Hey guys, is there any way to make the toolbar of the RickText editor to be fixed on top and always visible?


Right now is hard to realize is a RichText, unless you click in the textbox and then in the icon for the toolbar to appear.


I'm in version 8.1.2

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Hello, Andres!

To implement such an idea, we need to empty the space on the page for the RichText editor. Unfortunately, this is impossible in the existing releases.

We've registered your idea for the future versions of the application! 

Thank you for making us better!

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I’d like to navigate from a FreedomUI page to a classic list page, so they don’t loose Dashboards in Freedom.


Is it possible to use the request handler of a button in FreedomUI to redirect the user to the classic list of a specific object?



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Hello Andres.
Thank you for your question.

The logic you are trying to achieve can be implemented in a couple of ways. It depends on which sections we are talking about and the reason for doing it.

The first way of redirecting from one page to another is using the handler chain service. For example, in the Contacts_ListPage (Freedom UI) in the HandleViewModelInitRequest, I implemented a handler as follows:

During the page initialization, I use the handler chain instance to call the OpenPageRequest handler, which in turn opens the ContactSectionV2 page (Classic UI List Page). This method is the most straightforward but makes the least sense if you want to apply the redirection logic that you described to those sections that are present in both Freedom UI and Classic UI by default. Instead, you can simply set up your workplace to display the Classic UI section instead of the Freedom UI.


Here you can see that there are two copies of the Contacts page. Some pages are duplicated as they are present in both Classic UI and Freedom UI.


However, there are cases when you might notice that even though you set up your workplace to open a Classic UI version of a page, the system will open a Freedom UI analog. To change this behavior, you can go to Lookups -> Object-specific form page interface in the Freedom and Classic UI shell.
Change the values for the 'Classic UI shell' and 'Freedom UI shell' columns to Freedom UI pages if you want your page to open in the Freedom UI version or to Classic UI respectively. But note that the Freedom UI section ignores any page settings and always opens a Freedom UI page (if there is one). An article regarding this question can be found here.

To summarize, your logic can be implemented in a couple of ways depending on the details.

I hope my answer helps you. If not, I am open to helping you further.

Hello Andres.
Thank you for your question.

The logic you are trying to achieve can be implemented in a couple of ways. It depends on which sections we are talking about and the reason for doing it.

The first way of redirecting from one page to another is using the handler chain service. For example, in the Contacts_ListPage (Freedom UI) in the HandleViewModelInitRequest, I implemented a handler as follows:

During the page initialization, I use the handler chain instance to call the OpenPageRequest handler, which in turn opens the ContactSectionV2 page (Classic UI List Page). This method is the most straightforward but makes the least sense if you want to apply the redirection logic that you described to those sections that are present in both Freedom UI and Classic UI by default. Instead, you can simply set up your workplace to display the Classic UI section instead of the Freedom UI.


Here you can see that there are two copies of the Contacts page. Some pages are duplicated as they are present in both Classic UI and Freedom UI.


However, there are cases when you might notice that even though you set up your workplace to open a Classic UI version of a page, the system will open a Freedom UI analog. To change this behavior, you can go to Lookups -> Object-specific form page interface in the Freedom and Classic UI shell.
Change the values for the 'Classic UI shell' and 'Freedom UI shell' columns to Freedom UI pages if you want your page to open in the Freedom UI version or to Classic UI respectively. But note that the Freedom UI section ignores any page settings and always opens a Freedom UI page (if there is one). An article regarding this question can be found here.

To summarize, your logic can be implemented in a couple of ways depending on the details.

I hope my answer helps you. If not, I am open to helping you further.

Hi Yevhenii, thanks for the complete answer, was very helpful!

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Hi all,

We are moving users from Classic to FreedomUI.


I'm trying to remove the Desktop (home) page for regular users, so as soon as they login the system shows a section list.


Is that possible in Freedom?

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Please note that you can set a specific section as a Home page for every user:

This way, when a user logs in, they will see the set section's list right away.

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Hello everyone.

Can I create custom mini page linked custom button? The case is that I have to add button "Decline" to the header of the page and that button should also open mini page that asks reason of decline (comment). And that comment should be written to some field of page.
I would be glad if anyone can help or direct to related source!

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Hi Xoji, 

Yes you can. You need to create the minipage and then link it to the button by setting the action button to Open specific Page.

Button action

Javier Collazo,

Hello, I appreciate your response. I'm sorry but I forgot to mention that I was working on classic UI. 
I'm also facing problems with adding button itself to header part of the page as you cannot drag and drop button to header page in Classic UI.

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I am developing a business process that takes data from an API and inserts it into an object.
I have some parameters created in it and I need to make some improvements to be able to insert them.
The parameters in question are the following, UserName = Text and UserApi = Lookup (Based on Contact)
I am trying to relate the username with the userapi lookup so that later this userapi is inserted into the contact lookup in the destination object:
// Obtener la fecha de la API, puede ser un string o "false"
string fechaApi = Get("FechaApertura");
string XStudioUsuarios = Get("XStudioUsuarios");
string ExpectedRevenue = Get("ExpectedRevenue");
string UserName = Get("UserName");
Guid UserApi = Get("UserApi");

// Declarar la variable para almacenar la nueva fecha
DateTime fechaNueva;
int XStudioUsuariosInt;
int ExpectedRevenueInt;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) && UserName != "false") {
   Set("UserApi.Name", UserName);

if (fechaApi != "false") {
   // Intentar parsear el string de fecha a DateTime
   if (DateTime.TryParse(fechaApi, out fechaNueva)) {
       // Establecer la nueva fecha si el parseo fue exitoso
       Set("FechaAperturaNueva", fechaNueva);

if (XStudioUsuarios != "false") {
   // Intentar parsear el string a int
   if (int.TryParse(XStudioUsuarios, out XStudioUsuariosInt)) {
       // Establecer el nuevo valor si el parseo fue exitoso
       Set("XStudioUsuariosInt", XStudioUsuariosInt);

if (ExpectedRevenue != "false") {
   // Intentar parsear el string a int
   if (int.TryParse(ExpectedRevenue, out ExpectedRevenueInt)) {
       // Establecer el nuevo valor si el parseo fue exitoso
       Set("ExpectedRevenueInt", ExpectedRevenueInt);

return true;

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One of the options is to use the ORM. The idea here is to first check if the received text value is already present in the lookup or not. To do that perform a simple select from the entity of the lookup and check if there are values there that are the same as the received text value. Examples of retrieving data can be found here. If the value is present in the lookup - set the Id of that lookup record for your main record lookup column (as described in the examples here).


If the value doesn't exist in the lookup - create it and then set the Id of the created lookup record as the value for the lookup column in your main record.

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks Oleg, what you describe is exactly what I need to do, but I still don't know how I can do it.

Oleg i do this Code with the information than you gave me:

string fechaApi = Get<string>("FechaApertura");
string XStudioUsuarios = Get<string>("XStudioUsuarios");
string ExpectedRevenue = Get<string>("ExpectedRevenue");
string UserName = Get<string>("UserName");
Guid UserApi = Get<Guid>("UserApi");

DateTime fechaNueva;
int XStudioUsuariosInt;
int ExpectedRevenueInt;

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) && UserName != "false") {
   var esq = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "Contact");
    var idColumn = esq.AddColumn("Id");
    esq.Filters.Add(esq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "Name", UserName));
    var entityCollection = esq.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);
    // Verificar si se encontraron resultados
    if (entityCollection.Count > 0) {
        var entity = entityCollection[0];

        var userApiLookup = new {
           Value = entity.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>(Id.Name),
           DisplayValue = entity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>(Name.Name)
        // Establecer el objeto Lookup en UserApi
        Set<Guid>("UserApi", userApiLookup);

if (fechaApi != "false") {
   // Intentar parsear el string de fecha a DateTime
   if (DateTime.TryParse(fechaApi, out fechaNueva)) {
       // Establecer la nueva fecha si el parseo fue exitoso
       Set<DateTime>("FechaAperturaNueva", fechaNueva);

if (XStudioUsuarios != "false") {
   // Intentar parsear el string a int
   if (int.TryParse(XStudioUsuarios, out XStudioUsuariosInt)) {
       // Establecer el nuevo valor si el parseo fue exitoso
       Set<int>("XStudioUsuariosInt", XStudioUsuariosInt);

if (ExpectedRevenue != "false") {
   // Intentar parsear el string a int
   if (int.TryParse(ExpectedRevenue, out ExpectedRevenueInt)) {
       // Establecer el nuevo valor si el parseo fue exitoso
       Set<int>("ExpectedRevenueInt", ExpectedRevenueInt);

return true;

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In the dashboards, I'm trying to create a stacked chart. I want to show the count of opportunities by stage by market. I don't know if this is possible or not, but I cannot seem to get it working. The x-axis is showing the opportunity stage and then the data would show the count by market for each stage. Please let me know what I am doing wrong, so we can get this to show. Thanks.

