Direct browser to open URL in new tab

Is there any way to open a web page in preferably a new tab of the browser.  I've tried doing this in a client module with ` ... )`, however a tab/ page is opened for every user logged in and not just the current user's browser.


If not can I make a feature request, a process element that enables a new tab to be opened and directed to a page.

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Hello Gareth,
Thank you for your question.

Could you please describe your problem in more detail? Unfortunately, it is hard to understand what your issue or intention is.



I am building an integration to access NatWest APIs.  To do this the user has to give consent for access on the NatWest website.  This is done by redirecting from Creatio to a page on the NatWest website where the user logs in and selects which accounts they want to give consent to, at which point NatWest send the browser back to a redirect URL.  So I need to redirect the browser to a NatWest URL from within Creatio to get consent.


I also have a second problem.  I need to give the NatWest API a redirect URL to send the browser back to Creatio after the user has given consent.  I thought I could do this using the Creatio webservice to run a process.  However NatWest append the consent code parameter to the redirect URL with a '#' fragment, e.g.,


Creatio is expecting the a query string to be appended using a '?' character as is standard and does not process the parameters.


Is there a way to process a redirect URL in Creatio that will process the parameters in a '#' fragment?

Gareth Osler,

If i understood you correctly:
I think that an answer to the first part of your question can be The second problem you are describing is a bit confusing but you can a web service that will create a business process and pass there a result of your call to NatWest. 

Yevhenii Grytsiuk,


Thank you for your reply.


The problem with `` is that it opens the window for all users logged in to the Creatio instance and not just the current user.  I have worked around it by displaying the URL in a dialog for the user to copy and paste into a browser tab.  But a way to open a web page in another tab in the current user's browser would be good.


I have a solution to the second issue, creating a new Freedom UI page to act as the redirect URL.  It's a workaround but it works.

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