Hi all,


I have a requirement for an HR application regarding searching in the attached files. The use case is that the recruiters want to be able to search in the attached CVs in Creatio (like typing "JavaScript" in the search bar, and Creatio should list every attachment containing "JavaScript").


Thank you in advance!

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Unfortunately Global Search functionality cannot be applied to the attachments for now.

We've registered a query for our responsible R&D team to implement such functionality in the upcoming releases but due to complexity of the task there is no specific ETA as of now.


Best regards,


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Hi Guys,


I want to set a default value to a lookup in classic UI. Kindly let me know how this is possible in Classic UI. I have set up a default value in Freedon UI through rules but rules in Classic don't support the same process. How to do it in classic? Thanks!

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Best reply

Hi Hassan,

Try to set the default value from object settings.



Hi Hassan,

Try to set the default value from object settings.



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Hi all, 


Does anyone have a clue why the following error would appear when trying to run any business process? All our business processes suddenly stopped at 01.00 on Sunday night.


I have asked support, but received an estimate resolution of 2 days, so asking here in the hope someone has seen this before as currently the system is unusable. 


And on that note. Does anyone have any suggestions on what they do in these situations? 2 days seems a bit ridiculous when 40+ users are unable to do their jobs!





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Try to generate source code for all schemas and compile the application.

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Hi community,


I want to merge duplicated records under the section Cases. I have a ton of cases that have common information and in my situation, there is a key field created by me which stores an external identifier of the record, which is different from the default Case autogenerated number field. If I filter cases by the value of that field I find more than one record, which means that there is redundancy that I need to fix.se


I can't do a excel file upload trying to overwrite the information as it will fail when it encounters duplicates. I think the only way to approach this is with a business process, but in the available operations there is one called Find and merge duplicates

But it only lets me search for records from the sections Contacts and Accounts, so I can't access Cases as I want.


Could you please help me implement this or suggest a possible solution?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hello Community,

I have to replace the OOB translation of the Account and Contact Labels (only these two labels) for the italian language.

Which are the correct keys i have to involve in order for a correct update ? For Example which is the correct key for the updating of the Account and Contact Section Labels ?


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Best reply

Hi Sasori,

Good day,

The section names are data from the SysModule table, so the key should be Data:SysModule.Caption: + the Id of the record. For easier searching, you can use the following filter in Translations section:





To find the Id, open the section wizard, and the Id will be in the URL. For example, for this section, the code will be: Data:SysModule.Caption:065063c9-8180-e011-afbc-00155d04320c

Thank you for your inquiry.

Hi Community,

Any update regarding the topic ?


Hi Community,

Any update regarding the topic ?

Thank you


Hi Sasori,

Good day,

The section names are data from the SysModule table, so the key should be Data:SysModule.Caption: + the Id of the record. For easier searching, you can use the following filter in Translations section:





To find the Id, open the section wizard, and the Id will be in the URL. For example, for this section, the code will be: Data:SysModule.Caption:065063c9-8180-e011-afbc-00155d04320c

Thank you for your inquiry.

Thanks a lot for this explanation Pavlo!

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Hi Everyone.


I have created a detail in my Order's sceen in Classic UI. I want to now enable Multi-select in that Detail. Similar to something like this:



Now, I am new to creatio. I just need to know where to put this code in the Source code? And Can I use this selection of multiple contacts to trigger a message to those that are selected only from that grid?

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To implement it, you will need at least basic developer skills. In this case, we advise you to contact the manager about this issue.

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Hi community,


I need to take an array of data in a business process and then format it into a table that's inserted into an email (send email task), also within the business process.


Does anyone know if there is a way of doing this? 



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Hi Harry,

Here is an article that outlines how to do that: 



Thank you Ryan, great resources as always. 

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Hi Creatio Team,


We are currently using Creatio V8.0 demo environment for internal training for Certification purposes.

1. On creating an Invoice using the option "Create Invoice based on Invoice", the system took the full amount specified on Order, instead of Advance Payment. Even when we changed the amount it reverted back to the full Order Amount.

2. After Invoice was created and status changed to Paid, Installment Plan does not show the Actual Amount Paid and the Invoice Number.

Would appreciate your feedback on these 2 queries

Thank you,


Nauzer Talati


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1. There are 2 ways to create invoices. 


- When you use the [ New invoice based on this order ] action from the [ Actions ] menu.

This will open a page with an invoice created based on the order. The [ Amount ] value on the invoice page is calculated as the total value of the products, not the [ Payment amount ] of the order. 


- Add an invoice automatically based on any installment step of the order. To do this:

Go to the [ Orders ] section and open the required record with the [ Installment ] details filled in. Select the needed step with the “Payment“ type and click on loupe in the [ Invoice ] column. The value in the [ Amount ] field on the invoice page can be calculated in two ways:

1) If no products have been added in the corresponding step, the [ Amount] field on the invoice page will be filled with the corresponding value from the [ Estimated amount] field from the installment step.

2) If the items were not added in the corresponding step, the [ Amount] field on the invoice page will be calculated as the total cost of the selected products.

After adding an invoice, a link with the invoice number will be displayed in the detail list. Click the link to open the invoice page - https://i.imgur.com/28Oj7K4.png

Therefore, it is normal that the The [ Amount ] value on the invoice page is formed from the total amount of products, not the [ Payment amount ] (Advance Payment) of the order. 

2. If the invoice added automatically based on any installment step of the order, a link with the invoice number displayed in the detail list (https://i.imgur.com/28Oj7K4.png) and status of the invoice changed to Paid - [ Actual amount ] Paid will the column will be equal to [ Amount ] value on the invoice (https://i.imgur.com/CRDoIrZ.png).

We recommend that you read more about this here - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/sales_tools/short_sales_orders_an…

Best regards,



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Dear Community,


I am struggling with the use of collections in scripts within a business process.


It seems that a collection of records has these properties: 

Item | Keys | Values | Count | IsReadOnly 


However I cannot seem to access them. 


This is what I wish to accomplish:

I receive data from a webservice, I want to parse this data into a list of keys and a list of values.


Thank you.

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Hello Pascal,


The webservice should return a JSON string with a predefined set of keys that then should be parsed in the busines process. So you know the list of keys (since the Webservice should return the exact list of keys, not the random set of keys with random names) and what is left to be done is developing a business process that can parse the result. For example you can use the approach discussed here, where the response from a Webserivce was successfully parsed and use the same approach on your end.

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Hi All,


Executing the below line in business process using script task element to refresh the page. 

Terrasoft.Configuration.MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessageToAll("refreshSalesByVolume", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload));


Where can I find the "refreshSalesByVolume" text in the source code/sections?


I am new to Creatio. Please help.


Many Thanks.

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It's Creatio cloud-based environment, where can I find the "refreshSalesByVolume" text in the source code/sections?


Take a look at this article. There you can find an example of how to send a message via script task and how to proceed it.

Thanks for the inputs

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