Is the printable template uploaded? Can you run/generate the printable normally? I believe I've seen an error like that when the printable record is missing the actual Word template file (but not sure if it's that exact error)
Is the printable template uploaded? Can you run/generate the printable normally? I believe I've seen an error like that when the printable record is missing the actual Word template file (but not sure if it's that exact error)
I guess no. Do I have to upload a complete template as well? I just set up the columns in the reports and I haven't uploaded any template with it
Yes, there needs to be a template uploaded, even if it is just a blank Word doc. Without a template it will produce errors when trying to generate the printable.
However, what's the purpose of generating a printable to attach to an email with no content set up in the printable? (I assume you just haven't gotten to that part yet?)
I am setting up cases in my environment and I want it to move to 2nd stage when the user fills in all the information within the 1st stage.
I believe that it can be done through business processes. But when I am adding the Sub-process within the case, it asks whether to run at the start of the case. Does it mean that it will only run that process one time? Because if it runs at the start that means our users will not have inputted their data and after when they have added the data then it will not run the process and will not move forward?
Also, let me know how can I make a formula that checks if the fields are filled or not filled?
We have a custom application on Freedom UI that manages all our orders and management. We just received news from Creatio team that reports currently do not work in Freedom UI and we can workaround through business processes. If there is any relevant material anyone has on how to create reports through business processes, then that would be really helpful! Thanks!
This was an issue in Classic UI, when hidden fields still take a place on the page. But hope, Freedom UI can make it better.
I've tried this, but still there are spaces. How can we hide them at all? We have set with different fields, that are shown by conditions (and cannot be grouped). But it looks not very nice when they are hidden
If I am understanding your question correctly, you can use the "flex column" layout component. If you add your fields to this, it will adjust depending on which fields are visible
The below is the component in the the Freedom UI editor, along with how it displays to the user when the final three fields are not visible.
If I am understanding your question correctly, you can use the "flex column" layout component. If you add your fields to this, it will adjust depending on which fields are visible
The below is the component in the the Freedom UI editor, along with how it displays to the user when the final three fields are not visible.
That's correct. In order for the elements to "move" if other elements are hidden, you need to place these elements within a Flex column container. In other cases, there will be empty space instead of the element.
We've taken your customer voice into account and have created a task for the responsible team to supplement such documentation.
I'm trying to create a popup to display to users after they start a new session (log in). What is the simplest way to do this?
There is a new business process called "User sessions" in the CRT Base package. Is this something I could use for the purpose of displaying a popup after a new user session is created?
I was able to create a custom user task that displays a popup and call it with a business process with a simple start but cannot figure out a way for it to be triggered to display to a user when they start a new session.
Sessions are created directly in the database by Insert and do not generate an event on the object. Business processes rely on events at the object. If it is not the happening process will not notice any changes. As for now, there is no option to track start/end of the user session via the process signals. Our R&D team responsible for this functionality is already working on implementing it in the future releases. I will forward your feedback to the team in order to increase the importance of this task.
Only overriding onEntityInitialized won`t be enough because there is also a server logic that sets the Number (ContractEntityEventListener schema). If you change only the onEntityInitialized, the system will still set a number if the contract was created using BP or integration.
If you want to turn it off you will need to also override ContractEntityEventListener:
It's not related to any customization described either by Vladimir and Dmytro (I've tested both codes and they don't result in this ""Number" field is required" message). You have some another customization that makes the "Number" field mandatory (custom code, business rule, column settings on the object side or on the page side), you need to find and disable it.
As for now the only way to check if the macros has no data inside it is to manually select a template in the email editor and see which data is populated for the user or not. Also in case you are using some information on the record you need to check if all the records have values in the columns that are used as macro sources. Unfortunately that is all for now, but we have already posted our R&D team to improve this functionality in the future.