When trying to save the page this error popped up. Can you help? What might be the problem?

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I recommend checking the application logs, where the error details will be specified. This information can help resolve the generation issue further.

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I would like to disable the mini page that appears before the main page in Freedom UI. Currently, when we click on "Next Step," it first opens a mini page before navigating to the main page. Instead, I want it to directly open the main page without this intermediate step.

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When clicking on the "Complete" button from the next steps, the system will show you the Freedom UI mini page, as this is a Next Steps core logic.

The only way to avoid opening this mini page is to develop your only Next Steps tiles and assign different logic for the complete button.

Dymytriy Vykhodets,

can you please help me where this core logic is written. so that i can try to create new logic.

Dymytriy Vykhodets,

the idea is to open the main page in place of mini page when we click on complete button

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I have a minipage that has lookup (contact) and whenever I try to add a new non-existing it suggests it as "New ContactName" which is nice, but when I click that, it opens the contact minipage and closes the original minipage and doesn't re-open the original minipage after I closed the contact minipage upon saving.

Do you have any idea of a better approach than making a custom modal?

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Best reply


I ended up making a Modal [BaseModalBoxPage] to create my own minipage.

I found this code segment in LookupQuickAddMixin and I want to know where can I change the value of UseSilentCreation?

		 * Checks that entity has mini page add mode allowed.
		 * @private
		 * @param {String} entitySchemaName Name of the entity.
		 * @param {Array} [additionalDefaultValues] Additional default values.
		 * @return {Boolean} True, if feature UseSilentCreation is turned off, and entity has add mini page.
		_needOpenMiniPage: function(entitySchemaName, additionalDefaultValues) {
			const entityStructure = this.getEntityStructure(entitySchemaName);
			if (!entityStructure) {
				return false;
			const notUseSilentCreation = !Terrasoft.Features.getIsEnabled("UseSilentCreation");
			const editPages = entityStructure.pages;
			const typeLookupItem = additionalDefaultValues?.find((item) => item.attributeName === "TypeLookup");
			let page;
			if (typeLookupItem) {
				page = editPages.find((page) => page.UId === typeLookupItem.value);
			page = page || Terrasoft.first(editPages);
			const hasAddMiniPage = page?.hasAddMiniPage;
			return notUseSilentCreation && Boolean(hasAddMiniPage);
		 * Open page or mini page for new entity record.
		 * @protected
		 * @param {Object} newEntityConfig Entity config.
		 * @param {Object} newEntityConfig.entitySchema Entity schema.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.entitySchemaName Entity schema name.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.columnName Column name.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.displayColumnValue Display column value.
		 * @param {String} newEntityConfig.valuePairsFromFilters Default values that were sent from filters.
		 * @param {Array} newEntityConfig.additionalDefaultValues Additional default values.
		 * @param {Object} viewModel View model context.
		openPageForNewEntity: function(newEntityConfig, viewModel) {
			var cardConfig = this._getNewEntityPageConfig(newEntityConfig);
			this._subscribeNewEntityCardModuleResponse(newEntityConfig.attributeName ?? newEntityConfig.columnName, cardConfig, viewModel);
			if (this._needOpenMiniPage(cardConfig.entitySchemaName, newEntityConfig.additionalDefaultValues)) {
				this.openAddMiniPage.call(this, cardConfig);
			} else {
			this.set && !newEntityConfig.attributeName && this.set(newEntityConfig.columnName, null);



It seems that this was already customized since OOB does not allow adding new records to the lookup inside the mini page.


As for the UseSilentCreation - it's a system feature with the UseSilentCreation code according to the code in the very same LookupQuickAddMixin

Go to 


/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#Section/AppFeature_ListPage - for old UI

/0/Shell/#Section/AppFeature_ListPage - Freedom UI


find the UseSilentCreation feature (if the record is not present there - create it and enable it for all employees role) and relogin to the app.


I ended up making a Modal [BaseModalBoxPage] to create my own minipage.

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Hello creatio community,


I am trying to apply a filter into cases mini page which is developed using freedom ui screens. Code as below:

	request: "crt.LoadDataRequest",
	handler: async (request, next) => {
		if(request.dataSourceName == "CaseDS_OPCaseType_4943d10_List_DS") {
			const caseType = await request.$context.CaseDS_OPCaseType_4943d10;
			var moduleTypesIds = await OPPermissionFunctionsSsp.getModuleTypes();
			const filter = new sdk.FilterGroup();
			if(moduleTypesIds.length > 0){
				filter.logicalOperation = sdk.LogicalOperatorType.Or;		
				for (let i = 0; i < moduleTypesIds.length; i++) {
					await filter.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "Id", moduleTypesIds[i].value);
				await filter.addSchemaColumnFilterWithParameter(sdk.ComparisonType.Equal, "OPCode", '');
			const newFilter = Object.assign({}, filter);
			newFilter.items = filter.items;
				type: "filter",
				value: newFilter
		return await next?.handle(request);


The filter newFilter shows the right filter condition. I also used sql profiler and it returned the correct values. The issue here is that the CaseDS_OPCaseType_4943d10_List_DS lookup its not showing any value and does not apply the developed filter.


