

I need to call a code once a record gets created for the first time. This worked using the following:

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
        request: "crt.SaveRecordRequest",
        handler: async (request, next) => {


however what this does is execute the code for each attribute value change, which is not what is needed. How can I call this exactly once just when the record is created for the first time and that's it, without having to call it again for each save request? Thanks


Note: I have tried replacing SaveRecordRequest with CreateRecordRequest, however the code was not executed once saving, or on any save.




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You can use the CardState to see if the record is in add mode (record is being added, saved for first time) or edit mode:

const mode = await request.$context.CardMode;
if (mode === “add”) {

If you need to call some code exactly once when a record is created, I'd suggest moving the whole logic to backend. Specifically EntityEventListener and implement OnInserting or OnInserted methods to call your logic before or after the record is saved

Ryan Farley,

Hey Ryan,


Thanks for the reply, however that didn't work. The CardMode returns undefined, and when inspecting it in developer tools (request.$context object) the value is always 'edit' , when inserting the first time or when updating. Is there anything else I can do to fix the issue? Thanks




Yurii Sokil,

Hey Yurii,


Thanks for the reply, I have tried moving the logic to backend, however I encountered some issues. The overloaded method OnInserted cannot be async, and therefore I cannot call APIs directly from that method.

There is another option to call asynchronously using this method https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/back-end-development/objects-business-logic#title-2173-11 . However that doesn't solve the problem as if there were any errors when executing the asynchronous code, the record gets saved normally without indicating errors. Its a fire and forget operation and I need something that prevents a record from being inserted if the API call failed. Is there any way I can achieve this? Thanks for help




Mohamad Salhani,

If all you're after is to set up an auto number column, you can use the new auto number column default value. See https://customerfx.com/article/working-with-autonumber-fields-in-creatio/


Ryan Farley,

No, so basically I need to populate a field once a record is created, and the value comes from an external API that I have to call

Ryan Farley,

Thanks for the support, I was finally able to solve it by checking the createdOn and modifiedOn dates for the record and see if they are equal, this way I can identify if the record was added for the first time or not. 

Thanks again!

Hi Mohamad, 
You can use AsyncPump.Run() to call async methods synchronously in your event listener. Also you can override OnInserting rather than OnInserted so your logic is called before the record is actually saved. 

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Hi Community,
Can you provide a snippet example, on how we can hide a Detail (list) if the List contains no data (records)?

Thank you


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Best reply

This can only be done with code. A combination of doing some model queries to check for records that would be in the list, then using an attribute bound to the visible property of the list to set as true/false based on the results of the query. 

Using the model to query data: https://customerfx.com/article/querying-data-using-filter-conditions-vi…

Using attributes: https://customerfx.com/article/using-custom-attributes-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

Using the init to execute the above code when the page loads: https://customerfx.com/article/waiting-for-model-to-be-ready-and-loaded…


Hi Community,

Any remark on this one?

This can only be done with code. A combination of doing some model queries to check for records that would be in the list, then using an attribute bound to the visible property of the list to set as true/false based on the results of the query. 

Using the model to query data: https://customerfx.com/article/querying-data-using-filter-conditions-vi…

Using attributes: https://customerfx.com/article/using-custom-attributes-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

Using the init to execute the above code when the page loads: https://customerfx.com/article/waiting-for-model-to-be-ready-and-loaded…



Unfortunately, this task cannot be implemented using standard methods.

 Ryan has provided helpful recommendations that will assist you with implementation through development methods.

Additionally, we have registered a task for the development team to add such functionality in future releases.

Best regards,

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Hi community, 

Where can I find the source code responsible for this checkbox (Make the list editable). 

I want to make this detail editable only in one section. Here is my use case : I'm using this detail in two sections A and B. In section A, I want the detail to be editable like this : 


But in section B, I don't want this behavior (checkbox must be unchecked) like this : 

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You should create 2 separate details. And add them to the separate edit page for section A and for section B.

