
Hello community,


I have an issue when compile.

Version Creatio:

How can i fix this?

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Hi Maksym, 

Seem like the issue is not related to this exact environment but rather to the server that runs the Creatio instance. 

This problem has already been discussed on StackOverflow. There are multiple reasons for this problem which are discussed in the linked topic. 

Also, a possible reason is that the .NetCore SDK 2.2 and/or 3.1 is not installed and the server is not connected to the internet or it has no access to

Best regards,


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Hello community,


I want to get the attached files information from a given case inside my environment. As the primary section containing the information is case, I know that I can retrieve the case information from


And the attached files can be extracted from


Where each element from the response has the format:

  "Id": "7bb283a4-2f30-7193-37f3-79c8465ceda4",
  "Name": "<value>",
  "CreatedOn": "<value>",
  "CreatedById": "<value>",
  "ModifiedOn": "<value>",
  "ModifiedById": "<value>",
  "ProcessListeners": 0,
  "Size": <value>,
  "CaseId": "<value>",
  "IsNeedToNotify": true,
  "SysFileStorageId": "<value>",
  "FileGroupId": "<value>",
  "Tag": "<value>"

As you may see there is a field "CaseId" which is used to link the file object to the case object.


The problem I have is that I want to get the list of files from a case only by the Case Id. I've tried many different approaches using the OData standard syntax like:


'">$filter=CaseId eq '<value>'


But I always get an error when trying to access the resource. In the previous example, the error I get is related to the field data type. Creatio yells because the CaseId field is of type Guid but in the comparison I am using a string.


By the way, changing the query to:


'">$filter=CaseId eq guid'<value>'




'">$filter=CaseId eq <value>


Doesn't fix the issue.


Can you please help me with this query that I am struggling to do?



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Best reply

Rather than using CaseId, use Case/Id:$filter=Case/Id eq idvalue


Rather than using CaseId, use Case/Id:$filter=Case/Id eq idvalue


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Hi Team,


The query is related to viewing records in the mobile application. By default, when we open a section in the Creatio mobile app, the listing page is empty, with a note to search for specific conditions to display records.



Is there an option to set a default folder from the already available saved folders for the section in the web app to be used as the default folder/condition for listing records as soon as the section is opened in the mobile application? Later, if users wish to change the filter, they can do so by selecting a different folder instead of viewing empty records in the list. For example, is it possible to display records for which the user has access? How can this be achieved? Are there any code samples available if code needs to be written, and if it's a configuration, how can we configure it for the mobile app?"


Thanks for the help in advance!




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Please feel free to use the resolution from this article:

Also, in case you want the assignee to be "current user" you may be interested in this answer:


Thanks Bogdan,


If I log in to an instance as a regular user and not as a supervisor in web isntancce, by default, it lists all the records in a section for which the user has access, irrespective of whether they are the owner or assignee. This happens because the user has access, and the user's name is not available in any of the fields in the record, such as the owner field or assignee field. The record is shown because the user has access to it.


The same functionality needs to be achieved in the mobile app. However, here, we need to add a filter condition. For the scenario described above, we need to specify a reference field. If we set the owner field to the current user, it will list only the records where the user's name is linked to the owner field. But what about the records that the user has access to but does not own? How do we achieve this in the mobile application?

Thanks Bogdan, but can you help for the below scenario:


If I log in to an instance as a regular user and not as a supervisor, by default, it lists all the records in a section for which the user has access, irrespective of whether they are the owner or assignee. This happens because the user has access, and the user's name is not available in any of the fields in the record, such as the owner field or assignee field. The record is shown because the user has access to it.


The same functionality needs to be achieved in the mobile app. However, here, we need to add a filter condition. For the scenario described above, we need to specify a reference field. If we set the owner field to the current user, it will list only the records where the user's name is linked to the owner field. But what about the records that the user has access to but does not own? How do we achieve this in the mobile application?




Hello Mayan,

You can use this method to display all data:

Enter link [NameOfYourWebSite], search for UseMobileSearchOnlyInSections on this page. Uncheck all the boxes as you see in the image:

At this stage you can see all records in the mobile app.

Next you can use an article from Bogdan’s link to add filters if needed. Also I can recommend you one No-code way of filtering:

  1. System designer -> Mobile application wizard -> Needed workplace
  2. Find needed page (for example Order) and set the default filter. It will be impossible to get data in a mobile app which does not match the criteria of this filter

Best regards, Anhelina!

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Hi community,

I created a business process that inserts a new OpportunityProductInterest for a specific product into a specific Opportunity.

The insert process element step copies the Product.Notes column to the OpportunityProductInterest.Notes column.

Product.Notes is a localizable text column and its value is localized to English and Italian.

If the BP is saved using a user localized in English, everything works fine, while if I make changes to the BP using a user localized in Italian, the BP does not work.

The expected result is the OpportunityProductInterest.Notes filled with the value Product.Notes, but in the wrong scenario the column is assigned the empty string.


What do you suggest me?

thank you in advance

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I founded the solution.

The OpportunityProductInterest.Notes field was not a text localized, then the BP didn't work correctly.

I change the field as localized text and everything is fine now.


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Hi Team,


We have a query regarding users having permissions to creating email templates in the Message Template section rather than admin creating email templates


Currently, only administrators have the ability to create email templates, select macro sources, and add macros while creating templates. However, the enquiry is whether the sales team would have the capability to create their own email templates for future use when communicating with customers rather than reaching out to admin for creating the email templates.


