Hi community,

I have some Custom Objects need to draw some connection just like the [Connect To] tab in Account and Contact

Is there a way for me to set it up?


Thank you!

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Hello Community,


Is there a way to hide empty columns of a table in a printable?


Thank you

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Unfortunately, as for now, there is no possibility to implement your business task and we do have the correspondent problem registered on our side and R&D team is currently working on implementing this new functionality in one of the future releases of the application.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better.

Best regards,


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Dear sir/madam

Why I do not find the Section Wizrard for Contact Section.


File attachments
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Since it's a new Freedom UI page, you should open the edit page: 


Please find more information here.

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Does anyone know how to easily hide/remove the Account/Customer panel (see image) in the Opportunity Page?

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Hi Rob,

I think the simplest way to do that is to use CSS

If you look at the code Source the Div id is "ClientProfile"


So you can add a CSS file to your opportunity page:


And you create a CSS file in which you add a display none for the id:

Hi Rob,

I think the simplest way to do that is to use CSS

If you look at the code Source the Div id is "ClientProfile"


So you can add a CSS file to your opportunity page:


And you create a CSS file in which you add a display none for the id:

LÉZORAY Nicolas,


Perfect. Thanks!

LÉZORAY Nicolas,

Hi Nicolas


Just to follow up on this if I wanted to remove the 'Actions' drop down from this page also would it be something similar. Thanks

Hello Robert !


Yes like this in the Oppotunity CSS file :

#OpportunitySectionV2SeparateModeActionsButtonButton-wrapperEl {
	display: none;


LÉZORAY Nicolas,

I did this in the OrderPageV2 with the code above but just replaced the page


 #OrderPageV2SeparateModeActionsButtonButton-wrapperEl {

    display: none;


But this did not work. Does the button in this page have a different name?



LÉZORAY Nicolas,


Further to above your solution on the section page works great but i cannot get it to work on the record page (OrderPageV2). Tried changing the button name but no joy. Any thoughts Nicolas?


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We have a customer request where they wish to have the record-specific feed on a certain object shown only to members of a certain functional or organisation role.

So for example if this user in this role enters the record, they can see the record feed and if someone outside the group enters the record it is not visible. 

Alternatively if you could add another record-specific feed only visible to certain roles. 

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The records permissions can be modified via the "Actions" menu in accordance with your business needs.

If you need to set up the access automatically after the record is created, we recommend designing a business process for it:

- Enable record permissions for the relevant object (e.g., "Feed update" or any other object you want to restrict access to).
- Create a business process that grants full access rights to existing records of this object to all employees, except for the specific record you want to restrict access to. Do not distribute any access rights to this specific record for all employees.
- In the same business process, grant full access rights only to the "System administrators" role for the specific record you want to allow access to.

Alternatively, you can also restrict access rights to specific columns or fields on the edit page of the record, and only allow system administrators to modify those fields. This may be a simpler approach, depending on your requirements.

Hello and thank you for the reply Alla. What I meant to say is that the record-specific feed on each record, for example if I have an opportunity Called TestOpp, and I post in the feed in that record I will get the notice that "Supervisor posted in opportunity Test". This seems to indicate to me that there is a record specific feed to each record. 

What I wondered was if there was a way to restrict this record-specific feed to only be visible to people with certain access rights. Alternatively if another feed could be introduced to each record with the same restrictions. 


There is probably a misunderstanding: the business process can be designed to actually set up each record: 

1) You are to switch the records permissions on for the site in general (System designer)

2) Design a BP for each particular record - add the element to remove the rights and then add another element to share the rights for the target role group 


Hope this is helpful.

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Hi community,

When an order is completed (status), we need to prevent users from adding order product either by clicking the + button, or by data import.

So I enabled the Before record added event of OrderProduct, and created the OrderProductInserting event sub-process trying to stop new orderproduct added if its relating order's status is completed.

I have tried successfully to stop orderproduct from adding as the code screenshots provided here. But what I don't know is how to get the order's status from within the method OrderProductInserting() so that I can call the ThrowInsertException() function to stop the order product added.

Any code example will be very appreciated!


