
I want to set to null a date field in the opportunities by performing a file import.

In Creatio, the date field is filled in, i want to set it to null.

I can not find the syntax to do this...

So what must i write in the excel date field if it is possible to to this...

Thank you !


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Best reply

Hello Nicolas,

The logic of making the field empty using data import is not developed yes and as a result, there is no way to make the field empty using the import tool. 


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Hello Nicolas,

The logic of making the field empty using data import is not developed yes and as a result, there is no way to make the field empty using the import tool. 


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Hi Nicolas, 

It's possible to do using the free add-on available on Marketplace.


Have a great day! 



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All the solutions ive found to find your current Creatio version/distribution require you to use a specific MSSQL SQL query that doesnt work with PostgreSQL and doesnt seem to have any easy syntax conversion, does anyone have any ideas?

Like 2


Best reply

Oliver Crowe,

Use 'Product Version'

SELECT "Name", "TextValue"  FROM public."SysSettings" 
left join public."SysSettingsValue"  on public."SysSettings"."Id" = Public."SysSettingsValue"."SysSettingsId" 
where  "Name" = 'Product version' 


SELECT "Name", "TextValue"  FROM public."SysSettings" 
left join public."SysSettingsValue"  on public."SysSettings"."Id" = Public."SysSettingsValue"."SysSettingsId" 
where  "Name" = 'Configuration version' 


keith schmitt,

How do you get it to involve the product distribution? eg Sales enterprise/Studio

Oliver Crowe,

Use 'Product Version'

SELECT "Name", "TextValue"  FROM public."SysSettings" 
left join public."SysSettingsValue"  on public."SysSettings"."Id" = Public."SysSettingsValue"."SysSettingsId" 
where  "Name" = 'Product version' 


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For creating An Api i was tried to create a webservice to retrive an email from employee section  in was published without any errors

below is the following code.


namespace Terrasoft.Configuration


    using System;

    using System.Configuration;

    using System.ServiceModel;

    using System.ServiceModel.Web;

    using System.ServiceModel.Activation;

    using Terrasoft.Common;

    using Terrasoft.Core;

    using Terrasoft.Web.Common;

    using Terrasoft.Core.Entities; 


    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]

    public class UsrCustomConfigurationService : BaseService {



        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,

            RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]

        public string EmployeeDetails(string Name) {

           // Default result.

            var result = " ";

            // The EntitySchemaQuery instance, addressing the Contact database table.

            var esq = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "UsrEmployee");


            var Fname = esq.AddColumn("UsrFullName");

            var eid = esq.AddColumn("UsrEmailid");

             var esqFilter = esq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "UsrFullName",Name);


            // Receiving query results.

            var entities = esq.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);

            // If condtion the data received.

             if (entities.Count > 0)


                /* Return the "Id" column value of the first query result record. */

                result = entities[0].GetColumnValue("UsrEmailid").ToString();

                /* You can also use this option:

                result = entities[0].GetTypedColumnValue(colId.Name); */


            // Return result.

            return result;




Now, I am trying to access the webservice API from postman. But it was giving an error. I was attaching the image for reference. Whether I followed correct procedure or not?

If any other procdures to retrieve data.please,help us.

Like 0



Hello Keerthana Yenagandhula


I made a similar webservices a few weeks ago.

Here's a Creatio article explaining how to do it:…


And there is also the walkthrough to test it in Postmain…


I hope this will help you.




LAVIGNE Vincent,

LAVIGNE Vincent,

In my case, I am facing issue in Postman Issue.could please,help me I am unable to rectify this issue.

Keerthana Yenagandhula,



Please review all the headers and ensure that the settings are configured correctly.


Here is the documentation to get acquainted with:…


We will be glad to help with any other questions.

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I get this error every time I try to import an application, whats going wrong?

