
Everyday at 11PM I get the same error notification in my Notification panel:

Account not found with IdentityId "".

With what I could see it was generated from a business process  called "Lead generation. Сonsistency check" in CrtSocialLeadGen package. What can I do to fix this issue?

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The system message you are encountering is related to the out-of-the-box process “Lead Generation: Consistency Check.” This message occurs when the system cannot connect to the service to verify that all leads have been successfully entered.

You can disregard this message if you are not utilizing the Lead Generation functionality. The process executes even if the integration with services like Facebook or LinkedIn has not been configured.

If you prefer not to receive these messages, you can deactivate the “Lead Generation: Consistency Check” process in the process library.

Best regards,

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Hi community, 

I am trying the installation of packages in creatio using clio command and I was wondering if it is possible for more than one package to be installed simultaneously using clio?

Thank you in advance 

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You can upload multiple packages in clio by packing them into a single zip file. Additionally, you can read more about clio and get support on GitHub:


Here is my example:

Have a great day!


Hi Orkhan,

Thank you for your answer.
I understand that you can initiate the installment of many packages with clio in this way, but can they install in parallel?

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I am trying to build a business process that will automatically generate an excel report using the Generate Excel Report task, available through package IntExcelReport.

In the business process Convert File to Base64String I pass the file that is generated from Generate Excel Report task.

 Convert File to Base64String business process is as the following picture: 

In the script task I have the following code:


But the when I try to get the content of the File parameter (FileParam bp parameter) I get a null value.

What else should I try, or am I not configuring it right?

Thank you in advance

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Hi, trying also to figure out how to use this new excel process element to send the report by email. Documentation has not been updated in the marketplace. Anyone figured it out ?

It's strange since I receive


System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Terrasoft.File.EntityFileLocator' to type 'Terrasoft.Configuration.File'.
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessModel.GetParameterValue[T](FoundParameterData result)


And I do everything in the same manner:


  1. Main process

Sub process

Process log

So what am I doing wrong?


If it's working on your end: I don't see the usage of FileAPI in the script task that is required and your app may use S3 file content storage and this can be the first reason for the empty file data. The second possible reason is that you check the file data using the tracing or you don't see file data since it's not saved in the memory of the app because of the system feature related to storing process parameters in the memory. This data should be then used in some interactive element or used in the process Formula element so it could be available in the application memory.

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I have grouped a number of cases (Stages in my case) in the workflow. The decision of which stage will be chosen, is decided in a business process inside the previous stage.   

The problem is that the first stage of the group always shows, even if it will never be processed during the workflow. How can I hide this stage on a specific condition and show the other stage in the group.

Current workflow:

the grouped stages


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To hide a specific stage from the workflow based on a condition, you can use the "Automatic transition to next case stage" field in the stage properties. Set the value to "If required steps are completed" and configure the required steps in the previous stage's business process. If the condition is not met, the case will automatically transition to the next stage in the group, effectively hiding the first stage.

To learn more about how to set up case stages there is instruction from Academy: 

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Hi, I am trying to add a custom field in Activity task minipage: 

I tried to edit ActivityMiniPage, but it does not add the new field.

Where should I add this field?

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You need to make sure that you are making changes in the view mode of the activity mini-page.

Hi Pavlo Sokil,

Thank you for your response.

I have added the new field in all three modes, but the new field doesn't show on the mini page, as I have shown in the photo. The new field shows on the mini page that opens on the click of the pen:



Maybe you have some custom Activity types which are not related with this Mini Page in SysModuleEdit.

Run the sript:
Select * from "SysModuleEdit" where "SysModuleEntityId" in (select "Id" from "SysModuleEntity" where "SysEntitySchemaUId" in (select "UId" from "SysSchema" where "Name" = 'Activity' and "ExtendParent" = 'false'));

And check if for your type Mini page and Mini Page Modes are defined.

For a more detailed analysis, we recommend contacting Creatio technical support.


Best regards,

Pavlo Sokil,

After executing the query you sent, I get these values for the columns you pointed out:

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I am trying to add a new field in an activity's mini page, I added the field in the mini page as in the picture below:

I would like for the mini page to look:

But instead I get:

an I have to click the pencil to get the new field:


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I recommend checking if this field was added only for edit mode. However, let us also explain the logic of displaying modes in more detail.

In the system, the fields used in mini-page are tied to a specific type of mini-page.

