Hi Team


Value of a lookup is not accessible to a portal user but accessible to a normal user.


I have updated operation permission 

I have updated object permission

The Section object (Request) is available in lookup 'List of objects available for portal users' 



But same is not available in lookup 'List of schema fields for portal access'


I am unable to add value to List of schema fields for portal access lookup as fields are locked but as per academy we can add new value to this lookup.



Do let me know any work around to solve this issue.


Thank You in Advance


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Please contact our Support Team at support@creatio.com providing all the details, so that we can take a closer look and try to fix it for you.


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

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Hello Community,


I have a requirement to add a "Select all" option in the dropdown of Details Section. I have came across some similar questions on academy but I didn't get the exact solution. Could someone please help with this if they are familiar with this approach or have done this activity previously.





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Hello Jagan,


You need to add the following methods to your detail schema:

methods: {
			addToolsButtonMenuItems: function(toolsButtonMenu) {
			addSelectAndUnSelectAllButton: function(toolsButtonMenu) {
				const isDetailEnabled = this.get("IsEnabled");
				if (isDetailEnabled === false) {
				const selectAllMenuItem = this.getSelectAllMenuItem();
				if (selectAllMenuItem) {
				const unSelectAllMenuItem = this.getUnSelectAllMenuItem();
				if (unSelectAllMenuItem) {
			isSelectAllModeVisible: function() {
				const isMultiSelectVisible = this.isMultiSelectVisible();
				const isSingleSelectVisible = this.isSingleSelectVisible();
				return isMultiSelectVisible || isSingleSelectVisible;
			isMultiSelectVisible: function() {
				return !this.get("MultiSelect");
			isSingleSelectVisible: function() {
				return this.get("MultiSelect");
			isUnSelectVisible: function() {
				return this.isAnySelected();
			getUnSelectAllMenuItem: function() {
				return this.getButtonMenuItem({
					"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.UnselectAllButtonCaption"},
					"Click": {"bindTo": "unSelectRecords"},
					"Visible": {"bindTo": "MultiSelect"},
					"Enabled": {"bindTo": "isUnSelectVisible"},
					"IsEnabledForSelectedAll": true
			getSelectAllMenuItem: function() {
				return this.getButtonMenuItem({
					"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.SelectAllButtonCaption"},
					"Click": {"bindTo": "setSelectAllMode"},
					"Visible": {"bindTo": "isSelectAllModeVisible"},
					"IsEnabledForSelectedAll": true

and add UnselectAllButtonCaption and SelectAllButtonCaption localizable strings to the schema. Once done the select and deselect all records options will appear in the detail tools


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Hello Community,

We want a default quick filter to be applied always to a detail (AccountContactsDetailV2) in the Account section. This filter should be permanent like this:

This academy article is only appliable for Sections and not details


All the best


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I am not sure how to add the default values (so the user can remove them) since it is a per-user thing, but if you always needed the filter values set for the detail (and not allow the user to remove them) you could filter the detail using ESQ filters as shown here: https://customerfx.com/article/filtering-a-detail-list-in-creatio-forme…


Will quick filter component in Freedom UI 8.0.8 allow this maybe ?

(Beta in 8.0.7: Quick filters. It is now possible to apply custom filters to one or more Freedom UI lists on a page using the [ Quick filter ] component. )

Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan. The idea is to apply the quick filter for the detail (like for sections)

Through this coding applied in AccountContactDetailV2_:

onRender: function() {
				this.set("IsDetailFilterVisible", true);
				this.set("IsFilterAdded", true);
				this.set("IsShortFilterFieldsVisible", true);
			getFilterDefaultColumnName: function() {
				return "Left";

I have managed to bring the detail in this state (printscreen) every time the pages renders:

Do you know if it is possible to put also a default value, when the detail renders ?



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Is it possible to have the following flow:

1-Send a marketing Email from Creatio (Event invitation)

2-That Email includes an RSVP button. 

3-Clicking the button will automatically offer the Email recipient the option to add/save the meeting invitation to their calendar.