Is there a specific permission or access level that can be granted to normal users, specifically those in the sales team with a sales team license, which would allow them to create, save, and utilize their own email templates within the system? This would streamline our communication processes and empower our sales team to personalize their interactions with customers more effectively.


For now they are getting the below error while trying to create a email template :

Thanks for the help in advance!





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for resolving this specific error you would need to give permission for operation by the code "CanManageLookups" in Operation permissions view in System designer. Not sure if users need more permissions to create templates but if its the only error occuring that could resolve it

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Hello Community, 


is there a script or tool in creatio that convert hierarchy of records like employees/department into an organization chart. 

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I can't give you a solution (you could try the Marketplace), however some C# I wrote recently to traverse the employee tree using the employee `ManagerId` which may be of use as a starting point (it returns a list of all staff subordinate to the starting employee):

using Terrasoft.Configuration;
using Terrasoft.Core;
using Terrasoft.Core.DB;
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Terrasoft.Configuration.UsrEmployeeTree
	public class EmployeeTree
		private UserConnection UserConnection;
		private Guid employeeId;
		public EmployeeTree(UserConnection userConnection) {
			UserConnection = userConnection;
		public void TraverseTree(Guid employeeId, List&lt;Guid&gt; staff) {
			var select = new Select(UserConnection)
					as Select;
			using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) {
				using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor)) {
					while (dataReader.Read()) {
						TraverseTree(dataReader.GetGuid(dataReader.GetOrdinal("Id")), staff);


impressive, will try it out 

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I am experiencing the following issues with Freedom UI Dynamic Case Management:

  1. Tasks for the initial default stage (set using the configuration page) do not show when a new record is created, only showing when the record is saved.
  2. The task window is too small to show the whole task and has to be scrolled to get to the complete button.
  3. The progress bar does not automatically update to the next stage when tasks are complete in the previous stage (although the stage does actually progress, the tasks showing for the next stage, and the progress is correct when re-entering the record).

I'm not sure the Freedom UI is usable if DCM is required unless there is some way of fixing at least 1. and 3.

Like 3



The same bugs (1. and 3.) occur with a classic UI DCM progress bar and Next Steps panel as well,  Creatio version

Gareth Osler,

We kindly ask you to contact support directly in order to resolve the beforementioned errors within the environment you are working at.

You can contact support by emailing 

Dear Creatio colleagues


The problems reported here today in Creatio have not yet been solved.


It is urgent to solve it, please, as customers think that there is something wrong with the DCM not updating the page, as Garet Osler reports. In my case point 2 & 3,



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hello , is there a tool in creatio like adobe reader? that reads the pdf file then store it to database?

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Could you please elaborate on your business task?

I don't know it yet, I've been asked by a client about this , like when you you extarct the pdf file and turn it into text by a library in .net or any other backend language, is there a tool in creatio that does the same thing? 



As of now there is no such oob functionality in the system. We've registered the idea for our responsible R&D team to consider adding such functionality in the upcoming versions of the system.


Best regards,


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Hey all , 

is it possible to add an attachment column in this expanded list , to add for each invoice an individual attachment.


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At the moment, there is no such possibility with basic tools, to display a column in the invoice with attachments.

However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. In case you would like to check what stage this task is at, I am sending you the task number: PR-30551. Feel free to share this number with us at any time and ask your questions.

That's an awesome idea !

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i made a module, in freedom-ui mode, to display custom content in Accounts_FormPage. The module init is triggered with crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest handler.

here is the useful module code :

/* AMD module declaration. */
// jshint esversion: 11
define("UsrAccountHistoriqueProduit", ["@creatio-devkit/common"], function(sdk) {
    return {
        //**--------------------------------- Init module -------------------------------**/
        onInitialized: async function($context) {
            const idAccount = await $context.Id;
            const my = this;
            /* Declare the class. */
            class UsrAccountHistoriqueProduit extends HTMLElement  {
                constructor(args) {
                async displaycontent() {
                    var shadowDom = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
                    shadowDom.innerHTML = "";
                    const html = await my.statsOrderProduct(idAccount);
                    shadowDom.innerHTML = html;        

            /* Register the component. */
            customElements.define('usr-historiqueproduit-view-element', UsrAccountHistoriqueProduit);

            /* Register the web component as a view element. */
                type: 'usr.CustomViewElement',
                selector: 'usr-historiqueproduit-view-element'


It works fine at load of the page, then when viewing a second account, i have this error message : 

ERROR DOMException: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry':
the name "usr-historiqueproduit-view-element" has already been used with this registry

i think i can clean up the registered viewElement with the crt.HandleViewModelDestroyRequest handler, but i did not found cleaning method in the sdk objet.


How should it be done please ?


best regards,


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Best reply

Hi Patrice,


This error message occurs since the element with "usr-historiqueproduit-view-element" selector was already registered upon first init:

                type: 'usr.CustomViewElement',
                selector: 'usr-historiqueproduit-view-element'

In your onEnityInitialized you need to add additional check if the element was registered in DOM or not (for example as proposed here) and as a result of this check perform registration or not.

Hi Patrice,


This error message occurs since the element with "usr-historiqueproduit-view-element" selector was already registered upon first init:

                type: 'usr.CustomViewElement',
                selector: 'usr-historiqueproduit-view-element'

In your onEnityInitialized you need to add additional check if the element was registered in DOM or not (for example as proposed here) and as a result of this check perform registration or not.

Thanks Oleg,

i was not aware of the CustomElementRegistry api, i thaught it was a Creatio thing.

Now i know where the documentation is ! (


Best regards,


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