Hello community,

I want to upload a .dll as a reference assembly from Creatio Configuration section .

The Creatio instance is hosted on Cloud.

The .dll is  .NET Standard 2.0 compatible.

Question : Is it ok to upload this dll which supports .NET Standard 2.0 and has no dependecies ?


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This is a good idea to use Configuration for such a purpose and it's actually described in Academia: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-18/developer/development_tools/creat…;


The external libraries support .NET Standard 2.0 so you can load them into the Creatio package in the Configuration section using the Add -> Import button.


The dependencies, however, must rely on the development structure, e. g. - If the current package must inherit Creatio functionality. Here is more info: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-17/developer/development_tools/packa…

Thanks for the reply Alla ! I appreciate it.

When talking about dependencies, I meant the dependencies of the dll i am trying to import (not those of the Creatio package). It has no dependecies, so just uploading the dll should do the work.

Thank you,


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Does anyone know if it is possible to sort a list on load, by multiple columns? I spotted this array in the code, but adding another column to sort doesn't make a difference.



"sortingConfig": {
							"attributeName": "ItemsSorting",
							"default": [
									"direction": "asc",
									"columnName": "UsrPax"
									"direction": "asc",
									"columnName": "UsrNights"


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Hello Hary,


Unfortunately it won't work and currently there is no way to sort list using two columns simultanously. I will register a suggestion for our core R&D team to implement this functionality out-of-the-box. Thank you for this suggestion and helping us in making the app better!

Thanks for the reply Oleg

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My question is about the section wizard in the System setup.

After entering the Title and Code, I click the "SET UP PAGE" button, and the word "loading" appears.

And the "loading" message does not end.

When I checked the console with the browser function, the following error was displayed.


Property schemaType is not defined in class Terrasoft.manager.ClientUnitSchemaManagerItem


Can you help me find a solution to this problem?

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Best reply

Hi Team! How are you? Something similar happened to me today with a version 8.0.8 and the problem occurred when I enabled the JS debugger.

I solved it by "turning it off" with this statement:

Terrasoft.SysSettings.postPersonalSysSettingsValue("IsDebug", false)

I hope it helps.




The mentioned error may occur if the schema was deleted and the system was referring to un-existing object.

To resolve the issue we'd suggest to clear the dynamic content and proceed with full generation and compilation of a system. 

To delete the dynamic content for the site please navigate to 

the corresponding folder of your system:


first backup the data (in case there will be a need to restore it) and then delete everything in the folder.

If the issue occurs with the cloud-based site, please contact support team via support@creatio.com for further assistance.

Best regards,


Hi Team! How are you? Something similar happened to me today with a version 8.0.8 and the problem occurred when I enabled the JS debugger.

I solved it by "turning it off" with this statement:

Terrasoft.SysSettings.postPersonalSysSettingsValue("IsDebug", false)

I hope it helps.



Resolved. Thank you very much.

I was performing the above operation in debug mode.

By deactivating debug mode, the "SET UP PAGE" button worked successfully.

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I have been trying to remove the preview page from mobile app.

When I select on record i want to go directly to edit page and not preview page.

I tried to add this code to my Manifest, but it did not work:

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8.0 interface account page has no preview page and edit page is opened automatically for it. So there is no need to remove preview page from this model.

Oleg Drobina


then what is the solution ?

There is solution for this with the old versions?

Hello. I found a solution. You need to extend the grid controller and replace the openpreview to this:

That will open directly the edit page.

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I'm trying to add a default filter to my account grid page in the mobile app so that it only imports accounts owned by the current user.

I've tried multiple solutions, but nothing worked, and this is my last one:

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In order to add such filter you need to create a new module in the configuration with this code:

 Terrasoft.sdk.Module.addFilter("Account", Ext.create("Terrasoft.Filter", {
    type: Terrasoft.FilterTypes.Group,
    subfilters: [
		Ext.create("Terrasoft.Filter", {
			compareType: Terrasoft.ComparisonTypes.Equal,
			property: "Owner",
			valueIsMacros: true,
			value: "Terrasoft.ValueMacros.CurrentUserContactId"

After this, you need to connect this module in the Manifest schema:

	"Models": {
		"Account": {
			"RequiredModels": [
			"ModelExtensions": [],
			"PagesExtensions": [


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Hello All!


I have made multiple attempts at filtering a dashboard list through code, but have been unsuccessful in my attempts. I'm assuming the process would be the same for custom filtering any list view, but I am specifically working with a List in a dashboard. The default filters do not work in my case, and I am looking for guidance on how to dynamically filter the records that are displayed in a list on a dashboard. I have already looked through numerous other posts as well as Freedom UI related videos and found multiple examples of filtering other components such as lookups, but nothing seems to carry over to the list view. Please help! A simple example would be immensely helpful in pointing me in the right direction.


