Changes in .cs files are not picked up by Creatio in newer version of a package if the files existed in previous version of the package

Hey. I've been working with Creatio for some time already. And I've been facing an issue. The issue is not picking up on changes that were added to the files already added to the package when uploading a new version of a package on any environment. I am talking about .cs files, in other words, the source code type of Creatio files. So, when I finish fixing some bugs with the package locally, I go to the dev env. to upload the package there. I do the uploading via `ApplicationHub` page via `install from file`. So, the issue happens only when the previous package version is installed and I want to update with the newer version. If I remove the previous version and upload a new one, all new changes are picked up.

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In this case, it could be two possible options as to why it happens:


1. It can happen if the schema has a more fresh ModifiedOn date in configuration, for example, if it was recently modified directly on the environment; if so, the schema won't be updated.

2.  Sometimes, the schema updates only after full compilation. so the steps will be install package -> full compilation -> check the schema.


If the issue would still reproduce, contact us at

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