

I am trying to open a new webpage from a button onclick action. I saw this feed:



I'm very new in Creation so I tried to replicate it on a page definition. What's wrong with the following code:


define("UsrPage_bwxynuo", /**SCHEMA_DEPS*/[]/**SCHEMA_DEPS*/, function/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/()/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/ {

    return {

        methods: {

            openWindow: function() {

                 var path = this.get("https://fr.wikipedia.org");

                 window.open(path, '_blank');



        viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[


                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "Button_w36eyol",

                "values": {

                    "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,

                    "click": {"bindTo": "openWindow"},


                "parentName": "MainContainer",

                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 0




        modelConfig: /**SCHEMA_MODEL_CONFIG*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODEL_CONFIG*/,

        handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[]/**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/,

        converters: /**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/{}/**SCHEMA_CONVERTERS*/,

        validators: /**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/{}/**SCHEMA_VALIDATORS*/



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Best reply


From the code you posted, you're using the newer type of page (Freedom UI), but how you wired up the click of the button to call your method is how you do this on the older classic pages. To wire up the click of your button execute your own code, see this article: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-button-to-execute-custom-code-o…



From the code you posted, you're using the newer type of page (Freedom UI), but how you wired up the click of the button to call your method is how you do this on the older classic pages. To wire up the click of your button execute your own code, see this article: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-a-button-to-execute-custom-code-o…


Thank you very much Ryan

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Hello everyone, I'm looking for a way to integrate information about an appointment, such as the date and time, into my email template. I have set up the email to be sent automatically when an appointment is scheduled, but I'm having trouble incorporating macros. Can anyone help?


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Please find the instructions on macros creation in this Academy article.

Mira Dmitruk,

Thank you for your response, I will check if I can find my answer in the document.

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Hello Everyone,

I was trying to update my Local Deployed Creatio from version8.0.4.1870 to  Version but after runnig the downloader file in Powershell it is showing error .

Also when i tried the same with version it is showing updates till 7.17 only.

I am following the update guide from Documentation . Please Advise What to do.

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smit suthar,

What is the error that you face during the update?

Hi smit suthar,

We recommend updating to the latest release version of or to 8.0.7


Please contact support team to get the necessary scenarios and files



how can i proceed now ? 

Do i need to contact support team for this version update

can you please Clearify. 

smit suthar,


Yes, please support team to get the necessary files for update.


ok thanks


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Hello everybody!

I am trying to inactivate the ootb dcm case for the opportunity object, as we have created 2 dcm cases of our own. But anything that I have tried was unsuccessful. When transferring the package from testing environment to pre production environment, even though I can find our custom dcm cases, the ootb dcm is set for all records.

How can I achieve this?

Thank you.

Like 1



Hello Maria, 


Please check the below thread where the similar question have already been discussed:


Please let us know in case of additional questions. 


Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hi Anastasiia, thank you for your reply. Both dcm are set on the same column. What else can I do?

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We are trying to deploy Global Search service in kubernetes environment but globalsearch-web-indexing-service is failing in CrashLoopBackOff. Do we need repository access to set up the current version of the global search service?

If yes, how can we achieve that. Do we need separate license for it?

We are following the documentation https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8-0/user/on_site_deployment/containerized_components/global_search_shortcut/global_search



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I asked Creatio's support and they provided access to their repository.




Hi Sabin,


as for now, you need to contact the Creatio Support team in order to get access to the files for the services such as Global search.

Please, don't hesitate to send an email to support@creatio.com.




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It is possible to remove 2 decimal after comma?

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It's not possible to remove zeros after the decimal point without changing the type of the column in the DB. 

If there is some data stored in the column - we strongly don't recommend changing the data type of this column since data can be lost.

But if it is absolutely new column - you can change the data type.


Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Okay thank you 

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Show a button if the selected entry has certain conditions ("Test.Lookup == Test 1")



Card: Lead

Lookup: Stage Lead

value: one of the stages



diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[           


                  "operation": "insert",

                "name": "NewButton",

                "values": {

                    "itemType": 5,

                    "style": "red",

                    "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.NewButtonCaption"},

                    "click": {"bindTo": "onProcess1"},

                    "enabled": true,

                    "visible": true,

/**How to Show/Hide the custom button


                        "classes": {

                        "textClass": [





                "parentName": "ActionButtonsContainer",

                "propertyName": "items",

File attachments
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To do this, you'll do the following: 

  1. Add a boolean attribute
  2. Bind the boolean attribute to the visible property of the button
  3. Set the attribute to true/false to show/hide the button as necessary

You can see an example of this here: https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-enable-or-disable-a-field-on-a-pa…


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Hello team,


I would like to monitor the synchronizations of email addresses opening incidents in Creatio.