I have seen this functionality implemented, anyone knows how to add from Creatio Email marketing. Any specific connector? Thank you in advance


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When you are creating an event in a certain service (Google Calendar, for example), there is an option to create a link that adds an event to the google calendar:


If you want a universal link, you would need to generate an .ics file and put a link to it into the email.


You can add such links to the email template and hide them under text, buttons or images.


Best regards,


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We want to refresh a Freedom UI page from a business process.

This process is triggered when a field has been modified and will do some calculations.

After that, the page should be refreshed.


In Classic UI, there was an add-on in the Marketplace of it could be fixed with sending a message from a script task which was processed by a method in the javascript page.


Is this still an option in Freedom UI? Or is there another solution?


Kind regards,


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You can see how to do this for a Freedom UI page here 


That article shows how to receive the message, the article links to another article that shows how to send the message from the process. As for refreshing the page once you get the message, see https://customerfx.com/article/refreshing-reloading-page-or-list-data-o…

Also, just to point out, this sort of thing won't be necessary in 8.0.7, which is due out soon. There will be a built in way where you can set an option in the object for it to auto refresh called "Enable live data update". Checking this will handle the sending of the message and refreshing any UI bound to the object automatically when the object is modified in processes etc.


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This is where the import goes wrong I believe, Ill also attach the error file


2023-03-23 11:15:09,006 Error occured while performing operation on "app" item, UId = 11621e60-d54b-aebd-b8f8-f3f7f6804db0.

2023-03-23 11:15:09,026 System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.


Any help is appreciated, ive checked their the same product, though slightly different versions



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Best reply



This error may occur in case of incorrect cleaning of Redis. Please clear the Redis cache using the flushall command.


We will be glad to help with any other questions.

Ive tried finding any items with that ID and havent been successful, I've actualized all my data I think and installed / compiled it all



This error may occur in case of incorrect cleaning of Redis. Please clear the Redis cache using the flushall command.


We will be glad to help with any other questions.

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Hello Community,

I have an object which is detail and I have created section using the detail object. When I create a DCM in the section the DCM is not visible in page. Can anyone help with this



Thanks in advance,

Yasaswini Indurthi

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Hello Yasaswini, 


It's hard to identity the root cause of the issue with no access to the site, logs of the system. 

Please contact the support team at support@creatio.com and provide all the needed information, so we could assist you with the issue. 

Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


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How can I switch off 'All apps' workplace in Freedom UI? It is not available from the workplace setup


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Best reply


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in the future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in the future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

Yes please


Thanks. Is it possible to set a custom workplace as default? Each time when I refresh the page 'All apps" is set... And is it possible to somehow manage 'All apps' section's order?

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Hi Community,


I have this requirement where I need to refresh the form page of my record using the refresh button of the new Freedom UI. This button was created with the help of the page designer, as you can see on the image bellow.



However, when I try to refresh the page by clicking on the created button. Creatio, instead of refreshing the current page data, it loads the data from another record.


Before refresh:


After refresh:


Could you please help me understand this behaviour and explain me how can be solved.

Thank you in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Seems to be an 8.0.6 bug

Hello Pedro!


Thank you for your post and sorry for invonvenience caused by this problem. This behaviour was removed in version 8.0.7 which is going to be released very soon.





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Hi all, 

I am trying to figure out, how do we connect Creatio directly to another (webapp's/app) SQL database which is not the Creatio one, without needing to pass through an API.


If we keep it simple, Pipedrive, they are able to provide SQL connections through Zapier, with triggers on both sides (if a change in Pipedrive --> add a column in the other SQL db OR if column added in SQL DB, do x action in Pipedrive). https://zapier.com/apps/pipedrive/integrations/sql-server 

How do we replicate such direct (bi-directional) integration with Creatio and another sql db without the need for the other web app to expose or call an API ?



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Hi Damien,

If I understood your question correctly, I recommend you look at this discussion.

As described there, the most suitable solution, in this case, is a business process.

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