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Best reply


Please use the following script:




        "Product"              VARCHAR(250),

        "ConfigurationVersion" VARCHAR(250),

        "PrimaryCulture"       VARCHAR(250)


AS $$


    Product VARCHAR(250);

    AppName VARCHAR(250) = 'creatio';

    UseAppName BOOL = FALSE;

    ConfigurationVersion VARCHAR(250);

    PrimaryCulture VARCHAR(250);

    SysAdminUnit_AllUsers UUID = 'A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008';

    HasBankSales BOOL;

    HasBankCustomerJourney BOOL;

    HasLending BOOL;

    HasMarketing BOOL;

    HasSalesEnterprise BOOL;

    HasSalesCommerce BOOL;

    HasSalesTeam BOOL;

    HasServiceEnterprise BOOL;

    HasCustomerCenter BOOL;

    HasStudio BOOL;

    HasAlmPortal BOOL;

    HasAlmProxy BOOL;




    INTO ConfigurationVersion

    FROM "SysSettingsValue" ssv

    INNER JOIN "SysSettings" ss ON ss."Id" = ssv."SysSettingsId"

    WHERE ss."Code" = 'ConfigurationVersion'

        AND ssv."SysAdminUnitId" = SysAdminUnit_AllUsers;



    INTO PrimaryCulture

    FROM "SysSettingsValue" ssv

    INNER JOIN "SysSettings" ss ON ss."Id" = ssv."SysSettingsId"

    INNER JOIN "SysCulture" c ON c."Id" = ssv."GuidValue"

    WHERE ss."Code" = 'PrimaryCulture'

        AND ssv."SysAdminUnitId" = SysAdminUnit_AllUsers;

    --region check root packages

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'BankSalesSoftkey%') THEN

        HasBankSales = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'BankOnboardingSoftkey%') THEN

        HasBankCustomerJourney = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'Lending%') THEN

        HasLending = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%') THEN

        HasMarketing = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'SalesEnterprise') THEN

        HasSalesEnterprise = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'SalesCommerce') THEN

        HasSalesCommerce = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'SalesTeam') THEN

        HasSalesTeam = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'ServiceEnterpriseSoftkey') THEN

        HasServiceEnterprise = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'CustomerCenterSoftkey') THEN

        HasCustomerCenter = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'Studio%') THEN

        HasStudio = TRUE;

    END IF;


    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'Environments') THEN

        HasAlmPortal = TRUE;

    END IF;


    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'TeamCityIntegration') THEN

        HasAlmProxy = TRUE;

    END IF;




            WHEN HasBankSales AND HasBankCustomerJourney AND HasLending AND HasMarketing

                THEN 'bank sales & bank customer journey & lending & marketing'

            WHEN HasBankSales AND HasBankCustomerJourney

                THEN 'bank sales & bank customer journey'

            WHEN HasSalesEnterprise AND HasMarketing AND HasCustomerCenter

                THEN 'sales enterprise & marketing & customer center'

            WHEN HasSalesEnterprise AND HasMarketing AND HasServiceEnterprise

                THEN 'sales enterprise & marketing & service enterprise'

            WHEN HasSalesCommerce AND HasMarketing AND HasCustomerCenter

                THEN 'sales commerce & marketing & customer center'

            WHEN HasSalesTeam AND HasMarketing AND HasCustomerCenter

                THEN 'sales team & marketing & customer center'

            WHEN HasSalesTeam AND HasMarketing

                THEN 'sales team & marketing'

            WHEN HasSalesEnterprise

                THEN 'sales enterprise'

            WHEN HasSalesCommerce

                THEN 'sales commerce'

            WHEN HasSalesTeam

                THEN 'sales team'

            WHEN HasMarketing

                THEN 'marketing'

            WHEN HasServiceEnterprise

                THEN 'service enterprise'

            WHEN HasCustomerCenter

                THEN 'customer center'

            WHEN HasAlmPortal

                THEN 'alm studio'

            WHEN HasAlmProxy

                THEN 'alm studio proxy'

            WHEN HasStudio

                THEN 'studio'

            WHEN HasLending

                THEN 'lending'

            WHEN HasBankSales

                THEN 'bank sales'

            WHEN HasBankCustomerJourney

                THEN 'bank customer journey'

            ELSE '?'


    INTO Product;

    IF (UseAppName = TRUE) THEN

        Product = CONCAT(AppName, ' ', Product);

    END IF;



            Product              AS "Product",

            ConfigurationVersion AS "Version",

            PrimaryCulture       AS "Culture"



$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;





FROM "GetInstallPkgInfo"()

Im running the following on the machine im exporting from: Version Sales enterprise

importing into: Version


Does the version need to be the exact same?