Thank you!


Like 1



Unfortunately, we don't have ready-made examples of implementing such filtering. However, you can build such a filter using the following code as an example:



"attributes": {


                "DataGrid_d7k1ikp": {

                    "isCollection": true,

                    "modelConfig": {

                        "path": "DataGrid_d7k1ikpDS",

                        "filterAttributes": [


                                "loadOnChange": true,

                                "name": "DataGrid_d7k1ikp_PredefinedFilter"






DataGrid_d7k1ikp_PredefinedFilter leads us to the attributes:


"DataGrid_d7k1ikp_PredefinedFilter": {

                    "value": {

                        "items": {

                            "a2376c0c-0b3f-451a-9085-0a65ae58bab8": {

                                "filterType": 4,

                                "comparisonType": 3,

                                "isEnabled": true,

                                "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false,

                                "leftExpression": {

                                    "expressionType": 0,

                                    "columnPath": "Account"


                                "isAggregative": false,

                                "dataValueType": 10,

                                "referenceSchemaName": "Account",

                                "rightExpressions": [


                                        "expressionType": 2,

                                        "parameter": {

                                            "dataValueType": 10,




If you need to build a dynamic filter, you should look in this direction. Create a custom attribute, populate it when loading the record (in the LoadDataRequest handler), and use it in the code of the DataGrid_d7k1ikp_PredefinedFilter filter.

If you have doubts about how to correctly construct paths to columns, please follow these steps: navigate to the section with this list, create an advanced filter, find the SelectQuery in the browser's Network tab, and copy the filters from the request body.

Best regards, Pavlo!

Hey Pavlo,


Thank you for your guidance and recommendations. Unfortunately they do not seem to work for what I am attempting to implement. The main issue I believe occurring is that the attribute is not being referenced correctly in the predefined filter. I have referenced it in the same way as I have found in other examples("$AttributeName"), but this does not seem to work.


If anyone can provide any guidance on how to filter a list dashboard in Freedom UI it would be super helpful! I have attempted many different routes for filtering the list dashboard, but none have worked. I need to add a custom filter through code, as the quick filter does not work for what I need.


Thank you in advance!


Hey Pavlo,

Thank you for your guidance and recommendations. Unfortunately they do not seem to work for what I am attempting to implement. The main issue I believe occurring is that the attribute is not being referenced correctly in the predefined filter. I have referenced it in the same way as I have found in other examples("$AttributeName"), but this does not seem to work.

If anyone can provide any guidance on how to filter a list dashboard in Freedom UI it would be super helpful! I have attempted many different routes for filtering the list dashboard, but none have worked. I need to add a custom filter through code, as the quick filter does not work for what I need.

Thank you in advance!


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Process: Define contact and populate site events

so it should be that (Set ContactId into parameter) does not work




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Hello Artem!


Could you please also show us the formula in order to check it?


Thank you in advance. 

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It seems that the date format in the Mobile app is always MM/DD/YYYY, while I want it to be DD/MM/YYYY. I've correctly set it to Dutch date and time format (which should be DD/MM/YYYY) in my profile in the browser version, but it does not seem to apply itself to the mobile app.


Is anyone successful in achieving this? 

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I am looking for an Outlook connector that actually works. We have tried all the partner options and they're below satisfactory. I believe that SalesForce has an option that used to be called Lightening that everyone raves about. 


I'm wondering if Creatio will make this a priority in their new UI or perhaps have a mobile/tablet app that actually works making this type of product obsolete. At this point I will take either. 

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Hi Megan! How are you? Did you try our latest version of the connector: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/outlook-connector-creatio? In case you have tried it, it would be very helpful if you share your feedback with us.  I suggest organizing a demo and being able to show you the capabilities of the connector. We also have a Gmail connector and we are working on a new version for Outlook Web.

Thank you!

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I created a custom section in Freedom UI. Now I need to create a page in classic UI for this section (I want to use an add-on that doesn't work in Freedom pages). How can I do this?

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Hello Paulina,

You can create a section based on an existing object:


Please find more infromation here.



Unfortunately, a section for this object already exists (as I mentioned, it was created in Freedom UI and cannot be created once again in Section Wizard) 

Paulina Ściegienna,


Sorry, but there is no such functionality for now.


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

Paulina Ściegienna,

You need to completely delete the section made in Freedom UI to create a section in Classic UI. It's a bit risky due to the high probability of mistakes. But it can be made by SQL scripts only. It's unlikely that any major advancements to the Classic UI will happen from now on.


Also, could you please share why you need Classic UI section? What limitation in Freedom UI has caused this?

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