This issue happens only in the mini page. I have used this approach in freedom ui form pages and it works fine. Is there something I'm missing?


Kind regards

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I assume this is a dropdown lookup and not a lookup that opens the Select dialog? 

I just double-checked and I do have similar code to filter a dropdown on a Freedom UI mini page/dialog and it is working. I don't see anything that looks incorrect in the code you posted - just wanted to confirm that it does work on mini pages (at least in my case it is)

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I'm facing an issue with the AddTaskMiniPage. When attempting to create a task, I receive the following error message:

Field: "Id".
Error: Enter a value after clicking Save.

This prevents me from successfully creating tasks. I'm able to create tasks fine in the full window page. Has anyone encountered this issue before or knows how to resolve this?


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Most likely, the issue lies with a base business rule at the object level that sets this value. I recommend disabling this rule, and after doing so, the behavior should not be repeated.

Best regards,


Antonii Viazovskyi,


Thanks for your reply.

I disabled all the business rules, but I’m still getting the same result (Field: "Id". Error: Enter a value).

Interestingly, I have no issues if I click the "Continue in other page" button, which takes me to the full-page window.

Any further advice would be appreciated.


Romeo Suarez,



This issue can happen when you have feature DisableModelBindAttributeSynchronization enabled on your site.

To access the feature list, open the following link:

I hope this helps.
Have a great day!

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Hi community,

This is an out of the box problem, because i tried it in a fresh Environment as well.

Here is the issue.

We have the Leads section in the Classic UI, meanwhile the Account section is in the FreedomUI

1-We click to the Account link from the Lead Section:

2- We expect that the Form Page will open since we are not adding a new Account. Instead of the Form Page the MiniPage of the Account opens

3- Status of the Pages established for the account

How can we fix this issue?


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Hi Community,

Any update regarding this?



Please make sure that the "Default page" setting is set to the "Form page" in the Accounts object located in a package that is at the end of the packages hierarchy (it might be in the Custom package). 

This issue might appear if in one of such objects the "Default page" setting is set to "Mini page", which overrides the base settings.

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Hi community,


I need to show only active users in the Owner field of the activity mini page.


How can I do that?


Thank you!

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I could not find the field on contact record for this so I created a lookup with record status (active/inactive or something similar) and then used the add filter business rule on the mini page to only display specific owners.

Hi, Clara Fioranzato! 


This field is implemented by development methods, so unfortunately you cannot change it with basic methods. 


But you can add this filtering condition by creating a replacement view model schema for the page. To do this, use the instructions below with an example of such a setting:  




We also recommend reading a similar post on our community where this topic has already been raised. 



Best regards, 


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Hi Academy,


We would like to make one of the sections in the 'Connections' on the activity mini page mandatory when the category is "task".

Do you have any suggestions on how we can accomplish this?


Thank you in advance.

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It depends on which column should be required here. One particular example: this method can be added to ActivityMiniPage:

save: function(callback, scope) {
				var opportunity = this.get("Opportunity");
				if (opportunity) {
				} else {
					Terrasoft.showInformation("Opportunity is required");

In this case saving of the mini page is not possible in case an opportunity is not connected to an activity and the information message will be shown on the page.

Hi Oleg,


Thank you, it works!

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Is it possible to create mini page for 'view record' in Freedom UI?

We also have mix of Freedom-Classic now, but even if 'view record' mini-page is created for Classic page, it is not displayed in other places (probably because of Freedom page exists for that section already). Maybe it is possible to use Classic mini pages of Account/Contact even if Freedom page is created?


Kind regards,


Like 4





At the moment, there is no possibiliy to set up a mini-page just for viewing records in the system. Currently you can create a mini-page for creating a new record and set up a mini-page for editing an exisiting record with the help of a business process.


We also do not plan to support mini pages for 7x (Classic UI) with the Shell enabled, as this functionality is already implemented and is available in Freedom UI (starting from version 8.0.8).

We recommend you to configure the needed section in Freedom UI and to set up the required mini page for creating a record there.

You can learn more about it in this Academy article.

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Hi Community,

The normal behaviour of a MiniPage in Freedom UI, is that after filling the data and saving, the Section List Page is opened.

We want that after the Clicking Save on the Mini Page, the created record (Form Page) opens.

How can this be acheived ?


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To accomplish this you’ll need to add a handler for the save event, see https://customerfx.com/article/adding-code-to-the-save-event-of-a-creat…

Then in that handler you can open the edit page. See https://customerfx.com/article/adding-code-to-the-save-event-of-a-creat…


Thank you very much for the very useful information Ryan.

You have provided the same link both times.

Did you intend to insert a separate link for the handler that opens the Edit Page ?


Sasori Oshigaki,


It will either be this link if you want to open the standard edit page form for the entity, taking into account any rules you have in place for which form gets opened: https://customerfx.com/article/opening-an-edit-page-to-add-or-edit-a-record-via-code-in-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/


Or this link if you want to be able to specify a particular edit page for the entity (i.e. if there are multiple edit pages and you want to open a specific one different from what would be opened based on the rules you set up for some reason): https://customerfx.com/article/opening-an-edit-page-to-add-or-edit-a-record-via-code-in-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/


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