In contact/Account list , every time i want to go to a field proporties it blocks the page .

This is the error i get in the console :

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This issue has already been resolved in version 8.0.8.

If the error persists in your version, please create a support ticket with

As a workaround, you can access the properties of the column through the page designer.

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Hi community


The "Connected to" section of the Activity entity allows an account to be linked to an activity.

The related contact must belong to the account linked to the activity.

This type of business rule is incorrect because a contact, via the ContactCarreer entity, can be linked to one or more accounts.

Is it possible to change this behavior?



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To remove filtration, please disable the "Contact: Add filter by Account" business rule:

Alona Dolya,

Hi Alona


Thank you for you suggestion.

I customized the filter using this snippet code, 

attributes: {

            "Contact": {

                "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

                "lookupListConfig": {

                    "filters": [function() {

                        var accountId = this.get("Account");

                        var filters = Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");


                        if (accountId != null) {










                        return filters;





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Hello Community, 


I have a requirement to save and close the page on click of Yes in the confirmation pop up message in Freedom UI 


When I tried to do it after choosing Yes, using Handler chain, it doesn't accept await. 

and so I tried it without using await. 


Now, it closes the page without saving the page and so it shows unsaved changes popup message. 

The code written is attached below

Any suggestions is really helpful.



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Try using await on the calls to handlerChain.process/

For example: 

await handlerChain.process ({...


Hello Ryan, 

When I tried to add await with in the result block, it throws syntax error. 

Do we have any alternative way to do it. 





What specifically is the error you’re getting?


Ryan Farley,


Attached the screenshot where the error occurs. 

I wanted to save and close the page after user click on Yes button from the confirmation box.




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I am getting an error message that says "" when I try to update a record.

I have tried to troubleshoot this error by reviewing the data in the system and ensuring that there are no duplicate records or keys. However, the error message still persists.

Could you please help me to resolve this issue?

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Best reply



The reason for this issue was in the duplicates in the SysSchemaUserProperty table related to the "false" state of the "Enabled" property of two DCMs. As a result of this the system couldn't form structure for all DCMs properly and this resulted in the error messages in two modal boxes you presented in the screenshot.



The reason for this issue was in the duplicates in the SysSchemaUserProperty table related to the "false" state of the "Enabled" property of two DCMs. As a result of this the system couldn't form structure for all DCMs properly and this resulted in the error messages in two modal boxes you presented in the screenshot.

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We have a problem while exporting records from the Lead section. We would like to restrict to everyone besides a given role (called Marketing & Digital Division).

This is our setup:

Figure 1 (Export list records):

Figure 2 (Advanced Operation on Object Permissions - Lead):


It works perfectly, but we have problems with some certain users under a specific role. They have the rights to export even if they shouldn't. Bellow it is shown an example of a user and the roles hierarchy (Regional Manager is a functional role).

Even more suspicious is that I set the access level to "No" for all the roles in the "Export list records" and the system admin didn't couldn't export (as expected) but this user kept having the right to export records.

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I found the reason behind it.

Under the Branch Users we have multiple Divisions, and one of them have users which has the role Marketing & Digital Division as role. And because of that, the Branch Users.Managers group inherits the export rights.


Is there any way to stop the Branch Users.Managers group from inheriting these export rights?


Thank you,


Hello Croitoru Nicolae-Valentin,


In our system Managers of a group inherit all the access rights of other users in a group. It's expected oob behavior and this logic cannot be overwritten even with a business process, meaning that even if you remove the access rights with a help of business process, they will be granted on a system level.

As of now, such behavior cannot be changed with a help of basic system tools and require development. 

We've registered a corresponding query for our R&D team to consider applying changes the described functionality in the upcoming versions.

Best regards,


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I'm trying to create a survey like list of questions in order to capture the response of each user. For this , I've created a detail so that it'll be easier if any questions to be added/updated in future. I'm stuck in a point where Ive to make questionnaire column to be completely disabled from the editgrid functionality like the below image. Please assist how could I achieve this.  


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If I understand your goal correctly, you will be able to set this up with the help of Business Rules. You can find all the instructions and details on this functionality in this Academy article.

Mira Dmitruk,

Thanks for the response. If business rule is applied to disable the column It looks like below. Which does look good as if Question is too long it'll show only few words of that in a grid view as below

Column Ques should be shown fully like multi-line text.



Unfortunately, there is no possibility to implement this functionality with the help of basic tools.

However, you can edit the schema via code.

Please, refer to the following Community posts in order to find the correct way to do so:…


Thanks, This was helpful. refered the same and Was able to achieve the



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Hello Community,

I have developed a logic that when number of records in a detail is greater than 3 the plus sign dissappears

However my problem is that I have to refresh the whole page in order for the plus sign to dissappear. I have tried

this.reloadEntity() or this.UpdateDetail() method but without success.

Any idea how to overcome this problem

Best regards



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Best reply

In the detail schema do the following:


1) Add attribute

attributes: {
	"IsAddVisible": {
		dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN

2) Add attribute to visible property of add button, add the following to the diff of the detail schema: 

diff: [
		"operation": "merge",
		"name": "AddRecordButton",
		"values": {
			"visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddVisible"}

3) Add the following to methods: 

methods: {
	onGridDataLoaded: function() {
	subscribeGridEvents: function() {
	setAddVisible: function() {
		var items = this.getGridData().getItems();
		this.set("IsAddVisible", items.length < 3);

End result, the add button should only be visible when the detail has less than 3 items.


In the detail schema do the following:


1) Add attribute

attributes: {
	"IsAddVisible": {
		dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN

2) Add attribute to visible property of add button, add the following to the diff of the detail schema: 

diff: [
		"operation": "merge",
		"name": "AddRecordButton",
		"values": {
			"visible": {"bindTo": "IsAddVisible"}

3) Add the following to methods: 

methods: {
	onGridDataLoaded: function() {
	subscribeGridEvents: function() {
	setAddVisible: function() {
		var items = this.getGridData().getItems();
		this.set("IsAddVisible", items.length < 3);

End result, the add button should only be visible when the detail has less than 3 items.


Thanks a lot Ryan. I was using ESQ before, but this is definitely faster and better.

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Hi community,

I have customized a Creatio, that the Accounts contain suppliers and customers, which only can be seen by a different team of users.

However, I want only the sales team can see the customers and only the purchasing team can see the suppliers. 

How should I configure the system?


Thank you.

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Hi community,


what is the right way to start customizing the new version of the account entity in freedom UI?

I have tried creating a new app and using the account object, the new app shows me the new list but still uses the standard form defined in the "360 customer" app.

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Hello Stefano,

In order to access Freedom UI, you will need to go to System Settings,

Please follow the instructions in this Guide:…


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Hello Community,

How can we set a default Image for image link column in freedom UI?

we need to set the Image field to our own Default Image for every record, instead of an input by user.


Can someone help?

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