Is there a way to make a LookUp column the display value of the list. In this case I have the brand and display value to jump into the Record Form, I want that behavior in the ID Fleet which is a LookUp. Is it possible?

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Thank you for being a part of Creatio Community!


From the screenshot, it seems that your ID Fleet is a text field. In this article, you can find more information about setting up lists:…


We hope this helps!

ID Fleet is a LookUp



To create this kind of solution, you can use this…

as an example.

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Hello all,


Is it possible in Freedom UI to enable Feed to display the connected record as it did in Classic UI? Just showing the section isn't as informative as the old setup where you could see exactly what record the feed message was in context of.

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Dear Kevin,


We appreciate your patience as we consulted with our R&D team regarding the concerns you raised.

Regarding the connected record in the feed panel, we are pleased to inform you that the behavior you mentioned will be addressed in the upcoming 8.0.3 version. 


If you have any further questions, please let us know, we would be happy to help.

Thank you for choosing Creatio!

Alina Yakovlieva,

Is there any update on this feature? I can't find any documentation mentioning how to enable the record name in Freedom UI feed.

Kevin Brady,




Unfortunately, currently, there is no ETA for the implementation of this functionality.

You request has increased the priority of the task.

Your can monitor our Release notes using the following link:


Thank you for your patience!


Have a great day!

Alina Yakovlieva,

So the previous commitment got delayed and now it's not even on the plan? Just saying the section in feed is not helpful to users.

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Hello community,


I need to add two lookup columns to an edit page connected to the same object but with different displayValue. I have read this article and I would like to know if this feature was finally implemented.


Thank you!


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I believe your business task could be achieved by this MarketPlace add-on.

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I have a lookup with a list of countries along with the phone code for each country. I need to be able to display list of countries and select the country in one place and also be able to select a phone code from a list of phone codes in another place.

This is currently not possible as one object can only have 1 display value. I can either show a list of countries or phone codes.

Being able to show different display values from the same underlying lookup seems like a good feature to have. Reduces complexity of look up creation and maintanence. 




Yes, this is a good idea to have multiple display values for the object and it was already registered for our R&D team. I will also let them know about your community post so to prioritize the problem for them. Thank you for helping us to make our application better!


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you Oscar!

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In my Account Section, I have one custom field i.e. Dealer Number. Now, in a Case section, I want to add Account as Lookup field but, in this lookup column, I want the display value as Dealer Number, not the Account Name. Can anyone help me with this?

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Hello community!

Is it possible to have 2 display values for the same object. Lets say I have a country lookup with the phone code as another column. 

Can I have this lookup as a 'Phone code' field on the contact record displaying the list of phone codes??

M Shrikanth,

Unfortunately, it's not possible to have two displayed values for one object.

The thing is that the one object can only have one displayed value,  but your idea sounds good so we'll take it into consideration with our R&D Team.

Thank you for choosing Creatio!

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