Thanks Antonii, isn't there any other way than creating two details ? 

Ismail el lahya,

This is the best way to perform this task

Antonii Viazovskyi,

Thank you!

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Is it possible to intercept using some request handler the event when a user clicks on the green "Complete" button on a Next Steps tile? This is the button in the "next-step-tile-actions" div on the page which only appears when you hover over the next step tile:


It would be vey helpful to be able to run some custom code when this button is clicked - in our case, we need it to save the main page record before actioning this next step, as completing the next step might automatically transition the Lead to the next stage, losing any data entered by the user.

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None of the following handlers are triggered by clicking this button, maybe I've missed some candidates but these are the ones I've tried so far:





Also tried "brute forcing" it by overriding every handler I could find in the Creatio code, but literally nothing fires when clicking that button! Not even something like the page's crt.HandleViewModelPauseRequest (since it's a modal popup, I guess the full page doesn't actually pause like it would when navigating to a another page through clicking a lookup for example). Hopefully I've missed something, triggering some action on clicking that button would be useful.

Any thoughts/knowledge on how such a thing could be achieved?

Hi Harvey! 


Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no way to intercept the event of clicking on the Next-steps tile buttons. This button can call different requests depending on the type of tile, and these requests are called without the view model context, which will not allow us to intercept them from the card and use them to save card data.


We have registered your idea, and the R&D team has already planned the task for this improvement - they will create a special output event for the Next-steps component. This functionality will be available in future releases.


Thank you for making our product better!


Best regards,


Thank you for the information Natalia, this would be a welcome improvement!

Hi Natalia, is there any expected timeline for this improvement known yet? Do you have a reference for the planned task for later follow-up?

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I tried returning false and not calling next?.handle(request), but the record still seems to get saved. In Classic UI it was possible to prevent saving by not calling the this.callParent method, which I believe is somewhat analogous to the next?.handle(request), but I guess not perfectly? Maybe I'm missing something.

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Hello Harvey,

It is possible, and you do it in the right way as I can see from the description. To prevent saving you have to declare this handler in the scheme and simply do not call next?.handle(request). 

Hello Harvey,

It is possible, and you do it in the right way as I can see from the description. To prevent saving you have to declare this handler in the scheme and simply do not call next?.handle(request). 

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I'm looking to trigger page data validation in a specific circumstance from code. I've found that you can use


within client event handlers to trigger the OOTB fields validation for the page, but this just returns an object representing any/all errors in validation for the data. What would make sense to do in our use case after that would be to trigger the NotifyService message you usually see when saving fails due to such validation checks, but I can't see how to trigger it/how to fetch the string that should be shown in the message. I located a method that looks like it is performing this task for the OOTB save validation, called getValidationErrorMessage, which would be passed the request context and the error object returned by the validate function, but this method doesn't seem to be available for use.


Has anybody had any luck with triggering validation in Freedom UI and then displaying the OOTB message based on that validation result? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We're currently running on 8.1.0

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If I'm not mistaken, you can use simple OOTB validation that is described here https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…

Hi Dmytro,


This doesn't give us a way to trigger the validation manually though unfortunately. What we were trying to achieve was to show the validation message to users without saving/trying to save the record at that point in time. We ended up making our own very basic error message that shows the results returned by


if there are any and stops the user progressing in our custom path, but it would be good to be able to tap into the OOTB error toast message so it's a little more detailed and polished.

Harvey Adcock,



Unfortunately, so far, we don't have the functionality to trigger the OOTB validation snackbar-message without saving /trying to save the record. 

We have registered your suggestion, and our R&D team will consider implementing it in future releases.

Thank you for making our product better!


Best regards, 


Harvey Adcock,

Dear Harvey,


See this community article, I think it could help you to answer your question https://community.creatio.com/questions/dynamic-parameter-validator-freedom-ui




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Is there any way to undo/cancel a change that triggers the crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest handler? The use case is that a field is set in the crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest handler, but this setting of the value gets immediately overwritten by the OOTB system that sets up the page it seems. So I would like to be able to conditionally cancel the setting of this field by the page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. We're currently on 8.1.0

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Hi Harvey,


We can create an attribute to store a value that you want to set in HandleViewModelInitRequest. Then, in HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest, we can check if the current field value matches the one you previously set. If it does not match, we can assign the stored value to it. This way, we ensure that the desired value is assigned to the field.

In the given example, we have created an attribute named "UsrInitialValue".

viewModelConfig: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_MODEL_CONFIG*/{
			"attributes": {
				"StringAttribute_ljc6yh6": {
					"modelConfig": {
						"path": "PDS.UsrTestString"
				"UsrInitialValue": {}

This attribute is used to store a specific value that we set during the initialization process. In the crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest handler, we set a value for the request.$context.UsrInitialValue. And in crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest, we check if the current field value matches the value we set previously in the request.$context.UsrInitialValue. If they don't match, we update the field with the new value.


handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
				request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					request.$context.UsrInitialValue = "testInit";
					request.$context.StringAttribute_ljc6yh6 = await request.$context.UsrInitialValue;
					return next?.handle(request);
				request: "crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					var srtValue = await request.$context.StringAttribute_ljc6yh6;
					var initVal = await request.$context.UsrInitialValue;
					if (request.attributeName === 'StringAttribute_ljc6yh6' && srtValue != initVal) {
						request.$context.StringAttribute_ljc6yh6 = initVal;
					return next?.handle(request);


Artem Smyrnov,


I think this would prevent any modification to the data, including intended changing by the user or system. Obviously it could be changed to add some more conditions, but really the main thing we want/frequently need is for the crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest request to be able to initialise a value and not be overwritten by the standard page loading stuff (loading default values for the entity, clearing out the field where there are no default values etc). I'm pretty sure this was possible in Classic UI, it just doesn't seem to be currently in Freedom UI without some pretty nasty hacks.

Harvey Adcock,

There is no logic that could be used to revert changes to the column value that were done by the handler.

As a solution, you need to create a column that will not use any other handler and set the value using your custom handler. This will prevent the value from being overwritten by other handlers or custom logic.

We have a workaround in place, but this capability has been required a few times - it would be good if Creatio supported setting values on the page in the init handler (or some other handler, maybe a new initvalues handler or something) since per-page default values is often required.

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I'm overriding the HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest request handler in client code, and want to set a hidden parameter used for showing/hiding fields and making them required/not required in this code when the page first loads, but I don't want this change to be detected by Creatio as a save-able change so that it thinks there is a change to be saved when closing the page. Is it possible to do this? I've tried setting the "silent" property of the request to true in the HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest handler and also tried setting the "IsChanged" property of the request.$context to false after changing the attribute value, but neither of these seems to prevent the "You have unsaved changes that will be lost. Continue?" dialog from showing when closing the page.


I'm currently using Creatio 8.1.0

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Can you please provide some direct example of what you are trying to achieve since unfortunately it's not obvious to us what is performed on the page at the moment, what is the expected result and what is the actual result? Maybe some steps to reproduce it in the local application (like the following:


1) Add column A

2) Add attribute B

3) Connect B to A in the following manner

4) Go to the page where the column and the attribute were added

5) Do "this"

6) Expected result is C

7) Actual result is D


) .


Thank you!

Oleg Drobina,

Basically all I want is to be able to set the value of an attribute in code without triggering the "You have unsaved changes that will be lost. Continue?" message when you leave the page. Is this possible?

Harvey Adcock,


I tried to reproduce the issue, but changing the value of the virtual attributes (like attributes created to control the visibility of the field) by itself does not cause this dialog to appear. 

Please ensure that no other changes need to be saved on the page. Or provide us with additional information describing the exact steps to reproduce the issue.