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Adam Praiswater,



You correctly added series to your dashboards, now to display them according to the market you can add filtration to each series for certain market. 

For example:
1 series: market = 'market value'

2 series: market = 'market value'


Leave the grouping by Stage and you should achieve your goal.

Have a great day!


Can you provide the screenshot with the configured chart?




Current set up -

But want each stage to show by the division of market. I have tried to add a second series but that just doubles the number like so but it doesn't let me change the how to group or am I doing something wrong? -



Does that help and/or make sense what I am trying to achieve?

Adam Praiswater,



You correctly added series to your dashboards, now to display them according to the market you can add filtration to each series for certain market. 

For example:
1 series: market = 'market value'

2 series: market = 'market value'


Leave the grouping by Stage and you should achieve your goal.

Have a great day!

Alina Yakovlieva,

Thank you for your help with this!

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I want to create a report which prints all Lead records. For example, Leads in a particular stage, Leads created in last month etc 

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Printed forms work so that they print the information contained in a single record of a section. One section record equals one report. If the task is to include information about multiple lead records in one report, it is better to create a separate section for this purpose, where you can add fields and details that will reference specific records via reverse relationships. This way, you can include data from multiple records in the report.

Printable forms are generated as one document per section record. If you want to implement your own logic for working with printed forms using development tools, you can look into the client schema "PrintReportUtilities," which interacts with "ReportService" on the server side. 

It would be best if you implemented something similar to ReportService.

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Hello all,
I'm trying to add a custom component to Creatio, and I was following along with the guide then it mentions accessing the file system, which I don't really know how to do, and if possible at all while working with Creatio on the cloud ?
The doc: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…

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As stated in the article


  • FSD of C# code is possible only by interacting with the on-site Creatio database.


You won't be able to access the cloud-hosted application's file system.

Assuming you're referring to creating a custom javascript UI component, correct?

You can create a local workspace for on on-site Creatio to create the custom component using Clio. Documentation and tutorials on how to do this is sparse. There are some very short videos on this topic here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE5uETqTsyQ&list=PLnolcTT5TeE2BMFf_XmJrSwpnbcLCLJkb&index=1

The documentation here also refers to steps you can use Clio for as well: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/front-end-development/freedom-ui/remote-module/implement-a-remote-module/overview


Oleg Drobina,

Thanks for the answer! that clears it up !

Ryan Farley,

Thank you for your reply!
Yes I mean custom javascript UI component. But if I'm understanding correctly, even Clio utility works only with on-site Creatio, right ?

Youness Youki,

No, Clio is not just for on-site - it allows you to work with a cloud hosted Creatio as well. A Clio workspace allows you to create a UI component & package on your local machine and push it to a cloud hosted system. The video I linked to shows the steps to do this (create a Clio workspace, connect it to a cloud Creatio system, create a UI component and then push the package from your local machine to the cloud system). 


I see! I'll try it then.
Thank you !

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I have a parameter within my business process that is a text, named UserName. On the other hand, I have an AddData that has a Lookup called CreatedBy. I need to relate the user name to the user name of this Lookup. That is, if the user name exists in the lookup, I assign this value to it.

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You can implement this using a parameter in the business process.

Below, I have provided an example of such an implementation. Please note that this is an example implementation, and you will need to adapt the business process to fit your business idea.

In my case, I pass a user as a parameter who is "TestDocum"; in this case, the process will follow the path to True.

If I pass another value, such as "Ser," the process will follow the path to False and terminate.

I hope this example helps you implement your business idea.

Best regards, 


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Hi All,


How can I set Date field - "Closed On" blank using BP ?




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Hello, you can clear the date column by setting it's value as: null


Hello, you can clear the date column by setting it's value as: null


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