I have created a business process that must run after changes are made to the "Not allowed" field in the Activity. When I change this field manually and then save the activity, it runs as it should. However, I also wrote a very simple C# code in the saving event that changes this field in the activity when I move the activity in the calendar, but the process does not start despite the changes in the "Not allowed" field.

I am moving the activity in the calendar

Code: _entity.SetColumnValue("CHNotAllowed", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); 



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If an Entity.Save() call occurs in the embedded process or listener, in this case, the signal to start the BP is not thrown.
Try using the EntitySchemaQuery, if I'm not mistaken, it should trigger the necessary Entity level.

Dmytro Vovchenko writes:

If an Entity.Save() call occurs in the embedded process or listener, in this case, the signal to start the BP is not thrown.
Try using the EntitySchemaQuery, if I'm not mistaken, it should trigger the necessary Entity level.

It works everywhere except changes in the calendar

"Try using the EntitySchemaQuery" -what do you mean? plz give an example. 

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In Classic UI there was a section at the top of Account and Contact pages where new Activities, Calls, Emails, etc. could be created and automatically connected to the current object.  Where are these tools hidden in Freedom UI??

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To enable this section in Freedom UI, go to the Page Designer and add the "Next Steps" component to the page.

Hi John, 

1) Yes these were removed by default in Freedom UI, not sure why, especially on contacts. You need to add the next steps manually. 

2) The automatic linking surprisingly does not exist yet : https://community.creatio.com/questions/bewildered 



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Hi Creatio Community,


I hope you're all doing well. I have question with managing app updates and would appreciate your insights.


Scenario: I have developed an app and released version 1.0 on the Creatio Marketplace. Some clients have installed this version and made custom changes to the app. 

Now, I am preparing to release version 1.1 with new features and bug fixes. My concern is that when clients update to version 1.1, their custom changes overwritten or not?


1] What are the best practices to ensure client-specific changes are not lost during the update?


2] Are there any tools or features within Creatio that can help manage and merge client customizations with new updates?


Thank you in advance for your assistance and suggestions.


Best Regards,

Ajay Kuthe

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Best reply

Hi Ajay,


Let's look at how the customization process works in general. 


When a customer makes any changes to the installed application, your core logic remains unchanged. Instead, the app is extended with a new package where replaced schemas are created, inheriting your core schemas. When you make new changes to the app and customize these core schemas, after delivering a new version to the client, only those core schemas will be updated. The customer's inherited schemas will remain unchanged.


Therefore, custom changes will not be overwritten. However, we recommend supporting backward compatibility to avoid breaking custom changes after delivery.

If you are going through the update process together with the client, we suggest using the delivery process article to build a safe delivery process.

Hi Ajay,


Let's look at how the customization process works in general. 


When a customer makes any changes to the installed application, your core logic remains unchanged. Instead, the app is extended with a new package where replaced schemas are created, inheriting your core schemas. When you make new changes to the app and customize these core schemas, after delivering a new version to the client, only those core schemas will be updated. The customer's inherited schemas will remain unchanged.


Therefore, custom changes will not be overwritten. However, we recommend supporting backward compatibility to avoid breaking custom changes after delivery.

If you are going through the update process together with the client, we suggest using the delivery process article to build a safe delivery process.

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Hello community, 

I want to test sending an email function in Trial site

Can it possible?


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It is possible to send the emails from the trial version of the site.

However, you have to set up the app password on the Google side.


Detailed information can be found here: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en


Happy to help!

Hi Hanna Skalko,

According to the two pictures I posted above, I turned off feature 2-Step Verification, then entered my email and password (I went to Google and login Email to confirm that both are corrected). However, Trial reports an incorrect email or password error.

It is not possible, is it?

Đặng Văn Chức,

Many email services no longer allow basic auth ad instead require OAuth. To use gmail in a trial you must:

  1. Turn on 2-step verification
  2. Set up an app password (only allows you to do this if 2-step verification is on)
  3. Use the app password for the password when adding the account to the trial


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I have created a button in ActivitySectionV2.
This button appears on all entries in this section.

