Our external system(DWH) would like to load large number of records from Creatio, no matter how big the data upload limit is, it will end.

We want to use pageing functional to divide data.

If there is such functionality in creatio, if so, how to enable it

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Please note that we do not have such an integration in the system and we advise using the basic export functionaliy, as it does not have any limits.

As an alternative option, you can use Integrations & APIOdata web service for this.

Can you please tell me how to process such a case: we have a table with 21 000 records and we can't load it because after 20 000 records an error appears, how can we solve this problem?



In this case I recommend you contacting our Support team directly at support@creatio.com so we could check this issue on your site.

Thanks , but links are not active

Can you be more specific as to what you are trying to do?  Are you trying to load data from your DWH to a Cloud instance?  Is this a one time thing? Are the inserts or updates?  How are trying to load?  Odata DataService?  Are you using an app or self coded? 

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Which I select process element and double click to generate macro, after saving the formula value is empty.


In the console getting following error--

41  Error while sending request 

    response status: 500 (ValidateException)

    request url: ../DataService/json/SyncReply/ValidateProcessFormula

    method: POST

    request data: {"formulaValue":"[#[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{f5f1d34c-ee78-41d5-8364-7d1c12b93b36}].[Parameter:{ec7648e8-b1f3-4292-b5ef-5d0cc52...

log @ all-combined.js:41


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You have specified "RealtyTypeId". Maybe you meant "ReadTypeId"?


Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Hello community,


I am trying to bring timeline for custom section. I have created a record in TimelinePageSettings table. To update the data i used the below script. So when i am using the full json ,timeline tab is not showing on the UI. When i am using the json with only SocialMessage it is working properly for messages. I have checked appending Id to reference column name but it didnt work .  I might be missing a step , please help me out.



UPDATE TimelinePageSetting

SET Data = CONVERT(varbinary, '[


    "entityConfigKey": "706f803d-6a30-4bcd-88e8-36a0e722ea41",

    "entitySchemaName": "Activity",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "09a70391-b767-40ab-97b8-6d1b538adbe6",

    "entitySchemaName": "Activity",

    "typeColumnName": "Type",

    "typeColumnValue": "e2831dec-cfc0-df11-b00f-001d60e938c6",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "35b5c45f-36e7-450f-a282-81c56624d29e",

    "entitySchemaName": "SocialMessage",

    "referenceColumnName": "EntityId",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "aeca6df0-5c89-4066-bdfa-eff486ae8fed",

    "entitySchemaName": "Call",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "59de07a7-28dd-4dc9-a106-a07cb9981423",

    "entitySchemaName": "UsrCreditCheckFile",

    "typeColumnName": "Type",

    "typeColumnValue": "529bc2f8-0ee0-df11-971b-001d60e938c6",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"




    "entityConfigKey": "09a6dad5-036b-4075-a813-e8278a5360ea",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "typeColumnName": "Type",

    "typeColumnValue": "539bc2f8-0ee0-df11-971b-001d60e938c6",

    "entitySchemaName": "UsrCreditCheckFile",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



    "entityConfigKey": "a5900576-dca5-4d82-aed3-91c8909a3028",

    "entitySchemaName": "Document",

    "referenceColumnName": "UsrCreditCheck",

    "masterRecordColumnName": "Id"



WHERE Id = 'D15FD665-AAD3-4AC7-8F1A-54DC5342E616';


Like 1





You need to create a custom item view module based on the Contact object and add it to the Leads section. Please use this article as a reference where the same task is described using a custom "Books" section added as timeline item to the "Accounts" section.

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I am writing to seek your assistance with an issue I'm currently facing in a business process. I created a web service that accepts a file(docx) in the request and returns a file(pdf) in the response. However, when I try to call this web service inside a business process, I cannot find the response parameter.

I have tried checking the business process, the web service definition, and the service operation mapping, but I have not been able to identify the root cause of the problem. I suspect that I might be missing a step or configuration in the business process or web service definition

File attachments
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Please test the web service independently to see whether it works as expected in the first place. Then, verify the service operation mapping: Make sure that the web service is correctly mapped to the service operation in the business process. Check that the mapping for the response parameter is correct. Sometimes reading the element might help.


If none of it helps, we ask you to submit a request to our team via support@creatio.com or the Success Portal. We'll need to access the instance remotely in order to help.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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Hi all,


Does anyone have a solution using Freedom UI or business process, which allows you to read the previous column value? 

For example, I need to run a business process triggered on the change of a lookup, but for both the previous and new value.



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Is there a way to read data in an edit page url ?

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Hello Thibault,


Would you please provide more details on your question, so that we can check it for you?

Hello Yuliya,


I am calling a third party service in order to obtain an authorization code from scratch. After that, I am redirected back to my edit page with a code. The url looks like this: https://079046-studio.creatio.com/0/Shell/?code=Uq-EurbsQyJ1si-mXiw_DW7…. I would like to know how I can retrieve the code to put it in a business process.



