Is there a way to open a external website in Creatio ? I would like to make a get request to an authorize endpoint url but I need to access the page in order to fill in credentials.

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You can add your external website in the IFrame inside the app: in the 2.b "Declare the component class" of this article, you should insert your iframe HTML markup. Also, keep in mind that not all sites can be inserted as iframes due to different security settings.


Additionally you can try creating the code that will use Fetch API to authenticate and get data needed.

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How do I change:

  1. Height of menu items on the left-hand side menu?
  2. How to change the font size of those menu items?
    • Will doing so change the height of the menu items?
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Best reply


In order to change the height and font-size of the left panel elements you need to write your own custom CSS for classes .ts-sidebar-item-image, .ts-sidebar-item-text, .ts-sidebar-list


.ts-sidebar-item-image, .ts-sidebar-item-text, .ts-sidebar-list > li {
	height: 76px !important;
    font-size: 1.3em;

And then connect it in the replace model for BootstrapModulesV2:

 define("BootstrapModulesV2", ["css!UsrViewModuleCSS"],
function() {
	return {
		methods: {}

Note, font-size doesn't change the height of the element.



In order to change the height and font-size of the left panel elements you need to write your own custom CSS for classes .ts-sidebar-item-image, .ts-sidebar-item-text, .ts-sidebar-list


.ts-sidebar-item-image, .ts-sidebar-item-text, .ts-sidebar-list > li {
	height: 76px !important;
    font-size: 1.3em;

And then connect it in the replace model for BootstrapModulesV2:

 define("BootstrapModulesV2", ["css!UsrViewModuleCSS"],
function() {
	return {
		methods: {}

Note, font-size doesn't change the height of the element.


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We have a use case where when a user clicks PRINT and selects a printable, we need to save the Printable in the Attachment detail in the Opportunity record, not download the file.

We have managed to save the Printable docx on a modified Opportunity field, but couldn't work out the code triggered upon clicking a Printable in the PRINT menu.

Can you guide us to where we need to make the change?

File attachments
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You can use this addon to complete your task -


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

Yuliya Gritsenko,

Hi Yuliya,


Thank you for the response. Ideally, we do not want the user to go to the record and then to the Attachments tab every time. We want to show that a user can quickly generate a document using a PRINT menu and automatically save it in the Attachments tab if possible.


Isn't there a System Setting where we can select whether to download a printable or save it in the Attachment tab?





Hello Ammar,


Unfortunately, we do not have ready examples of the implementation of this feature the way you need.

The only difference between the implementation via the addon and the way you ask is that in the addon implementation you will need to go to the Attachments and Notes tab and click the button there.

By the way, it is possible to set up so that the detail is displayed in the first tab.


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

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Hi support,

Is it possible to create an email content block without mjml code inside?

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Hello Stefano, 

Yes, it is possible to create an email content block without using MJML code. There are various ways to create email content blocks, such as using HTML code.

Best regards,

Orkhan Gojaev


I would like to use the html embedded editor for editing html directly in the email designer.

I can cut and paste an html snippet on email designer, but the end user have to use an external html editor.

Is it possible to use the content block and the relative embedded editor without MJML?


Many anti-spam/anti-virus software remove the html comments used by MJML in the body of emails, so emails received by recipients differ from the preview shown by creatio.

Hello Stefano Bassoli,


Could you please explain in more detail when and why end users have to use an external HTML editor, and what issues you are facing with the current editor you are using? Additionally, I'm interested in learning more about the problems with your markup, so that I can better understand your needs. If possible, please provide me with a detailed description of the situation so that I can provide you with more specific information.

Best regards,

Orkhan Gojaev

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Im trying to get the details columns to be saved within a package, does anyone know how to do this?

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Hello Oliver,

I have the details of how to include the default column layout in a package in this article:…


Is there any better resources? This doesnt seem to be working for me.

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Is there a way to give access to users to import only selected objects and not the entire objects available in the application?


Thank you

Like 2




Unfortunately, it's not possible to cover such a case with basic functionality. You can either enable import/export for the entire system or disable it for the entire system. There is no way to regulate in which sections it can be downloaded and in which it cannot, unfortunately.


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.

Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 


Yes, would be great addition !

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Here is my explanation:

Our organization has several departments, but we use the same Object. For example in the case is Account

We have already set up Organizational Roles. For Example

  1. Country 1 Sales Team
  2. Country 2 Sales Team

(I'm not allowed to give you the real name of those departments)

Each Team will handle some records in Account


So how could I filter Account based on the Organizational roles?

Like, if an employee from Country 1 Sales Team access the Account, they only see the records that their team needs to handle but not mix up with records from other teams


I hope the community could help me with this. Many Thanks!

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Hi Bao,

I think, such filter can do this


Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,

Hi Vladimir,


That's a great idea! We tried and seems okay for now!


But, I have a further question.

As my try, a team member from Country 1 team could able to see the folder used for Country 2 Sales Team when they use the filter function. We want to separate the view of both teams and don't allow Country 1 team could see any record from Country 2 team

So, How can I able to do that?

Bao Phan,

Here you need to write Process that changes access right to record when record is added and Owner or Team are changed…


Thank you, Vladimir Sokolov


Sorry for my late reply

I didn't get any notification about the reply

But thank you!

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I want to create a process witch sends emails when the owner of a lead is changed. I have to send the email to the current and the last owner and I have an issue about getting the previous owner. 

Do you know how I can get to the previous owner of the led into the process? 

I want to mention that the pervious owner can be changed multiple times.


Thank you, 

Rares Ivan

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Best reply

Hello Ivan,


In a business process, you cannot know the previous value because a new version has already been saved. So as a workaround you can add a new column and save there an old value when saving an object. After that, you can deal with both new and old values in a business process. 

Hello Ivan,


In a business process, you cannot know the previous value because a new version has already been saved. So as a workaround you can add a new column and save there an old value when saving an object. After that, you can deal with both new and old values in a business process. 


Thank you, Bogdan! 

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  I am trying to setup the creatio local environment. I am facing a problem asper the bellow screen shot.

     Have any one have  faced this problem ? Any thought how to resolve this?

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This error could occur due to a missing assembly binding redirect, which means that the application is trying to load a version of the assembly that is not compatible with the version installed on the system.


To troubleshoot this error, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check if there are any missing assembly binding redirects in the web.config file of the application.
  2. Check if there are any conflicting versions of the assembly on the system that could be causing the issue.
  3. If the application is running in an Azure Functions environment, check if the correct version of Azure Functions is being used.
  4. Check the logs for more information. 
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I want to auto-number in a Custom module in Studio, the numbering I will do will be handled with different values and must be sequential. I need an answer on how to do it.

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