Advanced Filter for CREATIO glitch

Has anyone encountered the following problem with the Advanced filter for Creatio by DEVLAB:


- When you CREATE a filter/folder,  by default it takes the ALL column configured view  =   which is OK

- You may change the columns view and SAVE the folder view.

- When you click the folder, the configured column view of the filter is displayed with the data.

- When you EDIT the filter, change a criteria and click APPLY....the configured view is taking the Default ALL collumn configuration (GLITCH)

- But if you SAVE the filter with the updated criteria....then the column view is back to what it was configured



Can I communicate with the developer(s) who did that to make an update ?


Also...When I UNINSTALLED the package and RECOMPILE....the system still has the GLITCH. (outch !!!)


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Hi Francois,

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

The developer has resolved this issue and published the new version of the application on the Creatio Marketplace.


Please install the latest version via the following link: Advanced list setup for Creatio

Hello...While fixing the previous bug...I believe another one came up.

When accessing a CASE (or any object), if you click on the ACCOUNT of the CASE and come back...for some reason the system doesn't know where it was and keeps displaying the Loading Icon with a brighter screen.


He're a short video to help you understand the problem :


Can you fix that ?

SEE CASE below opened to 

Case #SR-01273076: VTQ-CANADA - Bug display when returning from a detail page


Oleg Drobina  (Creatio Support)

2/29/2024 at 1:31 PM

Hello Francois,

Thank you for the video and the explanation!

After studying the behavior, we could reproduce it out-of-the-box after installing this Marketplace addon This addon directly provokes the behavior you've described.


Any updates on that issue ?

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