If the field is not tied to a specific type, the system recognizes such fields as common to all types (and the behavior of such fields is common to all types of mini-cards).

When configuring a mini-page, you must follow several rules.

1) If a field is used on one of the types of mini-cards, it must be in the same place in other types of mini-cards, or not be used on other mini-page.

2) You can not display a field from another type of page on the page, but in this case, the place where the field was located must:
2.1. be empty (see screenshots 1, 2).
2.2. can be filled with another field that is not used in other types of minimaps (see screenshots 1, 3).

3) If you move a field that is used in other types of mini page on any type of mini page, it will move to that location wherever it is used.

It is also possible to bind a field to a specific type of minimap, but the current option can only be implemented using the development tools. (In this case, the configured field will only be available in the type of card to which it is bound).

Halyna Parkhomenko,

I have added the field for all the modes and it's the same result

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I am trying to make a detail available.  At Detail setup the checkbox 'Make the list editable' is disabled:


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Best reply



The checkbox becomes disabled when any modifications are applied to the detail schema in configurations, such as comments, custom methods, attributes, etc. This behavior is determined by the _canChangeType method in the DetailDesignerUtils module. The logic ensures that when the checkbox is disabled, the wizard does not save modifications applied to the base detail with a list schema, preventing any loss of changes.

This logic cannot be overridden, which is why the detail cannot be switched from an editable list detail to a standard detail if schema modifications are present.

To address this issue, you can choose one of the following approaches:


  1. Remove the custom code, including comments, and save the changes. This will make the checkbox available again in the detail wizard.
  2. Delete all methods and values associated with the edited detail's features from the detail schema. This will make the detail non-editable.


We would also like to highlight that this logic has been improved in the new FreedomUI designer. The updated designer addresses these nuances, allowing you to modify the attribute of the edited pattern with a single setting, without requiring additional code changes.



Could you please specify the issue you are facing?


Additionally, we were unable to view the picture you provided. Could you kindly resend it for us to review?


Thank you in advance, and we look forward to your reply!



The checkbox becomes disabled when any modifications are applied to the detail schema in configurations, such as comments, custom methods, attributes, etc. This behavior is determined by the _canChangeType method in the DetailDesignerUtils module. The logic ensures that when the checkbox is disabled, the wizard does not save modifications applied to the base detail with a list schema, preventing any loss of changes.

This logic cannot be overridden, which is why the detail cannot be switched from an editable list detail to a standard detail if schema modifications are present.

To address this issue, you can choose one of the following approaches:


  1. Remove the custom code, including comments, and save the changes. This will make the checkbox available again in the detail wizard.
  2. Delete all methods and values associated with the edited detail's features from the detail schema. This will make the detail non-editable.


We would also like to highlight that this logic has been improved in the new FreedomUI designer. The updated designer addresses these nuances, allowing you to modify the attribute of the edited pattern with a single setting, without requiring additional code changes.

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I am trying to filter the list of products shown in the Application page, based on the field Segment. The field segment is part of the object FZVwActiveProduct (it represents a view in db). This object has the following fields:  FZId (GUID), FZOpportunityConditionName (Text),

FZProduct (Lookup -> Product), FZProductCategory(Lookup -> ProductCategory), FZProductType (Lookup -> ProductType), FZSegmentation (Lookup -> Segment). 

The filter used for Products in BaseFinApplicationPage uses the object  VwFinActiveProduct (it represents a view in db), which has the following fields: Name (Text), OpportunityCondition(Lookup -> OpportunityCondition), Product(Lookup -> Product).


The original creatio function used for filtering is:

    getActiveProductLookupFilter: function() {
                    var filters = this.Terrasoft.createFilterGroup();
                    var productType = this.get("ProductType");
                    var productCategory = this.get("ProductCategory");
                    if (this.Ext.isObject(productType)) {
                        var productTypeFilter = this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,
                            "Product.Type", productType.value);
                        filters.add("TypeFilter", productTypeFilter);
                    if (this.Ext.isObject(productCategory)) {
                        var productCategoryFilter = this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,
                            "Product.Category", productCategory.value);
                        filters.add("CategoryFilter", productCategoryFilter);
                    var productStatusFilter = this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,
                        "Product.ProductStatus", BaseFinanceConstants.ProductStatus.IsActual);
                    filters.add("StatusFilter", productStatusFilter);
                    return filters;


