMethod("ScriptTask2Execute", ScriptTask2Execute);
			AddScriptTaskMethod("ScriptTask3Execute", ScriptTask3Execute);
			AddScriptTaskMethod("ScriptTask4Execute", ScriptTask4Execute);
		#region Methods: Private
		private bool ScriptTask2Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context) {
			string sender="AutoAddVisits";
			string msgbody="something";
			return true;
		private bool ScriptTask3Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context) {
			var frequency="frequencyInDays";
			switch (frequency) {
			         case "Daily":
			            Set(frequency, 1);
			                    case "Weekly":
			                        Set("frequency", 7);
			                    case "Monthly":
			                        Set("frequency", 30);
			return true;
		private bool ScriptTask4Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context) {
			var travelOfferId = "TravelId"; 
			var travelOfferSchemaName = "TravelOffers";
			var travelOfferEsq = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, travelOfferSchemaName);
			var travelOffer = travelOfferEsq.getEntity(travelOfferId);
			var tourSchemaName = "Tours";
			var tourEsq = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, tourSchemaName);
			var tourCollection = new Collection();
			var currentDate = new Date();
			var firstTour = tourCollection.add(tourEsq.createEntity(UserConnection));
			firstTour.set("TravelOffer", travelOfferId);
			firstTour.set("TourDate", currentDate);
			var travelOfferFrequency = travelOffer.get("UsrTravelOfferFrequencyId").displayValue;
			var tourDate = currentDate;
			for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
			    switch (travelOfferFrequency) {
			        case "Daily":
			            tourDate.setDate(tourDate.getDate() + 1);
			        case "Weekly":
			            tourDate.setDate(tourDate.getDate() + 7);
			        case "Monthly":
			            tourDate.setDate(tourDate.getDate() + 30);
			            throw new UnknownException("Invalid travel offer frequency");
			    var tour = tourCollection.add(tourEsq.createEntity(UserConnection));
			    tour.set("TravelOffer", travelOfferId);
			    tour.set("TourDate", tourDate);
			    isExternal: true,
			    success: function() {
			        // The tour entities have been saved
			    failure: function() {
			        // An error occurred while saving the tour entities


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We need more information to solve your problem, please contact our support team - support@creatio.com

Pavlo Sokil,

I sent you a mail 

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Hi Team,

How to change the label of the process in the section list page and record edit page.

when a Business Process is added to the section wizard, a "Run Process" drop-down button is displayed in both the edit page and section list.


How to rename or change the label to a different or meaningful name pertaining to the section.?

Below are the reference screenshot where the change is required

#REQ 1: Section List page

#REQ 2:  Record Edit page




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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Hello Bhoobalan,

Both the edit page and the section have a localizable string called "ProsessButtonCaption" which you can change to change this caption. You need to change this in both the section and the edit page. 

If you're wanting to change this for all sections/pages, you would need to do a replacing schema for BasePageV2 and BaseDataView and modify the ProsessButtonCaption string there. However, to just change it for one section you can change it in the specific section and edit pages. 


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for the information

Where is the diff{} for this element and what is its structure?

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

The element is named ProcessButton. For the page it is in BasePageV2 and the section it is in BaseDataView. You’ll find it in the diff there. 


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I have a process that needs to check the value of a field. If the value is correct, another field will be unlocked, if it is not, a popup will appear.


The problem is that sometimes the pop-up appears before the page gets refreshed. I have the "Refresh active page" add-on inserted in the process that updates that field.


I think sometimes the pop-up is quicker than the refresh. The pop-up has been implemented by code. 


Thank you!

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Hello Diana,


As a suggestion you can add a timer after the "Refresh active page" element, and set it to two seconds for example.

This way you could ensure that the element is completly executed in the background and only then the pop-up is displayed.



This add-on was developed by a third party, so if you would like to receive assistance regarding how does it work in detail, please contact  info@solutionsmetrix.com . Unfortunately we can not ensure how will behave the business process with third party custom developments.


Best regards,


Hello Diana,


As a suggestion you can add a timer after the "Refresh active page" element, and set it to two seconds for example.

This way you could ensure that the element is completly executed in the background and only then the pop-up is displayed.



This add-on was developed by a third party, so if you would like to receive assistance regarding how does it work in detail, please contact  info@solutionsmetrix.com . Unfortunately we can not ensure how will behave the business process with third party custom developments.


Best regards,


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