Hello Community, 


I have a requirement to sort the lookup values where value is a text field which contains both letters and number. I wanted to sort it in asc for the numbers first. 

How can we achieve this?

Any Suggestions is helpful 





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There are no basic system tools to change the alphabetical filtration order. In order to implement custom filtration order additional development will be needed. 

I'd suggest to check the below posts where similar business tasks have been already discussed:





Best regards,


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how can we set up the choice between a desktop or homepage as default logon, as well as workspace (currently switching to all apps..)

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To set up a choice between the desktop or homepage as the default login in Creatio, follow these steps:

Open the System Builder.

Click "Workplace setup" in the "Settings" block.

Find the section you want, open it and select it as the "Home page"

Bes regards, 



Does not work since the introduction of desktops in the new shell, when someone logons on to Creatio, he's brought on the desktop vs the homepage of his workplace. This was already set up as is beforehand.

And not only are my users on desktop, they are also on "all apps", which is not what they want.

Hello Damien,


The issue has already been resolved in version 8.0.7.


After logging in, you will be directed to the same workplace that was active before logging out. However, the page displayed will be the desktop page.



Thanks for the saving on the last active workplace :) , was this mentioned in the 8.0.7 release notes ?

"However, the page displayed will be the desktop page."

Any way to counter this ? We had already made the effort to create custom homepages for the different teams. The new extra desktop pages, which I see could be useful in some cases, are not useful for us at all today. Anyway to deactivate or bypass ?


Hi Damien ,

Did you got any solution to open custom homepages instead of opening desktop while logging in?



Nothing yet unfortunately, really something to change, everyone is asking...

Hi Damien,

I tried updating homepage in user settings, I think it's working now.When user logins in instance it will open dashboards section.

Check in any new cloud instance, for some reasons this feature is not working in local.



Hello Community,


is there a way to get the value of Active workplace?

Hello Community ,

Did you get any solution for this issue? 



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Hi Community,

I've a requirement where I've to read data from a PDF uploaded, Can you please let me know how it can be achievablesake

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Hello Kavya,


It depends on where exactly you need to read this data. If you need to read it from external API call then you need to use then for example you can use the following link and perform GET request to it:






CreatioApplicationName should be replaced with your application name;

149d2eaf-cbd2-49fa-b565-637748ff823c should be replaced with the UId of the object where the file is stored (for accounts it's AccountFile and UId for it is 149d2eaf-cbd2-49fa-b565-637748ff823c):

c628b09b-05db-4ce5-968b-d38f5833978b should be replaced with an actual Id of the record inside AccountFile table (in your case - the object where the file is stored).


 As a result you will get the file content:

If you need to do it in the business process then you need to take a look at the "Process file" process element which allows working with files. Or you can take a look at the file API that allows files processing though the server logic inside Creatio app.

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Hi All,


By default Inherited column Id is GUID.

Want to make the other column or no duplicates in Object. Data getting from the Api endpoints


What is the process and what is the data type need to use?


Please help.


Many Thanks.




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Good day,


Unfortunately, using another column as a primary key for your table is not supported by Creatio, and you are unable to insert other Ids into your primary column either.


This logic is a fundamental part of how the system queues its data and it cannot be easily changed.


Thank you.

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OOTB Lookups such as "Contact Type" and "Account Type" have the column "Colour", which is used to allow the lookup on a list to be colour coded. 


I have tried adding a "UsrColor" to custom objects/lookups, but the functionality does not seem to work. I also can't see any baselookup where this column is already there. 

Has anyone else managed to do this?

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Best reply

Select your color column in the object properties and you should be good


Select your color column in the object properties and you should be good


Ryan Farley,

That worked and totally missed this bit. Thanks!

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Good day, Colleagues!

Does anyone possibly have a code example on the new Freedom page showing how to calculate the difference of values ​​of two page fields and write it into a third field? For example: payment balance = Amount-PaymentAmount Maybe there's also a code example on how to get the exchange rate on the date specified in the Date field according to the Currency field or an example of how to refer to another object to get a value from it.

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You can see how to wire up a code to respond to a field change here:


As far as getting and setting the values, this article will show you how to do that: 



Ryan Farley,

Thank you, I will give it a try.

Ryan Farley,


How can I achieve the same requiremet, but for the fields that are inside a detail with editable list?


Thank you in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro



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how to filter list page according to current user contact type in freedom ui

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Could you please describe an example of what logic you need to achieve?

Mira Dmitruk,


hello iam trying to get list according to current contact department 

saad mohamed,


If I understand you question correctly, you can apply filter with the following condition:

sorry you can not understand me i will explain again

imagine that i have employer in markting department and another employer in hr department

and i need to get records according to employer contact 

if we type it in sql will be like this select * from courses where department = CURRENT_USER_CONTACT_DEPARTMENT

any updates

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Hello community,

We are also facing the issue. We have created an approval task via the business process. While the approval task is seen in the notification center, the counter does not get increased or visible.

Please advise.

The test process creates an approval task for the current user.


After the process is triggered, the task appears for the current user, but no badge or counter is seen as highlighted in yellow.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi, Yasaswini!


Unfortunately, we are not able to understand what exactly you meant by "badge or counter is seen as highlighted in yellow."


Please get acquainted with this documentation and clarify the current and expected behavior.

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I am working on a use case to use angular component inside creatio. I have followed this link .It seems like it is old documentation most of the js files mentioned in that link is not there in the angular package. Can anyone helo me on this 


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Hello Pavan,


Can you please describe this question a little bit in details? At which particular step do you face issues?

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We are looking for Creatio Source IP Addresses/IP CIDR Ranges to whitelist in our CloudFlare WAF. Currently, we are attempting to integrate our CRM with Creatio, but we are receiving a Managed Challenge from the Cloudflare Bot fight mode. However, we have not yet found information on your website regarding the source IP addresses/ranges from which Creatio will be making requests. We could just whitelist the whole path, but then that would allow anyone to make requests unchallenged. Currently all traffic to our CRM is coming from one IP address, so we could just whitelist that but before doing so we would like to officially confirm this is a static address.

Would someone be able to provide either a reference to Creatio source IP addresses/CIDR ranges, or at the very least confirm or deny whether the current IP (13.xx.xx.148) is static? I appreciate any assistance you may be able to provide.

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We see that you sent us a request in the system number: SR-01214406. 

In this request we will answer your question.






We see that you sent us a request in the system number: SR-01214406. 

In this request we will answer your question.




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