
Is there somewhere the full list of featurestates for the FeaturesPage with a full description of what they do and where ? Also what is activated OOTB and what is not?

Noticed there some description in new shell / freedom ui, but some clients do not have new shell/freedom ui yet, was wondering where to find the information in the academy.



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Unfortunately, our academy does not have this information.

But we will register this wish, for our team, so that they will realize it in the future.




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Hi all,

How to do a validation on the entries when the user clicks the DCM to change status?

If the validation fails, the DCM will remain in the current status.

The business process only checks after an update which is not ideal for validation checking.

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Hi David


We've worked around this by creating buttons that trigger processes.

Inside the process the checks are run, and then the state is changed.






Could you please describe your business task in more detail so we could better understand how exactly you need the system to work?

To accomplish this we store the stage in an attribute and then can revert back if needed. I have an example of this here https://customerfx.com/article/how-to-prevent-users-from-moving-a-case-…


Luis Tinoco Azevedo,

Hi Luis,


I have thought about this.

However, how to implement this concept if the DCM has many stages?

Do we need to create a button for every stage?



Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan,


Thank you for the article.

The approach in the article is very neat. It might be the suitable solution to my problem.

I love the articles from customerfx.com.


Thanks again.




Mira Dmitruk,

Hi Mira,


Assume the screen below, on a certain condition the "Sales order service" should not be empty before entering the "In progress" status. However, I couldn't set the "required" attribute on the field from the business rule, because the condition is a bit complex.

In this case I need a validator before the status changes to "In progress".



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Dear Colleagues,


Is anyway possible to "extract" or move a custom package I did (my error) in the production environment of a customer.


I need to move it on my local dev environment to improve it and later to install on test & later in production?


Thanks in advance


Best regards

Julio Falcon

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Please take note that it is not possible and we highly do not recommend exporting the "Custom" package itself.

If you would like to migrate basic objects and schemas from the "Custom" package - it is best to create a separate new package, copy all the "Custom" objects and schemas into the new one and furthermore use it for customization and exporting functionality.

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Hi Community,

Can you please provide us a similar example about the attribute that is used for the page title ?

We would like to create a Label, that is based on an attribute (dynamic values) and not on static text.


Thank you


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Say, I have a process and I want it to take a file from the C:/ drive and do something with that file. Can I use this data type for it?

Couldn't find any mention of this data type here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/bpm_tools/business_process_setup/…

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Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, there is no direct opportunity to load external files in business-process. You can work with files that are already added in the attachments and notes detail or generated by the system.

We believe, that you can reach your goal by developing.

You can see materials in the communityCreatio Community, that can help you:

1. https://community.creatio.com/questions/uploading-file-creatio-external…

2. https://community.creatio.com/questions/file-type-request-parameter-res…

3. https://community.creatio.com/questions/getting-error-while-assigning-v…

As you noticed, there is no information about file type parameter in Creatio Academy documentation. We will share this information with our colleagues at Creatio Academy to make changes.

We also recommend to check this documentation on Creatio Academy:

1. https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/back_end_development/api_for…

2. https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/bpm_tools/process_elements_refere…

Thank you.

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Hello community,


I want to add data inside a section with the OData interface. I've already checked the documentation at https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10204500/SztHX5Qb?version=latest and https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/integrations_and_api/data_se… but I have the following problem:

I am using a simple Python script to make the API requests in these steps:


1. Authenticate in the website using the Authentication method

This works nice using the credentials as payload inside the request.


2. Extract the cookie returned inside the header response.

From the test I've made, I need to extract the cookie parts UserName, BPMCSRF, .ASPXAUTH, BPMLOADER and append all of them inside a "Cookie" header like this example:


"Cookie: BPMLOADER=; UserType=General; UserName=; .ASPXAUTH=; BPMCSRF=;"


Everywhere I've checked inside the documentation it says that it is enough using a header called BPMCSRF with that value from the Set-Cookie response header, but in my case it fails using that value and I have to build the Cookie myself with the different values specified above.


3. Perform a POST request to a section like https://mycreatio.com/0/odata/Case

Here the request fails and I get an error 403 - Forbidden with the following message:


403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.


And I don't understand why Creatio returns that error, because if I try doing a GET request to the same URL it returns the full list without any problem, but performing a POST request using the same cookie structure inside the headers doesn't return the expected inserted register.


Thanks in advance in for your help.



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Just to clarify, in theory the issue is not related to user permissions as I have tried to insert registers with multiple users (one of them being Supervisor) and in multiple sections, but I always get the same error.


P.D. I am using OData 4

Hello Alejandro!


For correct requests, you need to use all cookies not "only a part". Also "BPMCSRF" must be used in cookies and as a separate parameter in the header as mentioned in the example here Creatio API (getpostman.com).

Please try and test it with the corresponding changes.