Hello Oliver,

What is the bundle of the target website, Sales enterprise as well? 




Yeah, Im not sure 100% if the one im exporting from is, but im pretty sure its Sales Enterprise too


Is there any way to confirm what version youre running?

Oliver Crowe,

The below SQL script will give the product version.

Note: This is MSSQL and if you use other DBs please update the syntax wherever applicable.

DECLARE @ConfigurationVersion nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @PrimaryCulture nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @Product nvarchar(250)
DECLARE @SysAdminUnit_AllUsers uniqueidentifier = 'A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008'
SELECT  @ConfigurationVersion = TextValue
FROM SysSettingsValue ssv
INNER JOIN SysSettings ss on ss.Id = ssv.SysSettingsId
WHERE ss.Code = 'ConfigurationVersion' 
	AND SysAdminUnitId = @SysAdminUnit_AllUsers
SELECT @PrimaryCulture = c.Name
FROM SysSettingsValue ssv
INNER JOIN SysSettings ss on ss.Id = ssv.SysSettingsId
INNER JOIN SysCulture c on c.Id = ssv.GuidValue
WHERE ss.Code = 'PrimaryCulture'
	AND SysAdminUnitId = @SysAdminUnit_AllUsers
SELECT @Product =
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankOnboardingSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankSalesSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'Lending%')
	 THEN 'bpmonline bank sales & bank customer journey & lending & marketing' 
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankOnboardingSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankSalesSoftkey%')
	 THEN 'bpmonline bank sales & bank customer journey' 
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'SalesEnterprise')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'ServiceEnterpriseSoftkey')
	 THEN 'bpmonline sales enterprise & marketing & service enterprise' 
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'SalesEnterprise')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'CustomerCenterSoftkey')
	 THEN 'bpmonline sales enterprise & marketing & customer center' 
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'SalesCommerce')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'CustomerCenterSoftkey')
	 THEN 'bpmonline sales commerce & marketing & customer center' 
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'SalesTeam')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'CustomerCenterSoftkey')
	 THEN 'bpmonline sales team & marketing & customer center' 
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%')
		AND EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'SalesTeam')
	 THEN 'bpmonline sales team & marketing'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'SalesTeam')
	 THEN 'bpmonline sales team'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'SalesCommerce')
	 THEN 'bpmonline sales commerce'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'SalesEnterprise')
	 THEN 'bpmonline sales enterprise'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name Like 'MarketingSoftkey%')
	 THEN 'bpmonline marketing'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'CustomerCenterSoftkey')
	 THEN 'bpmonline customer center'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name = 'ServiceEnterpriseSoftkey')
	 THEN 'bpmonline service enterprise'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'Studio%')
	 THEN 'bpmonline studio'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'Lending%')
	 THEN 'bpmonline lending'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankSalesSoftkey%')
	 THEN 'bpmonline bank sales'
		EXISTS(SELECT Id FROM SysPackage WHERE Name LIKE 'BankOnboardingSoftkey%')
	 THEN 'bpmonline bank customer journey'
	 ELSE  '?' END
SELECT @Product Product, @ConfigurationVersion Version, @PrimaryCulture Localization




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,


Im using PostgreSQL - All MSSQL syntax checkers ive tried also says this syntax is wrong and I cant seem to get anything that will run from this, I cant find any conversions that work manually and ive tried using online converters too


None of the syntax works, could you please be more specific in what I can do to get it working


If you scrolled slightly further down the page you got that code from you'd have seen me commenting that it doesnt seem to work.


Please use the following script:




        "Product"              VARCHAR(250),

        "ConfigurationVersion" VARCHAR(250),

        "PrimaryCulture"       VARCHAR(250)


AS $$


    Product VARCHAR(250);

    AppName VARCHAR(250) = 'creatio';

    UseAppName BOOL = FALSE;

    ConfigurationVersion VARCHAR(250);

    PrimaryCulture VARCHAR(250);

    SysAdminUnit_AllUsers UUID = 'A29A3BA5-4B0D-DE11-9A51-005056C00008';

    HasBankSales BOOL;

    HasBankCustomerJourney BOOL;

    HasLending BOOL;