Please review this video material, as it may assist you in implementing your task:



Hi, I think you can try this


1. Make parameter to record your code, in my example it is simple string parameter called UsrTest2

2. add script task:


string resultString = "https://079046-studio.creatio.com/0/Shell/?code=Uq-EurbsQyJ1si-mXiw_DW7…";

string part = resultString.Substring(0, resultString.LastIndexOf('#'));

string newURL = part;

string[] parts = newURL.Split('=');

string itIsCode = parts[parts.Length-1];

Set<string>("UsrTest2", itIsCode);

return true;


3. Get some autogenerated page to see the result

4. Result

now my parameter UsrTest2 holds the code from URL. I can use it anywhere in the process now.


Note: this example works if your url is going to be static and there will be no extra symbols. If your url format is changed - this code might not work properly. In that case you will have to query the string to find the code after the word "code=", something like this


foreach (string queryString in queryStrings)
 if (queryString.StartsWith("code="))
    string codeValue = queryString.Substring("==".Length);




Thank you for your answer. The URL will not be static since the code will change with every call. However, I am unsure of how to retrieve the URL string.

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Hi Creatio!

I'm creating a Customer Portal and I am phasing an issue when I try to add DCM panel into page.

Cases workflow appear on the the section page :

But when I try to logg-in as user portal (role: All portal users) Cases workflow do not appear in the Customer Portal.

In the console log I receive "response status: 403 (SecurityException)".

Please what is your suggestion to fix this issue?


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Best reply

Hi all,


I want to share with you solution that Creatio support team helped me.

You have to check in object permissions if  "Portal Users" have permission to use  "SysDcmSettings" .

Hello Aurora,

Could you please let us know what portal license do you have on this local instance?

Also, could you please verify whether this DCM object is added to those lookups in order to be visible to portal users?


And one last question, does it appear on the portal the DCM for the cases section?




I am having the same problem. I added the DCM object to both lookups, and I am also having an error in the console.

I check the DCM in the cases section, and I can see it.

Hello All!

Please check the following article for steps on how to add DCM to the portal: https://community.creatio.com/articles/enable-dcm-portal-users


In case you would still receive the error - please contact us on support@creatio.com

As I see it - this error is not the same for all and would require an individual approach.


Best Regards,



Hello Bogdan,

The portal license that I am using in my local instance are as in the photo attached:

Is added object of Application Form (section) but not the case object (should be with the name "Application Form case in the Portal) :

Related to the last question DCM does not appear in the portal section (but as you can see to the image attached the section of the task appear but no the stages one).


Denis Bidukha,

Hi Denis, 

Images attached to the link are not clear.

And another question please , this solution is available for  the latest version of Creatio ?

(I am using Creatio  v8.0)



Aurora Leka,



Hi! The pictures are not representative anyway as they are made in Old UI. The information should be still relevant though. Please check if the specific portal user has required access rights and it the object has an "SSP available " checkbox checked.


If that did not help - please contact Support individually for investigation to be held


Best Regards,


Hi all,


I want to share with you solution that Creatio support team helped me.

You have to check in object permissions if  "Portal Users" have permission to use  "SysDcmSettings" .

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 I have three edit pages for Opportunity section, and I would like to replicate the Confidence Level block from the out-of-the-box edit page to the other two pages I created. I have attempted to copy and paste the block, but I am encountering some issues. Could you please advise me on how to proceed or provide me with any necessary instructions?. 


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It could be achieved only by development. 

This post could be helpful for you.

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I am experiencing the following problem:

After modifying a field (its name, the source of the lookup, or adding a new field) in the Page Designer I hit the SAVE button, but the page freezes and after a while, I get an error message from the browser saying that the page is not answering, and I can either wait or close the tab. Waiting doesn't help, and every tab I am logged in to the Creatio environment crashes as well. It doesn't work in a different browser either.


This error occurs for some objects but not for every object. I cannot identify any difference between working and non-working objects that could cause this problem.


Any idea what should I check? Did anyone experience this phenomenon?

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I have not, is there any errors in the console?

keith schmitt,


Please contact our support team - support@creatio.com

keith schmitt,

No, the console freezes with the browser. I have contacted the support team.

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Hi all,


In Freedom UI (and possibly 7.x), you are unable to use the "open new record"  button from a record page of an object where the user only has read only access. To me this doesn't really make sense and I'm hopeful there is a way around it? 


For example, the user has read only access to "Account", but the user has write access to "Contact". On the Account page there is a list of contacts (detail) with the button to add new. 


The user has the permissions to add this contact, but the system says permissions do not exist to edit object "Account" - even though the user is not editing the object account - it is simply trying to open the new record page for Contact. 


Am I missing something here? 


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Hi Harry,


I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on the 8.0.7 version, therefore we recommend updating your application to the latest version.

Thanks Bogdan, yes it looks like it was a bug which is now fixed. 

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