Hello Kyrylo,


Thank you very much for your help. In my case the problem was only with that "BPMCSRF" header that I was not building properly, for the cookie values that I have to pass inside the "Cookie" header I tried passing ALL the values extracted from the response header "Set-Cookie" but it didn't let me authenticate, so the solution that works for me is creating a cookie manually with only the values  UserName, UserType, BPMCSRF, .ASPXAUTH, BPMLOADER that I mentioned before.


The POST requests are working flawlessly now. I will try now to upload files using OData following the documentation and I would highly appreciate if you are able to help me again if I have trouble.


Thank you very much.

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Hi all,


I have a client who uses an unlimited multi-line text field in a detail and they would like to be able to see Line-breaks in the tile view of said detail.


Detail page view

Detail tile view

Is this possible?

Nb. We are using version 8 of creatio and the Freedom shell but the not Freedom pages.

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Best reply


Unfortunately, it is impossible to implement line breaks in the tile view of a detail with basic tools. However, you can try to accomplish this task with the help of development.

A task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to implement line breaks in the tile view of a detail with basic tools. However, you can try to accomplish this task with the help of development.

A task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

+1 priority for this feature

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Hi all, 


Many users have started to experience a random error where all Creatio tabs suddenly shut down. I've had it reported across users in different offices, so I know it's not a local issue. Creatio also seems to be the only website where this happens. 

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if there is something in our configuration that's causing it.  

This is just one of the error codes that have been reported, but there have been a few. 






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I've been getting that too. I assume this is on Freedom UI pages? I definitely have seen this with Freedom UI pages (never on classic UI pages)

I seem to get this mostly on the Freedom UI Accounts_FormPage (on occasion, not consistently every time). It only seems to happen in Chrome, I've never noticed it when using Safari. I get this often in my own Creatio system, although no other users have reported it to me, so I was thinking it was something weird with my browser or browser extensions or something. 

For some reason I feel like I've seen it less lately, so wondering if 8.0.10 fixed something? My system was recently upgraded to 8.0.10 so could be related. I guess now, knowing that it's not just my browser, I'll start keeping track of when it happens.


Thanks Ryan, we're definitely seeing it across quite a few users. 

Our instance is entirely running with Freedom UI pages, and doesn't seem to be consistent to one particular page. From my research it's possibly something to do with the browser memory of freedom UI pages, and chrome being overloaded. 

Be interesting to see if others are experiencing the same. Creatio support are not aware of any issue.

Hi all, we are experiencing this too, again with Freedom pages.  We've also seen this happen with Chrome with other systems where there is a richer UI...seems the browser just runs out of memory.

Hi All, 

Has anyone found a solution to this yet? I'm receiving more cases every day.




I've been getting this more and more. Do you know if Creatio is aware of the issue? Have you created any support cases for this yet?


Hi Ryan, 

Yes, I've created a case and followed up today. It's very tricky to get hold of a HAR file from our users, but have attempted to give as much information as possible. 

Hopefully there is a fix. I saw that you are also experiencing it on 8.1, so I guess no luck of this going with the update. 



Anyone figured this one out yet? Struggling to get any help on finding the root cause of this issue. 



We got a response from support that said the following: 

The error can be reproduced not only in Creatio, but on any website.

It is related to the update of Chrome to version 117+. For our part, we have prepared a fix, necessary update (8.0.10, 8.1.0, 8.1.1).

In the meantime, users experiencing this behavior should use Safari/Firefox browsers.

It sounds like they've identified the cause and have a fix, but I don't yet know which version that fix will be available or if it's something they can add to existing systems - I'm finding out.


Thanks Ryan, I received the same reply. I've asked if that means they can apply the fix. 

I was receiving it non-stop today, yet I just updated chrome to the version below a few hours ago and I have not had any errors since. Hopefully this is a fix! 

Version 119.0.6045.159 (Official Build) (arm64)


Great news Harry. I was also told by support that they have a fix for the issue - in case the Chrome update doesn't solve it, Creatio's fix should and it hopefully wont be happening any longer. 

Thanks Ryan. 

Yes, looks to be good now - glad we got there eventually!

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Does anyone know a way of using an exponential value in a formula in a business process? The C# forums say to use Math.Pow(base number, exponent number) but I get an error that "No applicable method "Pow" exists in type "Math" when using that in a business process formula. 


The use case is that there's a a 2% annual escalator based on the warranty years of a certain product. So the formula would be (base price)*1.02^(years of warranty)

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Hello Andriana,

In order to use the static “Math” class in C# code you should add the “System” namespace to the file:

using System;

If the issue still exists, please provide us with a source code of the module and the error message. It will help us to analyze the issue in more details.

Additionally, please find more information about the “Math” class in the article by the link below:


Best regards, Anhelina!

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Hello everyone,

I created two new folders entitled:

"CCU Trigger Emails"

"CFG Trigger Emails"

I am trying to place the emails in the attached snapshot to the above-mentioned folders but no matter which folder I click on, they all show up. Is there a way to better sort these out? Thanks in advance. 


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