

In Creatio 8.1.2 I think Creatio add a new user setting called: Number format.


All other user settings had a Default value to configure in System Settings, but I didn't found one to set a default value to this setting.


Is there one already or is it scheduled for a near future version?



Thanks in advance


best regards

Julio Falcón

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It is now possible to change the number format for the user on the user profile page, since version 8.1.2. There are no settings to set default for all users format, as they can do it them self in their user profile settings.

Best regards,

Ivan Savenko,

Please could you add this requirement to the to-do list?


All other user profile configurations have a system setting to define a default, why should this new one be different?

Hi any update on this feature , We really do not want to edit every account one by one to  get consistent number format

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Is it possible to specify the default values that will be populated in fields on new records created via the "Quick add menu" in Creatio, similar to how you can do when adding a record from a button on a page:


I have seen that if you have multiple pages set up for an entity that the Quick add menu will create a sub-menu for each of the types which will mean that if you click on the specific sub-menu then that field will be defaulted to the value it should be, but we require that other fields are also defaulted to specific values depending on the type selected. Therefore blanket values being set as the default value on the entity won't satisfy the requirement, and the business rules are very limited around setting default values.


I can't see anything of much use in the "Quick add records menu" lookup used to configure the quick add menu.

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It is impossible to configure default values for page types in the Quick Add menu. 

Default values are configured only for object fields. If a specific field type is used, the same default value will always be used for any typed page.

Thanks for reaching out!

Hi there.

I have very similar but slightly different task. I need to throw forward param values from current page to new record which is being created through lookup field on current page. I configured view diff like this 

				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "ListAction_n8p4gak",
				"values": {
					"code": "addRecord",
					"type": "crt.ComboboxSearchTextAction",
					"icon": "combobox-add-new",
					"caption": "ComboBox.AddNewRecord",
					"clicked": {
						"request": "crt.CreateRecordFromLookupRequest",
						"params": {
							"defaultValues": [
									"attributeName": "Account",
									"value": "$PDS_ClvAccount_p18pos2"
									"attributeName": "Contact",
									"value": "$PDS_ClvContact_ecd3h26"
				"parentName": "Task_ComboBox",
				"propertyName": "listActions",
				"index": 0

and I also tried to rename DefaultValues to additionalDefaultValues as debug led me to this could be possible property's name, but that didn't help. And now I see this thread. So it seems that handler "crt.CreateRecordFromLookupRequest" doesn;t allow at this point to process default values at all?

BTW this handler isn't described in academy handlers schema section | Creatio Academy

Is there any plans to develope that handler to be possible to pass default values ?


NB It could be great to have params for each type of handler to be described in academy's article like in articles for validators and converters converters schema section | Creatio Academy 

Andrii Orlenko, do you found a resolution?

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Hi Comunity,

We have a lookup (Contact) in a custom Section. When the modal page of the Contact opens we would like another default field and not the 'Full Name' to be the default one


How it is :

How we would like it to be:

How can this be achieved ?


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Best reply



Unfortunately, it's impossible to make such a change with basic tools, only by development. 

We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Examples of the implementation of your task are available here https://community.terrasoft.ua/questions/sdelat-mobilnyy-telefon-standa….

Best regards,


Hi Community,

Any update ?



Unfortunately, it's impossible to make such a change with basic tools, only by development. 

We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Examples of the implementation of your task are available here https://community.terrasoft.ua/questions/sdelat-mobilnyy-telefon-standa….

Best regards,


Thank you very much Mariia!

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Hello Community,

We want a default quick filter to be applied always to a detail (AccountContactsDetailV2) in the Account section. This filter should be permanent like this:

This academy article is only appliable for Sections and not details


All the best


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I am not sure how to add the default values (so the user can remove them) since it is a per-user thing, but if you always needed the filter values set for the detail (and not allow the user to remove them) you could filter the detail using ESQ filters as shown here: https://customerfx.com/article/filtering-a-detail-list-in-creatio-forme…


Will quick filter component in Freedom UI 8.0.8 allow this maybe ?

(Beta in 8.0.7: Quick filters. It is now possible to apply custom filters to one or more Freedom UI lists on a page using the [ Quick filter ] component. )

Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan. The idea is to apply the quick filter for the detail (like for sections)

Through this coding applied in AccountContactDetailV2_:

onRender: function() {
				this.set("IsDetailFilterVisible", true);
				this.set("IsFilterAdded", true);
				this.set("IsShortFilterFieldsVisible", true);
			getFilterDefaultColumnName: function() {
				return "Left";

I have managed to bring the detail in this state (printscreen) every time the pages renders:

Do you know if it is possible to put also a default value, when the detail renders ?



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Hello Community, 


How can we set the default value for a Datetime field to the tomorrow's date?




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I don't believe you can set a default for tomorrow's date in the object property defaults (unless you add it in the entity code). 

It's done pretty easily on the page if you want to add the code there, it would look like this (for a Freedom UI page):

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
		request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
		handler: async (request, next) => {
			const result = await next?.handle(request);
			const cardState = await request.$context.CardState;
			if (cardState == "add" || cardState == "copy") {
				request.$context.TheDateFieldAttribute = Terrasoft.utils.date.addDays(new Date(), 1);
			return result;


Ryan Farley,

Thank you, it worked 

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