I have overriden it to use the foloowing filtering, but it does not provide any filtering and it throws the error:

   "errorCode": "ItemNotFoundException",
   "message": "Column by path [FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].Id not found in schema VwFinActiveProduct.",
   "errors": []

getActiveProductLookupFilter: function() {
             var borrower = this.get("Borrower");
             var filters = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");
             // Retrieve the SegmentationId from the borrower
             var segmentationId = borrower.FZSegmentationId;
             var contactFilter = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");
              var contactLookupFilter = Terrasoft.createExistsFilter("[FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].Id");
             //Application Filter
             contactLookupFilter.subFilters.addItem(Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter( Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "FZSegmentation", segmentationId));
             return contactFilter;
             // Create EXISTS filter for FZVwActiveProduct
             var existsFilter = Terrasoft.createExistsFilter("[FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].Id");
             // Filter to match Product in VwFinActiveProduct with FZProduct in FZVwActiveProduct
           // Filter to match SegmentationId in FZVwActiveProduct
           Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "[FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].FZSegmentation", segmentationId)
       // Add the EXISTS filter to the filter group
       return filters;

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Hello Alba,

Such an error usually occurs in the construction of the filter, causing an incorrect database query.Value [FZVwActiveProduct:FZProduct].Id should be defined in another way. Please, debug your code to analyze which value may be passed to existsFilter and contactLookupFilter.

Additionally, I've found a good article that explains how to build the right filter conditions using the usual filters in Creatio.


The article you mentioned creates the filter in the same way. I think the problem consists on the fact that my object (FZVwActiveProduct), as well as creatio's object (VwFinActiveProduct ) represent  views (not tables).


Alba M,


Ok, this should be debugged; without debugging, we can only make theories. Also if you can build this kind of filter in some seciton - you can then review the filter's content in the correspondent SelectQuery in the "Network" tab of the browser and then build the very same filter in your code.

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I am trying to implement the currency exchange rate business process as outlined in this article. I have done everything according to the instructions, but for some reason when I run the business process it is not updating the exchange rates correctly.


After a lot of trial and error, it appears that somewhere not in my business process it is doing the calculation

1 / exchangeRate

and entering that into the exchange rate instead of just the exchange rate.


For example, with the base currency set to euro, the call to the API responded with "AUD":1.646885, but after the business process finishes, the exchange rate says it is 0.60720694 for AUD:

Picture of the relevant business process element:

Is there an explanation as to why this could be happening?

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The Exchange rate column in the Currency object is virtual, so it is not shown in the Lookup and cannot be edited directly from the Lookup.

The Rate itself is saved in the CurrencyRate table with a link to CurrencyId each time it is changed.

The base stores the inverse of the exchange rate. For example:

Base currency:  EUR

AUD exchange rate: 0.60720694

Which is inconvenient to understand, so a Lookup with a more user-friendly currency display, but converting to a reverse exchange rate, has been developed to support backward compatibility.

This way you can enter the usual exchange rate of EUR = 1.646885 (AUD to EUR) on the interface. And the base will already save 0.60720694 (EUR per 1 AUD).


These different types of rate (1.646885 and 0.60720694 ) will determine the formula by which you will then calculate the amounts.:

1) convert it to a familiar rate - 1/0.60720694  = 1.646885.

2) either work already with 0.60720694 , but then the calculation of the amount will be different.

So, the Rate column is virtual, but you can use CurrencyRate (exchange rate) to calculate the exchange rate.

Kyrylo Atamanenko,


What is the reasoning behind storing the exchange rates in such a manner? Why isn't this mentioned in any articles?


Also, you mention a more user friendly lookup has been developed; is this new lookup implemented in 8.1.5, or is this an upcoming feature?

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Hi Creatio Community,


I'm encountering an issue when trying to add a new contact in Creatio. A pop-up error appears that says:


"Could not load file or assembly 'CrtCoreBase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

I've checked the installation and verified most dependencies, but I'm unsure what could be causing this or how to resolve it. Has anyone else faced this issue? Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance for your help!


Best regards,


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The problem may occur because the site on which you developed the functionality is on another version than the test site to which you transferred the package. We do not recommend transferring a package that was developed on one version of a site to a site of another version, as inconsistency may occur. 

Best regards,

Thank you Antonii for you answer ;)


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