    HasMarketing BOOL;

    HasSalesEnterprise BOOL;

    HasSalesCommerce BOOL;

    HasSalesTeam BOOL;

    HasServiceEnterprise BOOL;

    HasCustomerCenter BOOL;

    HasStudio BOOL;

    HasAlmPortal BOOL;

    HasAlmProxy BOOL;




    INTO ConfigurationVersion

    FROM "SysSettingsValue" ssv

    INNER JOIN "SysSettings" ss ON ss."Id" = ssv."SysSettingsId"

    WHERE ss."Code" = 'ConfigurationVersion'

        AND ssv."SysAdminUnitId" = SysAdminUnit_AllUsers;



    INTO PrimaryCulture

    FROM "SysSettingsValue" ssv

    INNER JOIN "SysSettings" ss ON ss."Id" = ssv."SysSettingsId"

    INNER JOIN "SysCulture" c ON c."Id" = ssv."GuidValue"

    WHERE ss."Code" = 'PrimaryCulture'

        AND ssv."SysAdminUnitId" = SysAdminUnit_AllUsers;

    --region check root packages

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'BankSalesSoftkey%') THEN

        HasBankSales = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'BankOnboardingSoftkey%') THEN

        HasBankCustomerJourney = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'Lending%') THEN

        HasLending = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'MarketingSoftkey%') THEN

        HasMarketing = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'SalesEnterprise') THEN

        HasSalesEnterprise = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'SalesCommerce') THEN

        HasSalesCommerce = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'SalesTeam') THEN

        HasSalesTeam = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'ServiceEnterpriseSoftkey') THEN

        HasServiceEnterprise = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'CustomerCenterSoftkey') THEN

        HasCustomerCenter = TRUE;

    END IF;

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" LIKE 'Studio%') THEN

        HasStudio = TRUE;

    END IF;


    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'Environments') THEN

        HasAlmPortal = TRUE;

    END IF;


    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "SysPackage" WHERE "Name" = 'TeamCityIntegration') THEN

        HasAlmProxy = TRUE;

    END IF;




            WHEN HasBankSales AND HasBankCustomerJourney AND HasLending AND HasMarketing

                THEN 'bank sales & bank customer journey & lending & marketing'

            WHEN HasBankSales AND HasBankCustomerJourney

                THEN 'bank sales & bank customer journey'

            WHEN HasSalesEnterprise AND HasMarketing AND HasCustomerCenter

                THEN 'sales enterprise & marketing & customer center'

            WHEN HasSalesEnterprise AND HasMarketing AND HasServiceEnterprise

                THEN 'sales enterprise & marketing & service enterprise'

            WHEN HasSalesCommerce AND HasMarketing AND HasCustomerCenter

                THEN 'sales commerce & marketing & customer center'

            WHEN HasSalesTeam AND HasMarketing AND HasCustomerCenter

                THEN 'sales team & marketing & customer center'

            WHEN HasSalesTeam AND HasMarketing

                THEN 'sales team & marketing'

            WHEN HasSalesEnterprise

                THEN 'sales enterprise'

            WHEN HasSalesCommerce

                THEN 'sales commerce'

            WHEN HasSalesTeam

                THEN 'sales team'

            WHEN HasMarketing

                THEN 'marketing'

            WHEN HasServiceEnterprise

                THEN 'service enterprise'

            WHEN HasCustomerCenter

                THEN 'customer center'

            WHEN HasAlmPortal

                THEN 'alm studio'

            WHEN HasAlmProxy

                THEN 'alm studio proxy'

            WHEN HasStudio

                THEN 'studio'

            WHEN HasLending

                THEN 'lending'

            WHEN HasBankSales

                THEN 'bank sales'

            WHEN HasBankCustomerJourney

                THEN 'bank customer journey'

            ELSE '?'


    INTO Product;

    IF (UseAppName = TRUE) THEN

        Product = CONCAT(AppName, ' ', Product);

    END IF;



            Product              AS "Product",

            ConfigurationVersion AS "Version",

            PrimaryCulture       AS "Culture"



$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;





FROM "GetInstallPkgInfo"()

Cherednichenko Nikita,


This is the best solution for PostgreSQL, thanks!

