I have to replace the OOB translation of the Account and Contact Labels (only these two labels) for the italian language.
Which are the correct keys i have to involve in order for a correct update ? For Example which is the correct key for the updating of the Account and Contact Section Labels ?
The section names are data from the SysModule table, so the key should be Data:SysModule.Caption: + the Id of the record. For easier searching, you can use the following filter in Translations section:
To find the Id, open the section wizard, and the Id will be in the URL. For example, for this section, the code will be: Data:SysModule.Caption:065063c9-8180-e011-afbc-00155d04320c
The section names are data from the SysModule table, so the key should be Data:SysModule.Caption: + the Id of the record. For easier searching, you can use the following filter in Translations section:
To find the Id, open the section wizard, and the Id will be in the URL. For example, for this section, the code will be: Data:SysModule.Caption:065063c9-8180-e011-afbc-00155d04320c
Now, I am new to creatio. I just need to know where to put this code in the Source code? And Can I use this selection of multiple contacts to trigger a message to those that are selected only from that grid?
I need to take an array of data in a business process and then format it into a table that's inserted into an email (send email task), also within the business process.
We are currently using Creatio V8.0 demo environment for internal training for Certification purposes.
1. On creating an Invoice using the option "Create Invoice based on Invoice", the system took the full amount specified on Order, instead of Advance Payment. Even when we changed the amount it reverted back to the full Order Amount.
2. After Invoice was created and status changed to Paid, Installment Plan does not show the Actual Amount Paid and the Invoice Number.
- When you use the [ New invoice based on this order ] action from the [ Actions ] menu.
This will open a page with an invoice created based on the order. The [ Amount ] value on the invoice page is calculated as the total value of the products, not the [ Payment amount ] of the order.
- Add an invoice automatically based on any installment step of the order. To do this:
Go to the [ Orders ] section and open the required record with the [ Installment ] details filled in. Select the needed step with the “Payment“ type and click on loupe in the [ Invoice ] column. The value in the [ Amount ] field on the invoice page can be calculated in two ways:
1) If no products have been added in the corresponding step, the [ Amount] field on the invoice page will be filled with the corresponding value from the [ Estimated amount] field from the installment step.
2) If the items were not added in the corresponding step, the [ Amount] field on the invoice page will be calculated as the total cost of the selected products.
After adding an invoice, a link with the invoice number will be displayed in the detail list. Click the link to open the invoice page - https://i.imgur.com/28Oj7K4.png
Therefore, it is normal that the The [ Amount ] value on the invoice page is formed from the total amount of products, not the [ Payment amount ] (Advance Payment) of the order.
2. If the invoice added automatically based on any installment step of the order, a link with the invoice number displayed in the detail list (https://i.imgur.com/28Oj7K4.png) and status of the invoice changed to Paid - [ Actual amount ] Paid will the column will be equal to [ Amount ] value on the invoice (https://i.imgur.com/CRDoIrZ.png).
The webservice should return a JSON string with a predefined set of keys that then should be parsed in the busines process. So you know the list of keys (since the Webservice should return the exact list of keys, not the random set of keys with random names) and what is left to be done is developing a business process that can parse the result. For example you can use the approach discussed here, where the response from a Webserivce was successfully parsed and use the same approach on your end.
I want to know if I can sort value in a lookup field. Currently I understand that the fields are alphabetical order but I dont want it to display in that order. I want to change it. Is there any way to do it?
If this is for a classic page, you can sort the lookup, but the below method only works for dropdown list lookups, not sure how to sort a lookup that pop open the dialog (although I assume that is possible):
// add an attribute with the same name as your lookup column// specify "orders" for which column to sort by
direction: Terrasoft.OrderDirection.DESC}]}}}
If this is a Freedom UI page, not sure, but I don't think you're able to do that yet.
I was thinking of a button within my screen. This button will be used to change tabs. There are different tabs (Steps) on my screen. And when a user clicks on this button it takes him to the next tab, which is his next step also. So instead of clicking on tabs themselves. Is it possible to do it through buttons? Thanks!
It looks like this can be achieved in Freedom UI by setting the attribute <Tab element code>_SelectedTabIndex_Profile to the index of the tab you want to display, so the first tab would be 0, the second 1 etc. To show the 2nd tab for me, the code was:
Worth noting that when I try to set this in the init event (crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest) it throws an error in the console (though it does change the tab, so not sure what actually breaks, if anything). I worked around this by putting the set of the value inside a JS timeout for 800ms, which is quick enough to not really be noticeable to users while preventing the error. I'm guessing it's some kind of data loading race condition or something, loading the data for a tab that then isn't being shown.
If you want to add a second unique field of type text to a custom object in Creatio we recommending to use the [Autonumber] field, it provides an out-of-the-box feature that allows you to generate unique identifiers automatically. You can configure an AutoNumber format for your custom object's second unique field and define rules for its generation. This approach can be useful if you want to have a consistent format for your unique identifiers.
Because the detail 'Product In Order' in the Order Section is used exstensively (around 120.000 records in one of our instances) we would like to create e Section out of it,so that we use the advantage of (advanced filters).
We tried this in the Dev Environment. There is a new Section schema and a new Page schema created.
Will the creation of the Section bring problems to the overall architecture ? Is there some extra step that should be added ?
I have done the steps and things are working correctly.
One question:
->When I open a record from the newly Created Section (based on existing object) the URL is 'localhost:1000/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/OrderProduct1Page/edit'
->When I open a record from the Order Section and go inside the 'Product in Order' detail ther url is
This is the expected behavior - we are always in the context of the currently open record, regardless of which other record we navigate to from it (the link does not change its value when navigating to another record). This behavior applies to records in the system when navigating to related records, and when switching to a different section/subsection of the system, the opening occurs in the same tab.
So the same page is being opened, it's just that the link is generated according to the logic described above.
This behavior occurs when opening records in the same tab.
For example, if you navigate to a contact from the Case section, the link will remain as follows: