
On our development environment we are having the following error when we try to run compilation:

Compilation errors

File name: OrderSchema.Custom.cs

Code CS1061 - Line 1727

'IEnumerable<EntityColumnValue>' does not contain a definition for 'Any' and no accessible extension method 'Any' accepting a first argument of type 'IEnumerable<EntityColumnValue>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

We tryed to restore Order and OrderPageV2 from the prod

Recompile all environment

Clear Redis and restart application

I can figure where from is this error coming...

Thank you for help !


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Yes, indeed, in this case, it is necessary to redesign processes to be interpreted, not compiled.…

The error was coming from a script in which variables were not well declared


Yes, indeed, in this case, it is necessary to redesign processes to be interpreted, not compiled.…

I have the same errors during compilation, but in OpportunitySchema.Opportunity.cs file, recompilaiton didnt help

Dmitrii Balashov,


Please specify if you already tried to follow the instructions provided above to fix this issue:

"it is necessary to redesign processes to be interpreted, not compiled."…

I've only just recently started working with Creatio, but as I understand it this relates to writing Script task correctly

But after deleting all my custom script tasks the problem is still present on after recompiling

I contacted support and it looks like this is an issue with Opportunity package in version 8.1.3, which should be resolved in 8.1.4

Dear Dmitrii Balashov,

These compilation errors are fixed for 8.1.4, but you can go to the workaround solution:

    1) Unlock the Opportunity package for the hotfix.
    2) Open the embedded process in the Opportunity object schema.
    3) Change three lines (8, 10, 11) in the OpportunitySaving method to use the full definition of System.Linq.Enumerable save process and compile the system.
    4) Lock the Opportunity package.



Full definition of System.Linq.Enumerable


Best regards,


Andrii Kurta,

Thank you!

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