
We face some issues with binding a grid. After we exported the package from an environment to another, a column setups is still the same.

What is the appropriate way to make a bind for a grid?

Thank you! 

Rareș Ivan

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Hello Ivan,

I have an article here that shows how to bind the column layout to a package. 



Hi, Ryan

Thank you for sending me this article. We already tried this method and it worked on some other grids, but, unfortunately, not for OpportunityPageV2OpportunityProductDetailV2.

Do you have any idea if there's any other method for binding this grid, or if could be an installation from an environment to another?

Best regards,

Rareș Ivan

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We can create a new Freedom UI page and select it in the "Pre-Configured Page" element where we can set our page parameters:

But how would we associate one of these page parameters with a datasource ID and load up that datasource when the page loads?

Currently the freedom ui page opens, but no data is loaded.

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There was a bug in the versions of Creatio which did not allow you to fully use the Freedom UI elements in preconfigured pages. 

It was fixed in the 8.0.6 version, so you could try updating to it.


If you are already using the latest and greatest, please feel free to contact support for a deeper analysis of the issue.

Just send us an email at support@creatio.com.


Thank you!

Hi Artem, 

I was using a freedom UI page as pre-configured... But how do you add the parameters to the Freedom UI page? On the classic page you add with no code. 

Hi Artem, We are using Bank 8.0.9 and we can bind the record object id and schema to the element. I opend a case in support.

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We have many many business rules per page. Some are very complicated. We are considering restructuring our build to cut down on the number of rules per page.

My question is - does having so many business rules slow down the loading of each of my pages? 

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A large number of business rules on a page can affect the speed of its loading, as the size of the object increases.

Two or three rules will not make any obvious changes to the page's performance. While a larger number of complex rules can actually affect the download speed.

We recommend that you contact our support team if you think that the page's performance is too slow, even despite the number of configured rules. (support@creatio.com)

Pavlo Sokil,

is it the same for business processes per object?


Heather Mahley,

Good afternoon,

The situation is different with business processes.


Complex processes affect not only a specific section, but also the performance of the system as a whole.


Therefore, we do not recommend running a large number of complex business processes at the same time, and we recommend optimizing them by removing unnecessary elements from them.

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Hello Community,

I have a requirement of different colors to show in the progress bar of lead section. As if the stage is Qualification it needs to be in yellow, if its in nurturing it needs to in different color? How can we achieve this. Can anyone help ?


Thanks in advance 


Best Regards 

Yasaswini I

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Unfortunately, we do not yet have an out of the box solution for such a request, hence we have registered an idea for our R&D team to further implement such feature in our future versions.

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I try to create Word report and add information about currency to the table header

And in some reports everything is Ok, but in some (with more columns or any other conditions) only one row with table details is displayed after some master data is added to the column header.

I cannot find any reason and have no ideas why in some reports it works and in some - doesn't


Thanks for your hints!


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it seems that you are trying to add the macro straight from the table column. In this case, such scenario should be changed.


Please, make sure you added the column to the "Set up report data" section in your Report template in Creatio before you add this column to the report template in Word, then in Word you will have to find this columns in the list and drag it to the field where you need it.


For example, if now the macro looks something like "Object1.Column1.Currency", then you need to go to your Report in Creatio and add the column in such way:


- Set up report data -> "+"

- Object1 -> "+"

- In the second field you need to find your Column1

- In the last window you should have a list from the Column1 and there you should be able to find your Currency column.


In this case, it should work fine.




Thank you for your replay.


Yes, we have created VIEW and added this object as report table.

And if report is based on Order, a lot of Order's calculated fields are taken from VIEW.


When we add 'Currency' field to the 'report data', it realy works - thank you.

But we also have some fields, that are calculated in VIEW, so they cannot be added to the 'report data', only to 'report table'. As I understand, they cannot be used in other table header?

And only option is to add new field to Order object, calculate and store this value in the object?


Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,


if the field is calculated in View, it cannot be added to the header, I'm afraid.


However, you can try to add another field to your object and simply populate it with the value from the second field. In this case, it should work fine.





Thank you!

Would be nice to have Word reports based not only on Section, but on any other objects, also objects on View

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Dear Creatio,


I am stuck on loading screen for a while now. Existing tabs still work but opening new tabs or refreshing a tab gives me a forever loading screen with Creatio 8 Atlas.