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Best reply

Hello Andrew,

Here is an example of how to read OrderStatus Id inside the event process:

var order = Entity.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("OrderId");
			var orderESQ = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "Order");
			orderESQ.UseAdminRights = true;
			var entity = orderESQ.GetEntity(UserConnection, order);
    		var status = entity.GetColumnValue("StatusId").ToString();
    		if (status == "{Completed OrderStatus Id}"){
    			// DO Something


Hello Andrew,

Here is an example of how to read OrderStatus Id inside the event process:

var order = Entity.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("OrderId");
			var orderESQ = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "Order");
			orderESQ.UseAdminRights = true;
			var entity = orderESQ.GetEntity(UserConnection, order);
    		var status = entity.GetColumnValue("StatusId").ToString();
    		if (status == "{Completed OrderStatus Id}"){
    			// DO Something


Hi Dmytro, appreciate very much for the help. It works!

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Є задача відтворити розроблений функціонал деталі з веб весрсії в якій є базовий функціонал - це "Вибрати декілька записів". З являються чекбокси по яким користувач вибирає потрібнє декілька рядків.  Підскажіть в мобільному додатку можливо відтворення вибору багаторядковості.

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Доброго дня,


Наразі такої можливості у мобільному додатку немає, проте ми вже зареєстрували це побажання для нашої команди розробників і вони можуть додати такий функціонал у майбутніх релізах.

Ми в ситуації коли вже потрібно це рішення, підскажіть орієнтовно як скоро ожливе таке рішення?

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Hi Community,


I have this requirement that should allow users to revert changes of a specific record value. For example:


I have a specific field (Amount), that changes value when a new state is triggered (ex: Processed). It should be possible for the user to revert the value after selecting the previous state.


State New  -> Amount 5

State Processed -> Amount 10

State New  -> Amount 5


Can you please help me achieve this requirement?


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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You can configure business rules to set a value in a specific field when a condition is met. You can find an example of how to configure it in the manual - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/customization_tools/ui_and_busine…




Hi Anton Starikov,


Is it possible to use business rules if the value is dynamic? 


For example, when a specific requirement is met I want the field to have the previous value, which was defined by the user.


Thank in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Hi! Pedro Pinheiro,


Unfortunately, you can't do this with the standard settings. Perhaps it can be implemented by custom development.





Anton Starikov,


Do you have any steps that could help us implement this custom logic? 


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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How can we change (remove/disable) some parts of object process?

We need to generate Invoice number in another way (and don't want increment system settings when invoice is just created). But this process is defined in Invoice package.

Do we have any options to change this logic?

Kind regards,


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Good day,


Could you elaborate on what exactly you are having trouble with?

You should be able to just delete the unneeded elements by clicking on them and pressing the trashbin icon.


Thank you.

Unfortunately, I cannot delete unneeded elements from base packages. This is out-of-box feature that I want to overwrite



Thank you for the explanation.

In that case, you could create a copy (a replacement object or just an export copy) of the Invoices and put it into your own custom package.


This will allow you to alter its behavior.

Here are some of the articles on the matter:



Thank you.


But if I make replacement object, it inherites all the process from base packages.

And if I create new object, I need to make all logics from scratch.

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Hi Community,


I have this requirement where I need to stay on the edit page after saving a new created record. Similar to what already exists on the old UI (https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-save-and-stay-edit-page-cli…).


However, I couldn't find the property "IsSilent" on the new Freedom UI pages.


Can you please help find a solution to this requirement?


Thank in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hi Pedro,


Our R&D team has an opened task on this topic, there is a test solution, but it cannot be applied to productions. Once the task is completed we will notify all our customers and partners in the Release Notes for the app. Thank you for helping us in making the application better! 

Hey Oleg,


Any update on this? Is there a way to update a field, or save a record silently without triggering other events/handlers?


Thank you!


Chris Heyman,

This functionality has not yet been implemented, but we have already received many requests from users, so the R&D team should take this task into development. 

Hi all,


Any news on this?


April 2023 was the original request.


Almost one year in.



Luis Tinoco Azevedo,

You can set 

request.preventCardClose = true;

in the "crt.SaveRecordRequest" request. See my post on this thread for more details: https://community.creatio.com/questions/dont-close-page-after-saving


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