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Hi all,

clients using service are receiving more and more emails with encrypted pdf that are synchronizing as p7m in Creatio (whereas can be seen as pdf in outlook).

Is it possible to have a workaround / solution ? The aim is for service not to need to go into Outlook to manage the pdf and stay in Creatio.

Also, has anyone an idea on the added value of this addon  ? From what I understand, the addon only helps to make sure the encrypted attachements are attached (p7m) to email, but this seems to be native behaviour in Creatio 8. Am I missing anything ?



Like 0



Hi Damien,


Creatio attaches .p7m files to emails out of the box. The MIME attachment for Creatio add-on helps to decrypt these files and adds the decrypted files to the Files detail of incoming emails. You can also order a free trial and install the app to test the app functionality in action.

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Hi Community,

I have created a database view, joining tables which altogether include more than 10000 records.

However when creating a Dashboard (List View) with this View, I can not scroll down through all the records (although all the records are there). Any idea why this happens ?

Best regards,



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Hello Sasori,


We need more information to analyze your problem.

Please contact our technical support team (

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Dear sir, madam,


I have been troubleshooting this for a few hours and it is very frustrating. In one process it does work, in another it doesnt.


Apparently I found the problem, I am not sure if this is a bug of somesorts?


The following script is an example from:…

var list = new CompositeObjectList<CompositeObject>();
var item1 = new CompositeObject();
item1["Id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
item1["Name"] = "Name1";
var item2 = new CompositeObject();
item2["Id"] = Guid.NewGuid();
item2["Name"] = "Name2";
Set<CompositeObjectList<CompositeObject>>("CompositeObjectListParameter", list);

I get the following error message

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessParameterProvider.SaveCollection(String parameterPath, ICompositeObjectList`1 items)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessParameterProvider.SetParameterValueInternal[TValue](String parameterPath, TValue value, Boolean setMustReadFromParameterStore)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessParameterProvider.UpdateParameterValue[TValue](String parameterPath, TValue value)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessParameterProvider.SetParameterValue[TValue](ProcessSchemaParameter parameter, Guid schemaElementUId, TValue value)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessModel.SetParameterValue[T](FoundParameterData result, T value)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessModel.TrySetValue[T](ProcessSchema processSchema, String propertyPath, T value)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessModel.Set[T](String propertyPath, T value)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.UsrProcess_0ca90bfCustom1MethodsWrapper.ScriptTask1Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessScriptTask.InternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)
   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)

It only works when inserting the Collection of Records "CompositeObjectListParameter" parameters Id and Name into a subprocess.

If you do not 'connect' a subprocess it gives the error message.


Why is this? Is this a bug?

Like 0





This can be fixed by creating the CompositeObjectListParameter in the following manner:

Id and Name are the "Title" and the "Code" of the nested parameters + it's important to set default values. As a result the code will work properly.

Hi Oleg

I tried what you suggest but it does not work.

In the subprocess arrives the initial default value configured on the parent business process not the values setted on the script task.


Can you help me?


Hi Stefano

Encountered the same issue that you described. After removing the default values in the parent process it started to work normally. Didn't see any negative effects.

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Does anyone know why i can't Cancel the modification "Annuler les modifications" ?

Like 0





This item is available if the configuration element’s package is connected to a version control system repository.

Please find more information here.


Thank you

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Is it planned to fix the fakap that Creatio considers letters of different registers as different simbols? At a time when Google has long ignored typos in requests, and the era of ChatGPT is coming, a modern and otherwise great program cannot find the name John in the contact list if you write "JOHN". Moreover, the search in the program does not know how to search by part of a word and cannot find the name John in the contact list if you write "ohn".

Like 2





Please note that there are several different Global Search templates that you can choose from to configure on your instance, depending on your needs. Please refer to this Academy article to know more about it.

You can either set this up on your own in a locally deployed instance or send a request to our support team so we could change the Global Search template if you have a cloud site.

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Im trying to transfer a package from one enviroment to another, but get an error saying it cant find the dependent package, when i try remove any dependencies from the package before exporting it, I get a long error, any suggestions?

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Please refer to the instructions in the Academy articles below that explain the package dependencies and data binding in the system:

Bind data to a package

Package dependencies and hierarchy

Define the package dependencies

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