Yours sincerely,





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Hello Pascal, 


If it's your on-site instance we'd suggest to try to restart the site/IIS. If it's cloud instance, please contact the support team at support@creatio.com for further investigation, additionally I'd suggest to provide the team with detailed screenshots of the error you have. 


Best regards,


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Dear Creatio,


I apparently ran out of memory. The parent process gave an error, I cancelled this process and all sub processes cancelled automatically, except for about 20 processes. Status is Running, unable to cancel since the parent needs to be cancelled first, but the parent has already been cancelled.


Yours sincerely,



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Hello Pascal, 


We'd suggest to first stop the process execution and then try to delete it. 

Please let us know if the issue persists. 


Best regards, 


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I made a post before which didnt get any replies than to contact Creatio support which doesnt provide support for this, any help would be appreciated

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Hello Community,


I have a PrestaShop website to allow my important customers to simplify their hardware orders.

I am therefore in the process of developing a webservice to interface the two systems, the exchange of data being done in Json format.


The first feasibility tests were done in version 7.18.5 of Creatio with libraries

  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
  • System.Web.Script


We have now moved to a new phase on a Creatio 8.0.5 and the USING of these libraries now cause problems when compiling...


Have you encountered this anomaly before?

Do you have examples of Json deserialization code with other libraries?


Thank you in advance for your help.



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We have checked the information with our R&D team and it is as follows:



Both of these should work with no problem with the new versions of Creatio, but


Needs some adjustments from your side, since you have an on-site system.

The adjustments are as follows:

Within the file \Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Terrasoft.Configuration.Dev.csproj 

Within this section: <ItemGroup Label=".NET references"> 

You should add this reference <Reference Include="System.Web.Extensions" />

And correctly use the beforementioned libraries (Newtonsoft.Json; Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;) in C# schemas

Hello Mykhailo Zeleniuk,

Right now, my code is very simple (see screenshot), so I'm bothered by the compilation error...

Especially since the same code worked in version 7.18.5.


Someone would have examples of Json deserialization code with other libraries than Newtonsoft ?







LAVIGNE Vincent,


I did an example of a webservice that returns a JSON string result using only System; and System.Text.Json. The code is below:

namespace Terrasoft.Configuration.UsrCustomServiceNamespace
    using System;
	using System.Text.Json;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.ServiceModel.Web;
    using System.ServiceModel.Activation;
    using Terrasoft.Core;
    using Terrasoft.Web.Common;
    using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
	public class SerializedObject
		public string FirstPart { get; set; }
		public string SecondPart { get; set; }
		public string ThirdPart { get; set; }
    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
    public class UsrCustomService: BaseService
		private SystemUserConnection _systemUserConnection;
        private SystemUserConnection SystemUserConnection
                return _systemUserConnection ?? (_systemUserConnection = (SystemUserConnection)AppConnection.SystemUserConnection);
        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
        ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
        public string ReturnCustomResult(string param1, string param2, string param3)
			var objectToSerialize = new SerializedObject
                FirstPart = param1,
                SecondPart = param2,
                ThirdPart = param3,
			string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(objectToSerialize);
			return jsonString;

As a result calling this endpoint http://localhost:1026/0/ServiceModel/UsrCustomService.svc/ReturnCustomR… returned this result:


So you can this approach on your side as well.

And the test was performed in 8.0.6 full bundle application (sales + marketing + service) MS SQL.

Hello Oleg Drobina,


Thank you very much for your answer, I will try to adapt your example code to my case.

Indeed, I want to retrieve a JSON which is in the body of the HTTP request, so do more of a "Deserialize" request.

If you have an example of code in this way too, I am interested.





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I'm looking for some guidance on setting up a process.


I want the process to run once per week, reading all Activities where the start date is <= Yesterday and the field (Result) is not filled in. 

Then I want the process to send 1 E-mail to the organiser listing the records that need the results field completing. 


I'm  relatively new to processes and sub processes so any guidance would be really appreciated.


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Hello Tom,


You can design your business process to run once a week with a help of "[Start timer] event" element, more detailed information is available on our Academy:



Best regards,


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