I would therefore like to create a dashboard indicating for each of the email addresses declared in MailboxForIncidentRegistration the number of emails received per day.

Except that I don't know in which tables the received emails are stored, can someone help me on the subject?


Thank you in advance for your assistance.



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Dear Vincent,


Thanks for your question. 


To display the number of cases registered by email, you may build the dashboard with a filter by Case Source and Case Category that were indicated in lookup "List of mailboxes for case registration". 


In case you wish to build the dashboard based on email from which the case was registered, please consider creating a column where the info about emailbox will be recorded and saved. 


If additional questions arise, feel free to get back to us. 


Best regards,




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We are encountering an error when attempting to set the column value on the lead entity with the following code below. The error message received and the stacktrace are listed below as well. Obviously this is a dictionary error, but I am clearly not adding any items to the column list, and have not set the column value previously. Does anyone have any ideas on what might be happening, or what I could check to make sense of this?

var rawBody = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();
var val = rawBody.Split('&')
		.Select(keyVal => keyVal.Split('='))
		.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp[0], kvp => Uri.UnescapeDataString(kvp[1]).Replace('+', ' '));
var leadSchema = _userConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("Lead");
var l = leadSchema.CreateEntity(_userConnection);
l.SetColumnValue("srcColumnName", val["column_name"]);
An item with the same key has already been added. 
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) 
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) 
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntityColumnValueCollection..ctor(UserConnection userConnection, EntitySchemaColumnCollection columns) in C:\Projects\\TSBpm\Src\Lib\Terrasoft.Core\Entities\EntityColumnValue.cs:line 410 
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.get_ColumnValues() in C:\Projects\\TSBpm\Src\Lib\Terrasoft.Core\Entities\Entity.cs:line 848 
at Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.SetColumnValue(String valueName, Object value) in C:\Projects\\TSBpm\Src\Lib\Terrasoft.Core\Entities\Entity.cs:line 3024 


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Best reply

Check that your "Lead" object, where the record is modified has no duplicated columns (the error is returned from EntityColumnValueCollection, not in SetColumnValue). Also are you able to add records manually to the "Leads" section? I guess you should get some simillar error on this attempt either. Also if you are using PostgreSQL please:


1) Go to the root Web.config

2) Find the maxEntitySchemaNameLength key and modify the value to 63 there


This key controls the data reader behaviour and fixes issues of max PostgreSQL items length (table names, column names, etc.) and if your object has several columns with the lenght of name more than 63 symbols this issue can also occur.

I forgot to mention the 'SetDefColumnValues' method call was added after the error message appeared.

Check that your "Lead" object, where the record is modified has no duplicated columns (the error is returned from EntityColumnValueCollection, not in SetColumnValue). Also are you able to add records manually to the "Leads" section? I guess you should get some simillar error on this attempt either. Also if you are using PostgreSQL please:


1) Go to the root Web.config

2) Find the maxEntitySchemaNameLength key and modify the value to 63 there


This key controls the data reader behaviour and fixes issues of max PostgreSQL items length (table names, column names, etc.) and if your object has several columns with the lenght of name more than 63 symbols this issue can also occur.

Thank you Oleg! Another admin added a column in another package with the same name.



Do you have any idea why this same message might be happening on the start of any business process? 

I receive the message popup "

"An item with the same key has already been added. " 




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As the title says, I'm trying to save the column layout for a custom record section, as well as for Details on the record.



Using this resource, I haven't managed to save any that will transfer over when installing a new package.


I have saved bound a number of records to the SysProfileData within my package, however none of them have had the intended effect.


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Hello Oliver,

The method described in the article you mention does work for me (In fact, I just did this yesterday with no issues). 

Make sure that you've first configured the column layout and selected the "save for all users" and that you're selecting the correct row from the SysProfileData table (the one with no user in the "Contact" column.

If it's not working for you, it's likely one of the two issues listed above. 


I appreciate the confidence in your article but I have 100% done both of these, about a thousand times, in every way possible.


Is this the only known solution/ there are no known issues with this?

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