

Is there any possibility to change file size upload quota in the Application Hub in .net core version of creatio? In the .net framework there are a bindings.config configuration files, that allows to change binding quota, which works in IIS. 


But of course there is no such thing in kestrel, adding/changing any params in appsettings.json does not seem to help. Is there any option to install pretty big application (>100Mb) in .net core Creatio?


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Hi ,


What is the functionality behind the file size update in FileDetailV2. Where is exactly the uploaded file is stored and how can we access the file properties using webservice or esq?

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Hi Anupama,


From the client side the chain is as follows: upload method from the FileDetailV2 module then calls the upload method from the ConfigurationFileApi module. This ConfigurationFileApi module upload  method triggers the server side UploadFile method from the FileApiService class that uses the FileRepository class that uses the FileUploader class UploadFile method (that calls the UploadInternal method (with additional validations) and finally uses the Upload method to upload the file). So the upload on the server side is performed using the Upload method from the FileUploader class.


To locate the place where the file should be uploaded the FileUploader upload method uses the EntityFileLocator method that uses the fileUploadConfig (that is an object formed from the client-side when the ConfigurationFileApi module upload  method is called). For example if you are loading a file to the Contacts section the object to which the file will be saved is called ContactFile (and it can be also found in the database and configurations).


Best regards,


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