Set a caption for a crt.DataGrid column dynamically



Is it possible to set a title for a column in a DataGrid dynamically via client code?


I tried the following steps:

  1. Add an attribute to viewModelConfigDiff called "InspectorsSundayCaption".


            viewModelConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
                "operation": "merge",
                "path": [
                "values": {



  2. Bind the attribute to the caption property of column

                            "id": "aaa335c2-8291-0f65-e930-e39ca7e333a7",
                            "code": "DataGrid_244wb6vDS_UsrwpPoliceCarsSunday",
                            "path": "UsrwpPoliceCarsSunday",
                            "dataValueType": 4


  3. Set the attribute in the HandleViewModelInitRequest handler with the specific value.


                request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
                  handler: async (request, next) => {


                           request.$context.InspectorsSundayCaption = "Sunday inspectors " + sundayDateStr;

                           await next?.handle(request);



This way work to me in normal column caption, But it doesn't work in a DataGrid column


Is there any limitation/step I'm missing?


Thanks in advance for your assistance!


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Does anyone have an idea?

Hello Rachel Markovski,

I have contacted our R&D team in order to help find a solution for your problem. The answer is unfortunate - currently there is no mechanism to dynamically change column caption in the datagrid component. 

Hope this helps.

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