Hi there,


Im workin in a demo and are looking to strict contract approval so only system administrators can be choosen as approver and no one else?


Where can i do this if it even is possible

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Approvals have the same access set up as any other object in the system. If you want to specify who can and who cannot see approvals go to the "Object permissions" section and specify roles for record permissions for Contract  Approvals object: 

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We're trying to create a chart to analyse Lead progression through the different Lead Stages, but the only sorting options are alphabetically by the grouping column or by the measure value. We want this to be sorted by an additional column on the Lead Stage that defines the order within the Lead progression rather than alphabetically or by the value to keep a consistent and logical order to the data, but cannot see an option for this unless there's a trick we're missing. Could someone please advise on how this might be done? We're mostly working with Freedom UI pages and therefore charts.

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Vladimir Sokolov,

it may be related, but that question is discussing combo boxes in pages, whereas I’m looking for chart sorting (e.g. in a bar graph) so I expect any solution would be fairly different.

Harvey Adcock,


Good day,


Could you please provide more details about your business task?

Perhaps you could take a screenshot with a description of your requirements so that we can better understand them and offer advice.


We are looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards,


Hi Pavlo,


Sure, what the business is asking for is to be able to sort a chart's columns by the lead stage through the process, rather than by the stage's name alphabetically or by the total number of leads in each stage as can be selected by default in the chart options. For example, see this chart available in the Home section of the Sales workplace in a clean CRM trial environment:


It is currently sorted by the stage name alphabetically, which doesn't align with the progression you actually get through the Opportunity stages. Looking at the sorting options, we can see that the only ones available are to sort by the grouping name alphabetically, or by the measure value:


So we are unable to sort by another field on the Lead Stage lookup that we've created - Stage Number - which would order it correctly. What we'd like is to be able to use that additional field for sorting without using it as the labels for the x axis.


If there are any workarounds for this besides numbering the stage names themselves, we'd love to hear about them!


Many thanks,


Harvey Adcock,

Good day,


Unfortunately, it's not possible to implement this with the current basic functionality. However, we have registered the idea for our development team to consider implementing this feature.

Perhaps the "Full pipeline" dashboard type may work for you, where stages are grouped according to their placement in the DCM field?


Thank you for reaching out!

Hi Pavlo


Would you know if more advance sorting of dashboards has been enabled in any further Creatio releases? 




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Hello everyone,

I have tried sending test emails to the personal emails of myself (an iPhone owner) and another co-worker (an Android owner). When I viewed the email on my phone it looked perfect, but my co-worker showed me what his email looked like (see below).

As you can see, though the image is set to left alignment, it appears centered on the Android device. Can anyone provide insight on why this is happening, and possible solutions? Thanks in advance.



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Hello Lucas,


Please contact Creatio Support on this matter.

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Hi all! please tell me which application helps with renaming printed forms. For example, I want the name of a Word document (invoice) to change to invoice number + client? Previously, such an application was on the marketplace. Perhaps now this can be done in the system itself? Thank you in advance

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Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to set up dynamic name change by a print form in the system with basic tools. 

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. In case you would like to check  what stage this task is at, I am sending you the task number: PR-4191. Feel free to share this number with us at any time and ask your questions.

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I have a question regarding the Product List 2 Columns Title+Image+Text+Button module in the email designer.

Is there a way to remove the border around the article pieces? Thanks in advance.


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Best reply

Hello Lucas,


Yes, it's possible in clomn configurions:


Please find more infromation here:


Hello Lucas,


Yes, it's possible in clomn configurions:


Please find more infromation here:


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Hi community,

We want to set the default currency in the Opportunity Mini Page (front end event), based on the Org Role of a user (oob functionality is based on the Base Currency system setting).

Is there any code implementation of a similar request ?


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Best reply

Hello Sasori!

1) Add MultiCurrencyEditUtilities module as a dependency to your minipage schema. Example:

define("OpportunityMiniPage", ["MultiCurrencyEditUtilities"] ...

2) Add MultiCurrencyEditUtilities as a mixing to the minipage schema. Example:

mixins: {
  MultiCurrencyEditUtilities: "Terrasoft.MultiCurrencyEditUtilities",

3) Instead of using roles check you can use operation permission check. To use it you need to add RightUtilities module as a dependency to your minipage schema. Example:

define("OpportunityMiniPage", ["RightUtilities"], function(RightUtilities) { ...