But when you click on this button, nothing happens.
Please let me know how to fix the error.


define("ActivitySectionV2", ["ProcessModuleUtilities"], function (ProcessModuleUtilities) {
  return {
    entitySchemaName: "Activity",
    details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/ {} /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
    diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ [{
      "operation": "insert",
      "parentName": "DataGrid",
      "propertyName": "activeRowActions",
      "name": "runProcessButtonOpenOpportunity",
      "values": {
        "className": "Terrasoft.Button",
        /*"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,*/
        "caption": "Відкрити угоду",
       "click": {
          bindTo: "runProcessButtonOpenOpportunity"
        "style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.GREEN
    }] /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/,
    methods: {
      runProcessButtonOpenOpportunity: function () {
        var activeRowId = this.get("Id");
        var args = {
          sysProcessName: "UsrProcessOpenOpportunityInActivity",
          parameters: {
            OppID: activeRowId
    rules: {}


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If you want to add a button to an action menu for the active row, the regular approach will result in the error you received.
Here you can find an example of how to configure such a button properly.

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Hello community,

Is it possible to add several independent DCM case in Opportunity?

Are there alternatives on the marketplace?

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Unfortunately, there is no such possibility now. We have registered a request for the development team to consider adding this option in future updates. 

Best regards, 



Unfortunately, there are no approximate timelines for implementing the functionality. 
However, you might be interested to know that we have the functionality to change DCM conditions on the pages.

We would also appreciate it if you could provide more details about the business task you plan to implement.

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Hello, community,


How to move a user from one role to another by using a business process?

For example, we have 2 branches: branch A and branch B.

The users for Branch A are Alex and Bobby

The users for Branch B are Charlie and Drake

Every month there is a rotation, so Alex will be in Branch B, and Charlie will go to Branch A.

How to do it in the business process?


Thank you.

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We have previously discussed a similar task in this post: https://community.creatio.com/questions/create-role-programatically


You can simply start by adding a 'delete data' element from the 'user in roles' object and then add an 'add data' element to the same object, filling only the role and user columns.


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I want to prevent users from deleting details once the status is not DRAFT anymore.

So, I'm thinking to remove the all of the buttons.

Does anyone know how to do this?


Thank you.

Like 1



Dear David,


This can be achieved by code implementation or by business rule.


For the business rule, you can turn on Object permissions for this object. Then the business process will be triggered by changing the record for example, and it will be removing right for editing and deleting this record.


Hope this helps.


Have a great day!

Dear Alina,


I notice about this method. 

Actually, I want to keep this method as a last resort.


Thank you for your reply.


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Hi All, 

Are we able to change this text to our company brand please?



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Unfortunately, in Freedom UI there is no possibility to customize the logo on the loading screen. 

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. In case you would like to check what stage this task is at, I am sending you the task number: PR-28347. Please don't hesitate to share this number with us at any time and ask your questions.


Bala Koteswarareddy,


The request to implement this functionality on Freedom UI has been submitted to our Developer Team. 


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Hi all,


We are trying to send an email from a business process, but we notice that we have to set Mailbox first. When we tried to enter the email, we encountered this error.


What should we do?




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Best reply

David Chandra,


Please contact support team to get credentials to the repository.

Hi David,


If it's a local website you should deploy an Email Listener synchronization service.


I'm trying to follow your suggestion.

However, I encountered an error when trying to deploy the docker-compose.


root@server03:~/downloads/docker-compose# docker-compose up -d

Building with native build. Learn about native build in Compose here: https://docs.docker.com/go/compose-native-build/

Pulling ListenerAPI (registry.creatio.com/emaillistener:1.0.17)...

ERROR: Head "https://registry.creatio.com/v2/emaillistener/manifests/1.0.17": no basic auth credentials


It seems that the image cannot be downloaded.

David Chandra,


Please contact support team to get credentials to the repository.


I managed to make the EmailListener work by using docker.

Thank you for your help.

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