Best regards,


Natalia Kalynovska,


Sorry, I was probably not detailed enough in my abbreviated version - the changes are actually to an attribute that is based over a real column on the entity, so not a virtual attribute. Is there any way to modify such a field in code without triggering the dialog?

Hello Harvey,

To change the field without triggering the dialog, you should save it at once.

It could be implemented by adding the following code to the HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest:

if (request.attributeName === “[Name of the attribute]”) {

const saveResult = await this.handlerChain.handlerChain$.process({

           type: "crt.SaveRecordRequest",

           preventCardClose: true,

           $context: request.$context



Please pay attention that too many saving requests may decrease performance.


Another way is to save the necessary changed values to a virtual attribute first, and then extract all of them (set attributes values) and initiate SaveRecordRequest while closing the page (in crt. ClosePageRequest). This approach has some disadvantages:

  1. you need to manually adjust the visibility  of “SaveButton” and “CloseButton“ by adding the corresponding merge operations to “viewConfigDiff” of ListPage and FormPage modules (see example - https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-remove-closesave-button-custom-section);
  2. data would be saved only on a close/back button click.

And again – you should provide some conditions in order not to store too many changes.


Additionally, starting from the 8.1.1 Creatio version, the dialog may be prevented by adding to handlers the overridden “crt.CanDiscardUnsavedDataRequest” handler:

{request: "crt.CanDiscardUnsavedDataRequest", handler: async (request, next) => {return true;}},

(see https://community.creatio.com/questions/possible-suppress-message-upon-canceling-freedom-ui-mini-page).

However, it still requires manually adjusting the button's visibility and providing proper data saving.


Best regards, 


Thanks Natalia, it would be really useful to have the functionality for making silent changes from code that existed in Classic UI added back into Freedom UI - see this post for what was possible in Classic: https://community.creatio.com/questions/change-value-field-without-firing-changed-events


The utility can be in setting fields from code when a create record page loads based on more complicated conditions than you can define in business rules/by other means, but not causing the user additional clicks to cancel or think that they might lose work.

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Hi Team,

We have an issue when installing packages in the production environment some js files (Client module) and business Rules are not updated with new fields.

we make an overwrite page and section file properly in the custom package but the issue is only in production can't see new fields and business Rules in page and in js file

also we perform a compile all & Generate for all schemas but still same issue

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Could you please elaborate on the issue? 

Are transferring modifications between environments by packages? 

Is it working properly on the website where it was developed?


Hi  Bogdan, Thanks for reply 

Yes transferring modifications between environments by packages and it is work successfully on my development environment

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I have a lookup field on a detail (List of VAT options with an added column for the % values), im trying to use these now to calculate a value, how do I access the other column? I can access the VAT Code using this.get("UsrVatCode"), but want the associated column which as the % amount.

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Best reply
var lookupId = this.get("RecordColumn").value;
var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
    rootSchemaName: "INSERTOBJECT"
esq.addColumn("Insert Object column you wish to view");
esq.getEntity(lookupId, function(result) {
    if (!result.success) {
    this.showInformationDialog(result.entity.values.Column You wish to view);
}, this);

This is the code that I used to get it working, if anyone needs it.

var lookupId = this.get("RecordColumn").value;
var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
    rootSchemaName: "INSERTOBJECT"
esq.addColumn("Insert Object column you wish to view");
esq.getEntity(lookupId, function(result) {
    if (!result.success) {
    this.showInformationDialog(result.entity.values.Column You wish to view);
}, this);

This is the code that I used to get it working, if anyone needs it.

There is also another approach: in the schema in the attributes property you can specify your column in the following manner:

"Your_column_from_the_page": {
					"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
					"lookupListConfig": {
						"columns": ["column_name_from_the_lookup_object"]

As an example we can see that in the ContractPageV2 there is this attribute:

"Currency": {
					"dataValueType": this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,
					"lookupListConfig": {
						"columns": ["Division"]

and we have access to the value of the "Division" column from the "Currency" lookup:

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