4) Use the following methods in your minipage:

onEntityInitialized: function() {
checkCurrencyForUser: function() {
  operation: "NeedToUseEuro"
}, function(result) {
  if (result) {
    var euroId = "c0057119-53e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6";
 }, this);

The logic above will check if the user has access to the "NeedToUseEuro" operation (or this user role has access to the operation) and if so we will call the onCurrencyMenuItemClick method and pass euroId as an argument (see the onCurrencyMenuItemClick method signature in the MultiCurrencyEditUtilities module).

c0057119-53e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6 is an Id of the "Euro" currency from the "Currency" table in the database. All you need to do is:

1. Correctly specify operation permissions (check if your user is not in several roles that are used in different operation permissions check)

2. Correctly setup a chain of operation permissions checks in the context of the checkCurrencyForUser method execution

P.S. Article about adding a multi-currency field: 


Hi community,

Any update ?


Hello Sasori!

1) Add MultiCurrencyEditUtilities module as a dependency to your minipage schema. Example:

define("OpportunityMiniPage", ["MultiCurrencyEditUtilities"] ...

2) Add MultiCurrencyEditUtilities as a mixing to the minipage schema. Example:

mixins: {
  MultiCurrencyEditUtilities: "Terrasoft.MultiCurrencyEditUtilities",

3) Instead of using roles check you can use operation permission check. To use it you need to add RightUtilities module as a dependency to your minipage schema. Example:

define("OpportunityMiniPage", ["RightUtilities"], function(RightUtilities) { ...

4) Use the following methods in your minipage:

onEntityInitialized: function() {
checkCurrencyForUser: function() {
  operation: "NeedToUseEuro"
}, function(result) {
  if (result) {
    var euroId = "c0057119-53e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6";
 }, this);

The logic above will check if the user has access to the "NeedToUseEuro" operation (or this user role has access to the operation) and if so we will call the onCurrencyMenuItemClick method and pass euroId as an argument (see the onCurrencyMenuItemClick method signature in the MultiCurrencyEditUtilities module).

c0057119-53e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6 is an Id of the "Euro" currency from the "Currency" table in the database. All you need to do is:

1. Correctly specify operation permissions (check if your user is not in several roles that are used in different operation permissions check)

2. Correctly setup a chain of operation permissions checks in the context of the checkCurrencyForUser method execution

P.S. Article about adding a multi-currency field: 


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There is a function to create a month and day field from a date but there does not seem an option to create a year field from a date. Does anyone know the best way to achieve this?

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You should use construction like dateTimeTest.Year.ToString() to get the year from your date\time (if we are discussing server-side logic). Something like (in Visual Studio):

DateTime dateTimeTest = DateTime.Now;
string yearPart = dateTimeTest.Year.ToString();

The output is:

In business process (script-task or process methods) the approach is the same, but you need to put the "yearPart" string into some text parameter of the process to use it further.

If we are interested in the client-side logic then you need to use the getFullYear method (described here https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_getfullyear.asp).

Thank you for this solution Mira!

I used the same technique with the Low Code settings to achieve the same result. I parsed the current year from the current date to use as a parameter in the process. Very helpful.

Susan Samara,

Hi Susan,


I'm use the following approach


[#System variable.Current Date#].ToString("yyyy")


If you need the result as integer, can use:


Convert.ToInt32([#System variable.Current Date#].ToString("yyyy"))
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Hello Creatio community!


My first post on the forum. I have a business process that populates a Ticket Number field in a custom Tickets Section. This business process sets the field value and sends a message to the section's client module which includes the below code to handle the message and refresh the section so we can see the updated ticket number.


			init: function() {
			subscriptionFunction: function() {
				Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onMyProcessMessage, this);
			onMyProcessMessage: function(scope, message) {
				if (!message || message.Header.Sender !== "RefreshTicketPage") {
				var message2 = message.Body;
				if (!this.Ext.isEmpty(message2)) {
			destroy: function() {
			    Terrasoft.ServerChannel.un(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onMyProcessMessage, this);


The code works fine, but the problem is upon clicking Save it closes the section edit page and shows the list, which does correctly include the updated ticket number. I want it to refresh the field and STAY in the edit page so the user doesn't have to reopen the section from the list after saving. Does anyone know if this is possible? To refresh the section while staying in the edit view? I'm using cloud and Classic UI and have attached a screenshot of the view I would like to refresh and remain open on the screen.

File attachments
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Does Dynamics 365 provides a set of APIs that allow Creatio to interact with its entities, including the Case entity. for an example we need to get single instance as well as list of Case entities base on filter criteria.


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There is no such OOB intergmation. 

But we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.

As for now, you can make your own integration using API\Odata:



Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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Hi all,


How to copy a new business process from the development server to the production server?


Thank you.

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Hi David,

Processes are transferred to the same other custom changes. Please see this article about transferring changes from site to site:


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